Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

When Will Someone Kill the Traitors?

According to The Hill, “Former President Trump on Tuesday called Russia’s recognition of two breakaway territories in eastern Ukraine a ‘genius’ move ahead of its military invasion. In an interview on ‘The Clay Travis and Buck Sexton Show,’ Trump said Russian President Vladimir Putin’s recognition of the Donetsk and Luhansk people’s republics in eastern Ukraine on Monday was ‘smart’ and ‘pretty savvy.’”

Right on cue, Putin starts a war, and the leader of the RepubliKKKlan Party, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks can’t wait to praise him for it. I really can’t even anymore. I just can’t. Everything speaks for itself, and that guy will be in charge of the country again in a few years. Like I’ve been saying, Biden is the intermission to the end of America’s democracy as evinced by the bromance between dictator Putin and wanna-be dictator traitor trump. In his first term, the orange man still had his dictator training wheels on, but Putin is showing him how it’s done for when traitor trump wins in 2024. I’m telling you, people. Traitor trump is the “strongman” “leader” America wants — 40 percent of Americans, that is but more than enough. Mark my words!

Oh, but wait! The list of traitors does not stop with the orange man. Mike Pompeo is another. From Salon, “For his part, Pompeo, who has touted Putin as ‘talented’ and ‘savvy’ in recent weeks, is the only living former secretary of state who has used the leadup to the Russian invasion of Ukraine to extol the Russian leader while criticizing President Joe Biden. As McClatchy notes, while former foreign policy chiefs like Condoleezza Rice have called Putin’ megalomaniacal,’ Pompeo has praised him as ‘very shrewd’ and ‘very capable.’ Russian media outlets have noticed, replaying clips of Pompeo’s Putin praise on state TV.” Yeah! Um, any time your comments get used on Russian state TV as support for Putin’s actions, then you’ve just become a useful idiot traitor. I watched Pompeo’s C-SPAN interview. He was literally gitty with praise for Putin. Un-f***ing-believable. P.S. Pompeo’s sudden weight loss looks like wasting from AIDS. I hope he gets tested regularly. I don’t know for sure either way. But I’ve seen no evidence that he doesn’t have AIDS. It’s up to him to confirm the truth of what may or may not be his HIV status. I’m just saying. It looks suspicious.

So, the likes of traitors trump and Pompeo are the future leaders of America — assuming Pompeo starts getting treatment for what appears to be advanced AIDS. But these guys — among other conservatives — are people of power in America. They love Russia more than America, and 40 percent of Americans totally respect that. Another 10 to 20 percent don’t care either way, so long as nothing interrupts their Facebook and Twitter time! Oh, well! America is too stupid to survive because these are the people Americans like to see in power — Putin lovers! Welcome to stupid America! Soon to be a client-state of Russia!

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Matemos Nazis!

Literal brownshirts in America are unafraid and making their way into the mainstream because traitor trump, MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon crazies are making Nazism cool again. Un-f***ing-believable. Wake up, people! They are coming for you and our democracy, and the country is asleep at the wheel. These people should never be allowed to remain (alive) in America. They are vermin that must be exterminated. They’re easy to spot. Look for fat people wearing brownshirts who resemble giant rat turds. Welcome to stupid America!


The Only Good Nazi Is a Dead Nazi!

Attribution: Dave Kaup/Reuters

Selecting from The Jerusalem Post, “Participants at a neo-Nazi rally in Orlando, Florida, on Saturday waved Nazi flags and shouted antisemitic and anti-Black slogans, according to the NGO The rally was organized by the National Socialist Movement (NSM) and was live-streamed on the American Nazi Party’s website.”

Rise up, America! They may be a minority, but they are no less dangerous, and these sparsely attended rallies belie their true numbers. They are wolves among the sheep of American citizens. So, rise up and exterminate these vermin where ever they scurry.

Purely Moronic

We Need a T4 Program for Anti-vaxxers

From Reuters, “Trucks rolled into Canada’s capital Ottawa on Saturday to stage what police say will be a massive protest against Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s COVID-19 vaccine mandates in front of parliament on a frigid winter day. The so-called ‘Freedom Convoy’ – coming from east and west – started out as a rally against a vaccine requirement for cross-border truckers, but has turned into a demonstration against government overreach during the pandemic with a strong anti-vaccination streak. Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino told the Canadian Broadcasting Corp. (CBC) on Friday that some of the protesters have expressed ‘flagrant extremism’, including calling for the violent overthrow of the government. … About 90% of Canada’s cross-border truckers and 77% of the population have had two COVID vaccination shots.”

I am over it! Seriously! It is time for a Tiergartenstraße 4 program for anti-vaxxers to root out the rest of this disease. These people are in the minority and nobody in America or Canada is strapping them down on a gurney to get vaccinated. So, no one is violating their person. This is really just anti-government, anti-democracy extremists taking advantage of the situation; it’s all the same no matter what country. Since these people are all anti-maskers, they want the freedom to incubate and spread a highly contagious and deadly disease. (The Venn diagram overlaps 100 percent.) Hell f***ing no! To these people in America, especially, I say bring it! By all means, make yourselves known. That way we know who to deny admission to hospital when they become too sick with COVID. We’ve been patient for far too long with these people. You anti-vaxxers are the reason we can’t get past the pandemic; you people are causing decay in society because you refuse any responsibility to your fellow citizens; you people are nothing short of a cancer that must be excised from society. There is a cure. Death from COVID itself or T4. One way or another! Welcome to stupid America!

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Niger, Please!

Attribution: Bay News 9

Looks like Governor DeathSantis found his house n****r! Yes, Massa. Rights ways, Massa! I am sorry to be so crude, but one must call a spade a spade — so to speak — when one finds one. At any other time, RepubliKKKlans would call Florida Surgeon General Dr. Joseph Ladapo an uppity dumb n****r born in Nigeria; normally, he would have no chance of being confirmed in such a purely racist state, but because he’s an anti-vaxxer, anti-masker Harvard graduate who serves the purposes of advancing the conservative culture wars while demonstrating DeathSantis is decidedly “not racist,” then he’s part of the good ole boys until he’s not. Whatever! A stupid state elected a stupid governor who nominates a stupid surgeon general who will dispense stupid medical advice and advance stupid public health policies that kill mostly RepubliKKKlans — though never enough — is fine by me. So, be my f***ing guest! Unfortunately, there are so many RepubliKKKlans in Florida that I don’t think any amount of public health mismanagement can kill enough RepubliKKKlan voters to swing the next election. One can only pray! Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Is It Me or Are Americans a Bunch of Whiny Baby B*tches?

Yeah, I’m one of them! I’m not going to pretend I am above b*tching. In fact, one may reasonably judge this blog to be one b*tch session after another. Of course, one should also understand by now that the blog intends to be scathing and thoughtful yet pokes some fun — sometimes — at the author. I sincerely try to be consistent in my reasoning and arguments, and I try not to be a hypocrite. Granted, there is hypocrisy in all of us. It is natural. However, understanding and recognizing one’s own faults is less natural. And I will not be a hypocrite here. I can be a whiney baby b*tch for good reason, but not for the jejune reasonings of others I am about to discuss below.

All that being said, I renew the titled question. Is it me, or are Americans a bunch of whiny baby b*tches? What provoked this query? The anti-vax mandate march in D.C. yesterday! Let me just say from the very outset that I hate all these people, without exception, and I wish they would all just take their Darwinian exit from life already. Seriously, these people are the reason we cannot get beyond the pandemic, and I feel that too many of the majority — all of us who are vaccinated — are not doing enough to shame and ostracize anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers from society. I am really sick of these f***tards being the squeaky wheel that gets the oil. In other words, these are the whiniest, most selfish members of humanity that expect all the privileges of being in society but none of the responsibilities. When they do b*tch about their responsibilities, then they get all the attention, and, ultimately, everyone gives them a pass allowing them to continue to be obdurate while the rest of us did our civic duty. Some segments of the MSM actually commend their right to protest and be heard. We should not be listening to these people at all — ever! Although, I will concede this one point and one point only: They have a right not to get vaccinated. Likewise, we have a right to expect that they do not participate in society as a consequence of their right to choose to remain unvaccinated! You can’t have it both ways! And by the way, no one and no government entity is strapping any of these people down to get an injection. That is not happening; I don’t care how much or how often they scream Nazis! That fact is never going to change. They can always test out of these mandates, and if that is not an option, they can always find other employment. I’m sick of these f***tards running around acting as if they need to submit or die! No, no! They can always work somewhere else. I am sure there are anti-vax employers out there just waiting to scoop up a cadre of staff that will be particularly prone to high health insurance costs. Please, by all means! And last I checked, there is nothing in the Constitution that guarantees you deserve to have a job, let alone your preferred job, but then again, much of this anti-vax and anti-mask outrage stems from white privilege rage. What else is new!

The Anchorage Daily News provides some choice coverage, “Justin Perrault was demonstrating in D.C. for the first time. The 38-year-old from Fairhaven, Massachusets, said he had watched business to his body therapy and spiritual counseling business dry up as clients – afraid of catching the virus from an unvaccinated practitioner – stopped coming. He said he started using food stamps for the first time in his life, but was ashamed and worried what his children, ages 8 and 4, would think of him. He said he came to D.C. with his wife and her best friend not only to protest vaccination mandates, but also to take a stand against the scientific consensus that the vaccines are safe. … They [another unnamed family] said they haven’t faced coronavirus vaccine mandates in their schools or workplaces, but wanted to protest because they are fearful mandates may be imminent. … The march was billed as a protest of mandates, rather than the medicines themselves. But similar rhetoric – emphasizing individual autonomy rather than untenable scientific ideas – has long characterized the broader anti-vaccine movement.” I could go on, but these excerpts are representative of the march, which excludes any political perspectives. Everyone knows at the core of the movement all anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers have a pro-RepubliKKKlan political agenda. For now, I am focusing on those whining about their lives in the middle of the pandemic as if they are the only ones to have been impacted. I’m sick of the “woe is me” mood, especially from a segment that supposedly espouses lifting yourself up by your bootstraps.

Allow me to rebuff some of the protesters above quickly. First, we have Justin, who is upset that people are afraid to patronize his business because they fear for their health from unvaccinated practitioners. Ugh! So, let me see if I understand Justin correctly. He is complaining that people are exercising their free will to avoid becoming sick because he’s an anti-vaxxer who obviously, is allowing his workers the free will not to get vaccinated. I guess the irony is if he “mandated” his employees to get vaccinated, then his business would not be suffering, and he wouldn’t need food charity, which I think should be withheld from those who willfully don’t get vaccinated. This is classic do as I say, not as I do. It is the cornerstone of the conservative mindset. Oh my f***ing God! I can’t deal with the stupid anymore.

Second, as for the unnamed family worried about school mandates, can you say home school? Please, by all means, just f***ing home school your kids. Stop b*tching and walk the walk! As a clear minority, if you don’t like what’s happening in the schools, then pull your kids out and school them yourself, but don’t bring down the rest of the system where the majority disagrees with you! Lord knows America seems to have a bottomless capacity to absorb more f***tards into society once these morons graduate from “Mom & Dad’s Livingroom Home School,” where “we don’t need no stinking science” is the school motto. Just keep your kids out of the public/private system and away from the majority. I’m sure your kids will find fulfillment in the fast-food industry or more likely from government welfare. Eh, none of it matters. Welcome to stupid America!


Howard Stern Says Hospitals Should Ban COVID Anti-Vaxxers: Yes!

According to Variety, “Howard Stern said on the Jan. 19 episode of his Sirius XM radio show ‘The Howard Stern Show’ that hospitals across the U.S. should not admit patients who are unvaccinated against COVID (via Uproxx). Stern has often used his radio show to speak out against anti-vaxxers, but he was more blunt than ever when he told listeners this week, ‘If it was up to me, anyone unvaccinated would not be admitted to a hospital. At this point, they have been given plenty of opportunity to get the vaccine. … [People] have been told you will die if you get the vaccine. Some of you will live, but most of you will die. [These people] don’t trust our government. They think that there’s some conspiracy to turn them into a magnet or something like this.’ … Just last week, Stern slammed tennis player Novak Djokovic for being unvaccinated and called him ‘a fucking asshole.’ The host added, ‘They should throw him right the fuck out of tennis.’” Could not agree more on all counts. Buh-bye anti-vaxxers! Buh! Bye!