MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Words Written 50 Years Ago Sound Familiar

A huge, blind excitement fills the streets.  The Republicans have come to power in a land tortured by unemployment, embittered by loss of control at the southern border, demoralized by political weakness.  Perhaps this will be the new beginning.  Most people think MAGA a little absurd here, too obsessive there.  But perhaps the time for thinking is over.  Trump did not seize power.  He was offered it just as his relevance was declining.  The politicians who made Trump argued, We are hiring him.  Their figurehead was the ancient Mitch McConnell.  Republicans and Democrats tried to take Trump coolly.  This wouldn’t last, they said.  Never-Trump conservatives took comfort from the fact that McConnell, still head of the Senate, was known to despise the vulgar little reality T.V. star.

With mock solemnity, Trump and his lieutenants walked to the Capitol for ceremonial Inauguration Day.  MAGA’s strength had been built up by revolutionary violence.  They had never imagined that they could take office legally.  When protesters took to the streets, Trump seized his chance to suspend all civil liberties.  His followers could hardly believe their luck.  The old GOP, the symbol of apparent continuity, presided as they turned office into power by acts of sham legality.  When Congress voted to allow Trump to govern with impunity, the GOP leadership made no comment.  The legal president marched irresistibly into the role of the legal dictator.  Trump proclaimed the new America, and meant it to last a thousand years. 

The new America began to round up its enemies — Democrats, Independents, impertinent journalists, even disloyal Republican deputies.  They bullied more than they murdered.  From the first moment, Trump unleashed his promised campaign against minorities.  MAGA organized boycotts of minority-owned shops.  The real point was to encourage the American people to think and act bigoted as a matter of course.  The outside world was horrified, but there were those, including many American minorities who thought the anti-minorities campaign the work of MAGA extremists, something Trump would put a stop to when he felt more secure.

There was to be a cultural revolution, too.  American culture would be purged of the progressive taint.  Books flew into the fire.  Many of those who flung them were students and teachers.  And, as the sparks rose, the intellectuals fled — writers and scientists — to give their talents to Western Europe.  A hundred years before the German-Jewish poet Heine, whose books now went into the fire, had warned:  “Where one burns books, there one eventually burns people.”

Does the above sound familiar? (Actually, I doubt it does to idiot Americans because the average moron living in this country doesn’t understand history, not to mention that these words, the original of which I used as a base, were written 50 years ago. And we all know for the benighted youth and the vast majority of adults out there that five decades ago is ancient history and before the time of TikTok; therefore, in essence, history has not begun yet, for if it’s not in people’s timeline, then it — whatever it is — never happened.) Below is the original version from episode one of “The World at War” (BBC, 1973). Narration by Sir Lawrence Olivier.

A huge, blind excitement fills the streets. The National Socialists have come to power in a land tortured by unemployment, embittered by loss of territory, demoralised by political weakness. Perhaps this will be the new beginning. Most people think the Nazis a little absurd here, too obsessive there. But perhaps the time for thinking is over. Adolf Hitler did not seize power. He was offered it just as his voting strength was declining. The politicians who made Hitler chancellor argued, We are hiring him. Their figurehead was the ancient President von Hindenburg. Communists and Socialists tried to take Hitler coolly. This wouldn’t last, they said. Conservative anti-Nazis took comfort from the fact that their old war leader Hindenburg, still head of state, was known to despise the vulgar little corporal.

With mock solemnity, Hitler and his lieutenants walked to the ceremonial opening of parliament. The party’s strength had been built up by revolutionary violence. They had never imagined that they could take office legally. When the old Reichstag building was mysteriously gutted by fire, Hitler seized his chance to suspend all civil liberties. His followers could hardly believe their luck. The old Hindenburg, the symbol of apparent continuity, presided as they turned office into power by acts of sham legality. ln March, when the Reichstag voted to allow Hitler to govern without parliament, Hindenburg made no comment. The legal chancellor marched irresistibly into the role of the legal dictator. Hitler proclaimed the new Germany, and meant it to last a thousand years.

The new Germany began to round up its enemies — Communists, Socialists, impertinent journalists, even Reichstag deputies. They bullied more than they murdered. From the first moment, Hitler unleashed his promised campaign against the Jews. The SA organised boycotts of Jewish-owned shops. The real point was to encourage the German people to think and act anti-Semitic as a matter of course. The outside world was horrified, but there were those, including many German Jews, who thought the anti-Jewish campaign the work of Nazi extremists-something Herr Hitler would put a stop to when he felt more secure.

There was to be a cultural revolution, too. German culture would be purged of the Jewish-Bolshevist taint. Books flew into the fire. Many of those who flung them were students and teachers. And, as the sparks rose, the intellectuals fled — writers and scientists — to give their talents to Western Europe and America. A hundred years before the German-Jewish poet, Heine, whose books now went into the fire, had warned: “Where one burns books, there one eventually burns people.”

The World at War (BBC, 1973)

All I did was swap out the nouns and other minor wording to make them relevant to today, but the connotations are exactly the same. I originally completed this exercise nearly seven years ago when traitor trump first came into power — before his complete takeover of the RepuliKKKlan Party — and not much in the passages’ meaning has changed. Indeed, if the ease with which this description of a horrific past can be re-applied to the present doesn’t terrify you, then we’re in even worse trouble than I thought. The question remains: Did what I write five years ago better describe the past or what is yet to come? Welcome to stupid (fascist) America! We are so f***ed. And no one cares! Mark my words, morons!

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans


Whenever I read an article about MAGA moron insurrectionists, it always involves the person violating the terms of their pre-trial release or journalists unearthing their prior criminal history. The list of offenses (convictions, mind you) often involves DUI and DUI manslaughter, sex with a minor (un-f***ing-believable considering these people are usually AQnon kooks), fraud, drug possession (usually meth), gun and ammunition possession, public intoxication, assault and battery, using the internet (to continue recruiting insurrectionists), fleeing arrest (because they’ve been caught violating terms of their release), and grand theft. (The list is not exhaustive.) You get the point. These people were degenerates before the insurrection and traitor trump, with his degenerate magnetism, attracted these criminals to attack our government. These people are all the same. Worse still, traitor trump made being an idiot degenerate mainstream and cool. Hillary has always been right! These people are the “basket of deplorables.” She should have never backed down from that comment, and dumbass Democrats should have never condemned her for such trenchant insight into 40 percent of America’s population.

Once again, Democrats are too f***ing weak and stupid to fight the threat to America’s democracy because they can’t even recognize it or call it for what it is! Words matter, morons! It all starts with first defining the problem. Of course, these same degenerates are now in Congress, and surely RepubliKKKlans and the rest of the moronic hoard will elect more deplorables to Congress because they are a perfect reflection of America — and Democrats are powerless to stop them. Get ready for the great moronic and degenerate takeover of Congress come the next election cycle. It’s only going to get worse. (And I won’t even get into the evil evangelical competent of the dumbing down of America.) Mark my words, f***tards! The idiocracy is just beginning! America is going to be toppled by a mob of druggies and criminals! Fan-f***ing-tastic! I expected nothing less. Welcome to stupid (and criminal) America.

Social Darwinism

Humanity Is the Next Extinction Level Event

From CNN, “Earth is warming faster than previously thought, scientists say, and the window is closing to avoid catastrophic outcomes. … Unlike previous assessments, Monday’s report concludes it is ‘unequivocal’ that humans have caused the climate crisis and confirms that ‘widespread and rapid changes’ have already occurred, some of them irreversibly.”

Hilarious! Did I not already say this less than a month ago? Did I not? Of course, I did. I nailed it because anyone with two brain cells to rub together could (should) have already concluded it is all too late, morons. So, part of the problem is not that some climate change is already irreversible but that climate change will eventually become a runaway situation where nothing humans can do will stop a global catastrophe. The train has already left the station. But fear not, f***tards! Mother Nature will fix this imbalance that is the human race. Humanity is the extinction-level event for which we have been waiting, and I can think of no better species more deserving. I promise you nature is far, far more intelligent than humans, which really just spends its idle time wondering about conspiracy stories that range from major religions to space aliens — none of which is going to save us from ourselves.

Oh sure, we have progressed from creating fire in the Stone Age to harnessing nuclear power in the Modern Age, but those achievements are, doubtless, produced by a vast minority of people throughout history, while those in the mainstream are morons who are content to ignore the world and busy themselves like ants until extinction. Humans really are just busy bees collecting pollen until they die. And Lord knows the last thing humanity is capable of accomplishing is coming together to save civilization. Dare I say it, but I think humanity was meant to eventually die off and kill the world with it. Let me reiterate: Mother Nature will fix the scourge of humanity from the face of the Earth because humans are simply too stupid to recognize and understand the end is coming, and we are the cause. Too stupid because, you know, climate change is a hoax. And by the end, I do not mean in a Biblical sense — God forbid such a ridiculous notion — but in a mass extinction event sense, just like the numerous other events throughout Earth’s geological history. Welcome to stupid America, which is soon to be zero stupid.

Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Climate Change: It’s Already Too Late, F***tards

Wildfires in America’s West, superheat events in America’s Northwest, droughts, more active and intense hurricane seasons, rain and flooding events in Europe and China, recording-breaking heat events in Europe, shrinking ice caps, snow and ice crippling Texas, more pandemics, daytime flooding in Miami streets, red tide in Flordia, and a collapsing building (yes, the collapsed building in Surfside, Flordia) are just a few recent and new normal episodes to name. Look, morons! It’s too late. It’s too f***ing late. Unfortunately, scientists haven’t figured that out yet. Allow me to insert my own rationale to support such an assertion. A long time ago in a galaxy far, far away, I gave a persuasive speech on climate change in high school speech class. Back then scientists had been warning about climate change and how if the world did not start doing something then the planet would start feeling the effects (essentially all the events happening now) by the middle of the next century (21st). Over the decades since then, the scientific community keeps moving up the timeline. Instead of the middle of the 21st Century, it became by 2100. Then it was by 2050. Then 2035. Now, the newest estimate is in the next few years. Well, let me say this, idiots: It! Is! Too! F***ing! Late! The time is now! (Actually, the time was yesterday!) The time is now and still, a third of the morons in America think climate change is a hoax. How can a country — indeed, a planet — survive with such incomprehensible stupidity? The short answer? It can’t. Full stop! America is simply too f***ing stupid to deal with such a colossal problem, especially when one political party (RepubliKKKlan) is determined to ignore science and reality, but just trust God. OMG. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore. And I haven’t even explored the climate wars to come. Oh, yes. The climate wars. Mark my words, f***tards. The next wars will be driven by the consequences of climate change. I’ll save that rant for another post. In the meantime, welcome to stupid, stupid America where apparently believing in climate change is optional. I can’t! The supreme stupidity hurts supremely!

[T]rump Stupid Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Americans Don’t Want Democracy

From NBC News, “Amid Europe’s largest land war since World War II, 7 in 10 Americans expressed low confidence in President Joe Biden’s ability to deal with Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in a new NBC News poll, and 8 in 10 voiced worry that the war will increase gas prices and possibly involve nuclear weapons. … Those are some of the major findings of the new national NBC News poll, which found that Biden’s overall job approval rating had declined to 40 percent, the lowest level of his presidency. The survey also found that Republicans enjoyed a 2-point lead in answer to which party should control Congress ahead of November’s midterm elections. … The survey does contain some silver linings for Biden and Democrats, including an increase in those who said they approve of the president’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Also, nearly 80 percent of Americans said they agree with Biden’s decision to ban Russian oil, even if it means higher gas prices. … ‘One thing that has not happened — at least yet — is a rally around the flag reaction with Joe Biden’s job rating increasing. The potential for that to occur could still happen if America becomes more directly involved, but at this stage it is not there.’… Asked which one issue — reducing inflation and improving the economy, or working to end the war in Ukraine — should be Biden’s top priority, 68 percent picked inflation/economy, versus 29 percent who picked the war in Ukraine.”

This is the second poll in as many weeks indicating Biden has reached a new low in his job approval rating because ‘Merica stupid! While the survey touched on several topics, I quoted the ones on which I wanted to focus my commentary. What stands out is Biden’s low approval on the handling of Russia’s war on Ukraine, which includes the lack of rallying behind the flag and the economy — still. Let’s start with Ukraine. In short, Americans are morons, and, as I have repeatedly said, Americans really don’t care about democracy. Biden has made it very clear over the last month and beyond that what is going on in Ukraine is not merely a struggle against Russia but a struggle for democracy across the globe. If 70 percent have low confidence in Biden’s handling of the crisis, then that must mean Americans place no value on Biden’s achievement to rally NATO and the West. Apparently, Americans are thinking, so what? Fan-f***ing-tastic. I expected nothing less! Maybe people think Biden is not doing enough. Is that why they lack confidence? Doubtful since 80 percent worry about the war escalating. But then again, who knows because there is an internal inconsistency in the poll. Not sure if you caught it, but 80 percent worry about higher gas prices, yet 80 percent agree with cutting off Russian oil to the U.S. “even if it means higher gas prices.” This type of oxymoronic result within a poll is actually more common than you think because we’re in stupid America. There must be some 160 percent hyper-dimensional pie out there that I have yet to read about in a math book because I don’t see how the same population worries about higher gas prices due to the war on Ukraine but supports banning Russian oil even if it engenders higher gas prices. At the very least, Americans should be rallying behind Biden (and the flag) because we are in a war. I know no one wants to admit it, but we are. We’re in it, like it or not. Stupid America wants to believe we have no dog in the fight. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! I can’t! I just f***ing can’t with the incomprehensible stupidity in America. America is so stupid that it hurts, and the poll is just more proof of it. Who am I kidding? America has always been stupid. This is the same country that was more than willing to let Hitler and the Nazis rampage across Europe. Thank God Japan attacked and Hitler declared war on us, lest all of Europe would be speaking German now — and probably those half of Americans who welcome fascism!

Moreover, Americans can’t be bothered with Ukraine and the implications for democracy at home and worldwide because of inflation! Guess what, f***tards? Who the f*** cares about inflation if American democracy is under threat. I just can’t with this f***ing sh*t-for-brains country anymore — this m*****f***ing G.D. American obsession with inflation and the economy. If I have to hear one more MSM personality or read one more survey about inflation, then I’m going to blow a sphincter. As usual, Americans are just too f***ing G.D. stupid to understand that this inflationary period is because of the pandemic and the current (red-hot) economic recovery. Biden has no control over the economy, as I almost have to remind morons of America weekly, but he gets the blame anyway. Respondents want Biden to focus on inflation and the economy. How exactly is Biden supposed to change the direction of (cool off) the economy? Only in stupid America do citizens simultaneously believe that “big” government is too involved in businesses; yet, the government should be doing something to alter the course of the economy — on a dime. It must be that hyper-dimensional pie math again. And to be crystal clear about inflation: Only the Federal Reverse has the power and tools to influence inflation, which is entirely independent of Biden. Perhaps the average American idiot does not realize this. Maybe dumbed-down America is still stuck on trump stupid, expecting the president to interfere with the Fed as traitor trump tried to do. Hello, f***tards of America! That is not how our system works or is supposed to work. Presidents do not dictate monetary policy if American idiots even know what monetary policy is. Hint: It’s not Biden setting gas prices. Whatever. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t!

If people truly want to do their part to control inflation, then stop f***ing buying sh*t! For the love of f***ing Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross. Seriously! Everything is more expensive, but people live like they don’t care, except they like to b*tch and blame Biden for their unabated spending habits. People b*tch about gas prices but still refuse to conserve or plan their driving to be more efficient and productive. Buy less. Eat less — fat f***ing America. My God! This country might actually become healthier if the 42 percent of Americans who are obese would f***ing eat less. (Am I fat-shaming? Probably. But I stupid shame daily.) Lord knows people are b*tching about food prices, so stop f***ing shoving food in your pie-hole. (Again, with the pies!) You’re all overeating as it is, so don’t give me this “I have to eat” excuse. And drive less. I’ll end my rant with my usual advice. If you want to understand why inflation is so f***ing high, then look in the m*****f***ing mirror. Stop blaming Biden, who has no control over inflation — of all things. F***! I live in stupid hell!

The last point I want to make leaves me apoplectic: “Republicans enjoyed a 2-point lead in answer to which party should control Congress.” Even though this is within the margin of error, it should not be this close at all — ever. It never f***ing fails. Americans can never stick with the correct course long enough to see things through. The moment the world is not perfect, they want to throw out the baby with the bathwater. As usual, American morons have no f***ing clue about anything. This always f***ing happens — every f***ing G.D. time. When RepubliKKKlans are in power, they f*** everything up, and then voters elect Democrats to fix the mess. But when Democrats can’t fix the disaster that RepubliKKKlans left behind fast enough, then voters kick Democrats out of office the first chance they get. What the f*** do voters actually think will happen if they give RepubliKKKlans control of Congress next year? What? Are they supposed to fix inflation? Do people expect two years of kumbaya synergy? Do people think RepubliKKKlans will propose and advance legislation that will make their lives better off? RepubliKKKlans have already indicated that if they win Congress, then they will spend the next two years impeaching Biden and investigating everything. RepubliKKKlans have no interest in managing, legislating, or trying to improve the lives of the average American. All they want is revenge on Biden for winning and to exercise their white grievances. Oh, and the culture war. Whatever! I’ve given up caring because polls like this just remind me that America is one step closer to the end. Welcome to stupid America! The stupidity is boundless. Now, ask me how I really feel!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

‘How Dumb Can a Nation Get and Still Survive?’

Not too often that a Washington Post writer parrots my idea! Eugene Robinson writes, “T.S. Eliot wrote that the world ends ‘not with a bang but a whimper,’ but I fear our great nation is careening toward a third manner of demise: descent into lip-blubbering, self-destructive idiocy. … How dumb can a nation get and still survive? Idiotically, we seem determined to find out.” (As an aside, I appreciate that he quotes my favorite poet.) But, unfortunately, he only poses the question; I have countless times presupposed the same question in my writings for well over a year, and I have answered it quite directly every chance I get: America cannot survive! Americans are too stupid for the country to survive — right now! For the love of f***ing Christ! What is the name of my website? Look, morons of America — and may I remind the readers it is only 40 percent of America to which I refer but guess what? Forty percent stupid is still collectively m*****f***ing G.D. stupid! — America displayed its full-on stupidity the second the mob elected the dumbest person in the history of our nation, traitor trump, to be president. Full stop! And the collective national intelligence has only degraded since then. MAGA morons have only become more entrenched in their stupidity. Indeed, not even COVID can kill off MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards fast enough to make a difference. Literally, vast swaths of the population in red states and red counties in blue states would need to die off to see a collective improvement in American idiocracy. In the end, nevertheless, welcome to trump stupid America. We’re doomed! Thanks, morons!

Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

America Is a Death Cult of Gun-lovers: Oh, Well!

Reporting from CNN, “In a ruling that compared the AR-15 to a Swiss Army knife, a federal judge overturned California’s longtime ban on assault weapons on Friday, ruling it violates the Second Amendment’s right to bear arms.” Of course! Of course, of course, of course! No one cares, and certainly, no one is paying attention as judges and lawmakers (Texas!) make sure America has more guns everywhere! Everyone gets a gun. You get a gun, and you get a gun, and you get a gun! And not just any gun, but the worst of guns! Typically, I would read legal opinions when I write about them. Still, in this case, I did not because just based on the one quote being reported, it clearly indicates the judge’s “reasoning” is complete garbage. Specifically, the judge states, “Like the Swiss Army Knife, the popular AR-15 rifle is a perfect combination of home defense weapon and homeland defense equipment. Firearms deemed as ‘assault weapons’ are fairly ordinary, popular, modern rifles.” Um, so he’s a death cult gun-lover! Where to begin with this one, short, moronic excerpt. Obviously, the judge lacks any credibility just by the pure preposterous nature of his “argument.” Like so many gun “enthusiasts,” the judge equates a weapon of war to a tool of utility. And I will not dignify objections raised by the distracting — yet ubiquitous — use of “weapon of war” with pleonastic explanation, but suffice it to say, anything other than a pistol or shotgun in the hands of an individual is likely something intended to do maximum damage quickly as if one were at war! You see, this “learned” judge argues, the AR-15 killing machine really is just like a pocket knife. You see, like the pocket knife that can cut small objects, double as a can opener, triple as a corkscrew opener, quadruple as a nail file, and so on, the AR-15 is just an “ordinary, popular” multi-purpose killing tool. Thus, by virtue of its mere mundanity and usefulness, it must be constitutional to own. It is the jejune argument equivalent of “but everyone is doing it.” I can’t! I just f***ing can’t with these f***ing morons anymore. Whatever!

Then this idiot judge argues that because such guns are readily available in other states, it is unconstitutional for Californians to be denied similar access. Apparently, this f***tard judge has never heard of the Tenth Amendment — “The powers not delegated to the United States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the states, are reserved to the States respectively, or to the people.” This Amendment establishes the federalism principle, also known as states’ rights. In short, if the federal government has not prohibited a ban on the ownership of assault-style weapons, then States are free to do so, and California did! Certainly, SCOTUS has never ruled on the constitutionality of such a prohibition, and therein lies the true motivation, of course! Of course, this is just a means to the ultimate end: Get (another) gun ownership case in front of the f***-America and who-cares-who-dies-as-a-result-of-our-rulings SCOTUS. In particular, this case would be highly fruitful for the death cult in that it would open the flood gates for no limitations on the type of guns people may be allowed to own. Mark my words, f***tards. This is the case of which death cult gun owners have been dreaming, especially given this ultra-conservative SCOTUS. This court will stop at nothing to gleefully interrupt the unlimited nature of the Second Amendment. Mark my words. No state will be allowed to regulate guns in the name of public safety or public health; we must all be inducted into the American death cult! I give up!

One need only follow the logic of the cases being coerced to SCOTUS by gun lovers. First, the 2008 Heller case established the right of every American to own a gun within the home. In other words, everyone gets a gun. Check! Next, SCOTUS will review this year’s NY State Rifle & Pistol Assoc. v. Corlett, in which the argument is to what extent a State may regulate gun owners taking guns outside the home. No question about how SCOTUS will rule on this case. In other words, everyone gets a gun to carry anywhere. Check! Last is the up-and-coming Miller v. California, which will test the right of gun owners to own any gun they want. Again, the death cult enabling SCOTUS will undoubtedly seek and find inexplicable, expansive, and unlimited gun rights in the Second Amendment that have never been seen before now. In other words, everyone gets any gun. Check! All in all: Anyone gets any weapon they want to carry everywhere. Check! Check! And check! What could possibly go wrong in such a society? It’s the beginning of the end, morons. The only piece left is the faultless use of guns. In other words, as long as one feared something (anything — a shadow, for instance), the lethal use of a gun will be perfectly justified because FREEDOM! All of this will be thanks to RepubliKKKlans and SCOTUS. And no one will care as the 21st century becomes more the wild, wild West than the 19th and early 20th centuries ever were. I give up!

And I close with this. Look, idiots! Guns are intended for one purpose and one purpose only: To kill people or animals. (Given the current nature of American society, the aforementioned statement contains a blatant redundancy.) Moreover, people who collect guns or think they are some sort of pastime or hobby or sport have a real serious mental illness, which I guess indeed explains a substantial proportion of the citizenry. In short, America is a death cult where everyone is just waiting to be killed as everyone expects everyone else to do something about it. To be sure, politicians are incompetent to do anything about gun deaths because they don’t care either. Welcome to stupid, stupid America. Don’t worry, morons. Nothing will ever change (for the better). Watch out! An open-carry AR-15 is coming to your town, and there is not a single f***ing thing you can do about it! RIP America!

Politics Purely Moronic

Cawthorn Has a Little ‘Tallywacker’ — Moment

The C-SPAN Twitter account records his speech, in part, “I never imagined that one of my sacred duties in this hallowed chamber would be explaining to the House Speaker the difference between a man and a woman. Take notes, Madame Speaker, I’m about to define what a woman is for you. … XX chromosomes, no Tallywacker. … It’s so simple. And yet, today, this proclamation of fundamental scientific fact will cause the woke liberals in Silicon Valley to strip you of your voice and ban you until you bow at their altar of falsehoods.”

Once again, Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) walks into (pun intended) a subject matter that has curious minds questioning. While Cawthorn preoccupies himself with body parts between strangers’ legs, I’m interested to know if his “tallywacker” works. Indeed, I want to understand if he can rightly define himself as a man if he’s unable to put his pr*ck in a p*ssy (or a butt if he’s into booty)? Look, I hate to bring it up (again, pun intended), but he’s the one fixated on orgies and genitalia. He really should watch the battles he chooses to spearhead (yup, I said head). At this point, with his track record of sticking his foot in his mouth, he should cut and run. I’m here all week, folks!

Dumbass Democrats RepubliKKKlans

‘Where they burn books, they will also ultimately burn people’

A quote from Heinrich Heine, one of Germany’s greatest poets, who was of Jewish origin. Enough said. According to The Hill, “During the meeting, board member Rabih Abuismail suggested the board approve a library audit in all district schools to review what books are made available. Fellow member Kirk Twigg suggested that books deemed offensive be kept ‘in the back’ where parents can still examine them. However, Abuismail said he ‘didn’t even want to see them,’ adding ‘I think they should be thrown in a fire.’”

This! In a state that just elected a RepubliKKKlan governor who will make discrimination and hate cool and legal again. It’s coming, morons. Mark my words! Fascism (aka MAGA) is taking hold in America, and dumbass Democrats are powerless to stop it because they are blind and incompetent. I have no idea what is more infuriating: Watching the march of fascism take over America or Democrats fumbling around trying — and failing — to save America’s democracy. We! Are! F***ed! Welcome to stupid America!


Texas: A Sh*thole State and America’s Future!

According to CNN, “A new pro-gun law in Texas that went into effect Wednesday allows most Texans who legally own a firearm to carry it openly in public without obtaining a permit or training, a measure that experts say will make it more challenging for law enforcement to protect the public from gun violence.”

Texas just passed a law to make voting in the most difficult-to-vote-in state even more difficult. They passed a law that made abortions illegal and vigilante justice legal. Last, they just passed a law that effectively turns the state into the wild, wild west of guns. And this state just increased its number of electoral college seats by two. The second most populous state has essentially become the anti-woman, gun-loving nutjob, vote-hating, vigilante-condoning, anti-science conservative bastion that RepubliKKKlans have long desired. Texas is a sh*thole state and the future of America. And no one cares. Do not think that there will be blowback for this anti-abortion Texas law because the state has been passing anti-woman laws for over a decade, and what has the electorate (Democrats and Independents) done to stop them? Um, not a G.D. thing. RepubliKKKlans are just as firmly in control of the state as they were since the last time a Democrat was governor — 1994. Slowly but surely, the minority political power class has been exerting its control over the majority, and the majority allows it to happen, year after year. So, no! There will be no blowback from the voters because, deep down instead, this was all foreseeable, and they did nothing. Plus, more generally, America is just too m*****f***ing G.D. stupid to care or vote. This is what America wants because nothing is changing for the better; it’s only getting worse — faster. This is what a dying democracy looks like — it’s the tyranny of the minority over the majority in the image of its puritanical Christian religiosity! Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America. Your state is next to become the next sh*thole!