Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Schumer: A Disastrous Leader — Shame!

According to Alternet, “Drawing on reporting in Politico and Business Insider, Quay explains, ‘(Schumer’s) failure to reach a compromise with Sen. Joe Manchin (D-W.Va.) to pass the Build Back Better bill and his decision to force a vote on President Biden’s already doomed voting rights agenda, several Democratic staffers told Politico, highlighted divisions in the party at a time when Democrats are in danger of losing their already razor-thin majority…. Schumer turned Sens. Manchin and Kyrsten Sinema (D-Ariz.) into scapegoats, staffers argued, subjecting his fellow Democrats (to) the ire that ought to have been directed toward Republicans.’ … A senior House Democratic aide, presumably interviewed on condition of anonymity, told Politico, ‘Leadership 101 is even if you don’t get someone today, you’re going to need them tomorrow. The level of malpractice is stunning. BBB is a once-in-a-ten-year opportunity, and we fucked it up.’” I’ve never been a fan of Schumer; he’s always been a weak player, and I cringed during every Senate floor speech where his strongest words of rebuke to RepubliKKKlan skullduggery was “shame!” Oh, my f***ing God! Really? “Shame?” “Shame on them,” Schumer would exclaim. Wow! Truly, truly milquetoast. What a f***ing G.D. joke. RepubliKKKlans have no shame. Did he really think he was landing any political punches or making a point? Pelosi has bigger balls than Schumer.

So, not only is Schumer weak in his speaking, but he is weak in his actions. The latest demonstration of his feebleness was the disastrous and failed voting rights bill. The only thing Schumer proved is that he knows how to bring up a bill to showcase his complete incompetence. He claimed he wanted to put everyone on the record, to make them vote against voting rights as if those casting a no vote would be shamed into changing their minds. No one cares and no one will remember who voted against the bill. All they will remember is Democrats failed to pass it. When the leader of Senate dumbass Democrats relies on “shame” as the cornerstone of whipping his caucus votes, then what else does one expect to happen? Thankfully, I think Sinema and Manchin have thick skins, so they’ll roll with the punches. But if dumbass Democrats think there is anyone else in all of West Virginia that can keep the one and only Democratic seat in the state delegation, then by all means back that person. But guess what? There isn’t one. Thus, we have to live with Manchin and all the power he wields, or as Manchin, himself repeatedly tells leadership: Elect more Democrats! Truly! My God! We are so f***ing screwed! I just can’t deal with the weakness and the stupidity anymore. Welcome to stupid America! P.S. Democrats, don’t f*** up the SCOTUS nomination! Seriously!

Dumbass Democrats

Justice Breyer to Retire: Don’t F*** It Up, Democrats

Justice Breyer decides to retire while Democrats still have control of the White House and the Senate. Thankfully, he is unwilling to roll the dice as RBG did. That turned out to be colossally and irreparably damaging to liberal causes. By her holding out, much of what she fought for and believed in will be undone. Ugh! I get angry all over again just thinking about it, but I’m glad Breyer got the hint. I am sorry that Breyer will not have had a longer tenure as the leader of the liberal wing of SCOTUS, but to be sure he can never be vilified for having remained and having caused a Democratic president the opportunity to keep a liberal seat safe. Nonetheless, this is only the first step and I am always cautious when dumbass Democrats will be required to play the hardest of political hardball. What are the chances that Democrats f*** this nomination up? I’m going with 50/50. Biden absolutely must nominate an African-American woman — as long as she is LGBTQ-friendly. The younger the better. Mid-40s is perfect!

I can’t wait for future SCOTUS opinions to consistently break down along the conservative-liberal divide in which a bunch of white men routinely overrule the women, who are themselves mostly racial minorities. If SCOTUS did not appear biased before, then it certainly will be going forward. It will lay bare before the entire country that our rights are being shaped and re-shaped by only white men. Of course, 40 percent of the populous want nothing other than that. Sadly, none of this matters (to most Democrats and liberal-leaning Independents) because those who should care the most about SCOTUS are those who are the least aware. This is why RepubliKKKlans rule and run the highest court in the land. Don’t f*** this up, Democrats. I will not consider the nomination a done deal until the new justice is sworn in — fast. I mean Amy Coney Barrett fast, if not faster! F*** tradition. F*** decorum. F*** stateliness. F*** RepubliKKKlans. Get! This! Done! (Oh, and dear God in all of heaven, I pray that Justice Thomas suddenly dies before the Democrats lose control of the Senate. He’s a fat f*** whose diet is no doubt 50 percent fat and 50 percent red meat and 50 bigot! But then again God has a cruel sense of humor; wicked RepubliKKKlans live forever and Democrats die at the worst time possible.)

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic

I Didn’t Understand This Story Until

According to CNN, “Federal prosecutors are reviewing fake Electoral College certifications that declared former President Donald Trump the winner of states that he lost, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco told CNN on Tuesday.” A bunch of MAGA moron fake electors sent fraudulent documents to the National Archives. So? I’ve been listening to the commentary and reading articles on this news story, and I thought the usual commentators, pundits, and politicians were grasping for straws — again. But, as it turns out, the MSM failed to communicate the one key piece of information that would make all the difference in supporting Democrats’ arguments that there was criminal wrongdoing. Allow me to elaborate.

First of all, what the f*** is the National Archives? Thank goodness for Google, lest I’d have to spend a couple of hours in the library. From the National Archives and Records Administration, “The Office of the Federal Register (OFR) is a part of the National Archives and Records Administration (NARA) and, on behalf of the Archivist of the United States, coordinates certain functions of the Electoral College between the States and Congress. Acting as an intermediary, it reviews the Certificates of Ascertainment and Vote before Congress accepts them as evidence of official State action in preparation for the counting of electoral votes in Congress. In addition to posting them on this website, OFR makes the physical Certificates available for public inspection for one year following the election. After that year, the Certificates become part of the National Archives collection.” In other words, they receive, vet, and then transmit the Electoral College votes to Congress to be counted and certified; they are the clearinghouse between the States and Congress. The States do not send their Electoral College paperwork directly to Congress; they send it to the National Archives! Therein lies the crime. These MAGA morons literally tried to subvert the election results by fraudulent means. They tried to supplant genuine documents with fake documents. It failed, but the crime is in trying!

Before I started digging into this, I thought what these MAGA morons had tried to do was akin to a college student submitting a plagiarised thesis to his or her local library. Clearly, the plagiarised paper is wrong, but one’s local library could not care less and would have no idea what to do with the submission except deep-six it. That was my initial interpretation. But really this is equivalent to a student submitting a plagiarised thesis to Turnitin, getting a 90 percent similarity score, and then promptly forwarding it to his or her thesis advisor. Wrong! That’s the quickest way to fail and get expelled. So, now it clicks. Now I understand why the DOJ may be interested in this sequence of events. Maybe something will come of it. And that’s your “Did you know?” moment.

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘Welcome to hell’

Source: CNN

Virginia and Virginians are going to be my new punching bag of citizen stupidity and “be careful what you wish for” incriminations. Virginia is my new go-to example of idiot voters failing to re-elect a Democratic governor because they’re still having a tantrum over COVID. Why haven’t Democrats fixed the pandemic yet!?!? So, the tantrum-ists go. F*** me! Once again, a RepubliKKKlan gets into office less so because RepubliKKKlans voted for him and more so because Democrats and Independents failed to vote against him. Apparently, 50.6 percent of the vote is a mandate that everyone must live with for — probably — ever. Oh, well. Slate put it perfectly: “Welcome to hell.” LOL. And as Dahlia Lithwick of Slate states in her piece, “I’m hardly the first to worry that states racing to enact ever more insane incursions on educational freedom and a teacher’s right to speak and book bans are destined to end in reprisals and mass resignations and bounty schemes and threats of violence. At this point, I must assume that such vigilantism is the point. Parents are frayed and starved for leadership. Some leaders have realized that the inflaming of tensions around masks garners votes. The problem is it also destabilizes government authority. Youngkin didn’t just turn student against student, parent against parent, or pit principals against educators and states against federal rules with the stroke of a pen the day he was sworn in. He personally modeled contempt for authority—he encouraged it and rewarded it. He did so in the full knowledge that he was essentially deputizing furious parents to follow only the kinds of laws they liked and conscripting their kids into participating.”

But wait! There is more! From Salon, “New Republican Gov. Glenn Youngkin is begging Virginia parents to call his tip line to report teachers for teaching ‘divisive’ subjects. While they called it a tip line, the office only revealed an email [in] the press release: … ‘We’re asking for folks to send us reports and observations,’ Youngkin said, ‘help us be aware of … their child being denied their rights that parents have in Virginia, and we’re going to make sure we catalogue it all. … And that gives us further, further ability to make sure we’re rooting it out.’” This is straight-up Gestapo-style denouncing! Denounce your neighbors, family, and friends! Did Virginians expect anything less from a RepubliKKKlan governor? They are starting to call Youngkin traitor trump in a red vest as if that was completely unforeseeable before he was elected. During the campaign, people viewed him as a moderate RepubliKKKlan. Anyone with two eyes and two brain cells to rub together could have seen otherwise. Eh! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

At some point, I have to believe this really is what the stupid people of Virginia wanted. What am I to deduce when voters weighed the merits of the RepubliKKKlan Party and the Democratic Party and then voted for the RepubliKKKlan candidate? Or, worse still, voters considered both constituents and then decided not to vote at all. Acquiescing via a no vote is indeed a vote for the winner. What am I supposed to think? There is only one conclusion: This! Is! What! People! Want! Either through direct vote or indirectly by not voting. Once again, oh, well. As usual, by the time RepubliKKKlans get into office and start decreeing everything, then it’s too late for voter epiphanies. This week it is masks and vaccines. Next week it will be abortion and LGBTQ rights — the RepubliKKKlan playbook is right on schedule and completely as expected. Anyone who thought Youngkin was no traitor trump or not another extremist RepubliKKKlan is a moron. I guess Virginia is for morons and haters, not lovers! Voters, especially lazy Democrats and Independents, need to wake the f*** up! I’ll be watching this state closely. Welcome to stupid America!

International Indigestion

Boris in Boiling Water?

Source: Statista

Yeah, but probably not roiling enough to matter. Look, morons. All these conservative politicians are the same no matter the country. For some unknown reason to humanity, they all seem to have nine lives. In fact, the impact of these “partygate” revelations has less to do with breaking COVID protocol than it does with Brexit. As The Conversation so pithily puts it, “Yet, for all the public anger about Johnson’s lack of leadership during the pandemic and inability to grasp the need for full contrition about ‘Partygate’, his weakened position actually has a lot more to do with the aftershocks of Brexit … Johnson’s downfall would be a case of the revolution eating itself. The irony is the man who promised to get Brexit done, may well get done in by Brexit.” And as the poll above evinces, people have buyers’ remorse and Boris is the face of Brexit. In fact, people have almost universally never wanted to leave the EU, but as with everything in conservative politics across all countries, the minority rules over the majority and the majority lets them. So, “partygate” is likely just a proxy for Brexit frustration. But fear not! Although I have no special insight into British politics, I’m probably safe in saying Boris will survive. No matter the country, conservative politicians persist while liberals play stunned onlookers. Oh, well. We shall see.


SOB: This Is the Biden I Like!

Attribution: New York Post

From The Hill, “President Biden was caught on a hot microphone Monday calling Fox News reporter Peter Doocy a ‘stupid son of a bitch’ after he asked a question about inflation.” This is the Biden I like to see and I know it is the Biden more Democrats want to see as well. I know he has a reputation for being salty and cutting behind closed doors, but his kumbaya/”can we all just get along”/folksy public persona drives me absolutely f***ing nuts because he comes off as weak and naive when he plays grandpa to the nation. F*** that! Tell morons they’re stupid. Call out a**holes for who they are. Hit back, Biden. We like it! Since we can’t constantly be holding a mirror up to Biden’s nose, moments like this convince us that he has some life in him! And I don’t think this was a “hot mic” (unintentional) moment. Although, I’m not sure why he called to apologize. Probably because of what happened below with CNN.

Then, naturally, we have the MSM reaction to Biden just after it happened. CNN, in particular, jumped all over this episode as if there had been this great indignation against the media. Oh, my! Biden called a spade a spade. How dare he! How dare he get frustrated at what was yet another stupid “gotcha” question from Faux News, as if traitor trump had not spent every day of this term attacking the MSM. God forbid Biden steps out of line once. Then it becomes a national catastrophe — an attack by the executive branch on the fourth branch. So, f***ing ridiculous. Mika Brzezinski — I still haven’t forgiven her for her treatment of Hillary — actually got the coverage spot on. At the beginning of Morning Joe they played the Biden clip and then she said that is all they’re going to say on the matter and moved on. Exactly! It may have been news but it was not newsworthy.

Purely Moronic

COVID a ‘Moral Crime’

From the New York Post, “‘I’m done. I’m done with COVID,’ [Bari Weiss] said. … Weiss articulated what many Americans are feeling: a searing fatigue with the seemingly endless COVID restrictions that have led to an alarming mental health crisis among our youth, saying that pandemic-related rules will be ‘remembered by the younger generation as a catastrophic moral crime.’” I don’t know who this Bari Weiss dingbat is, but I guess any moron can call themselves a journalist and author to project gravitas and intelligence. I mean any idiot can create a blog and post endless words (many words, so many words) of nonsense and inanely opine on any number of topics. But you know what? I agree with dingbat Bari. I’m done with CVOID too and there has been a catastrophic moral crime. I’m done with COVID deniers and anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers. Moreover, it is, indeed, a moral crime that hospitals continue to treat the willfully unvaccinated. It is a crime that these f***tards are taking up valuable bed space, hospital resources, and pushing healthcare workers and healthcare systems to the brink. It’s a crime that people with real illnesses they did not bring on themselves are unable to get a hospital bed or medical treatment because COVID-denying patients sick with COVID are getting the best care our country can offer. You’re d*mn right there is a moral crime going on. The crime is we have not sent these COVID-infected idiots home with a tube of horse paste so they can just f***ing die already. (And to be clear, I was publicly a member of the “hurry up and die” caucus long before Chris Lavoie of the Stephanie Miller Show ever was.) The crime is we have not indulged these Darwin dead-enders more aggressively. You think ivermectin or hydroxychloroquine or drinking/injecting bleach is the cure, then by all means take 10 times the required dose (just for good measure), go home, and f***ing die, but for God’s sake do not step one foot inside a hospital. And I don’t give one G.D. f*** about people’s COVID fatigue. That emotion is completely irrelevant! Sure, you can be done with COVID, but I promise you, it’s not done with us! While we’re at it, let’s be done with cancer and Alzheimer’s and heart disease and diabetes, so we can all just relax because we, apparently, don’t have to worry about these illnesses either since we’re tired and done with them! My God, I live in stupid f***ing hell. Welcome to stupid America! Endlessly stupid.

Purely Moronic

What the M*****f***ing G.D. Hell?!?!

From CNN, “Two fans of the actress Ana de Armas are suing the studio Universal Pictures for allegedly duping them into renting a film because they believed she would be in it due to trailers and promotional material. … Woulfe and Rosza say they each paid approximately $3.99 to rent ‘Yesterday’ and claim that — if it weren’t for Universal’s ‘false, deceptive and misleading advertisting’ — they would not have paid to view the movie.” A.) I can’t believe this is actually a news story. B.) I really, really just hate people! People are stupid, insignificant, petty, stupid again, snowflakes, incomprehensible, still stupid, ridiculous, and f***tarded. This story is not worth commenting on any further except to also say this is exactly why America is in the situation it’s in today. There could be no more classic example of the stupid troubles that people find important — a missing movie character that forces two people to sue for spending $3.99 on a movie with which they were dissatisfied. OMG! I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore with the stupid. The stupid hurts. It just f***ing hurts. America is so f***ed. Welcome to m*****f***ing G.D. stupid, stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

’72 percent of Americans say the country is headed in the wrong direction’

Oh, joy! Another poll. Another snapshot into the dangerous psyche of the mob. In this latest installment of “where are we now” from NBC News, there are only two responses that matter: “On the state of the nation’s politics, 70 percent agree with the statement that America has become so polarized that it can no longer solve the major issues facing the country — and that those differences will only continue to grow. … That’s a significant shift from when this question was last asked in 2010 — when 50 percent answered that America always comes together in tough times, versus 45 percent who said that the nation’s political differences would only grow. … [And] a whopping 76 percent of Americans — including 7 in 10 Democrats, Republicans and independents — believe there is a threat to democracy and majority rule in this country.”

So! I have heard countless politicians, political pundits, and historians keep reassuring their audiences that Americans will get through these troubled times, that claiming America is headed toward a new civil war is ridiculous and needlessly alarmists, that Americans always come together in the end. And to all these f***tards I always roll my eyes because they are the ones in la-la land. Are you f***ing kidding me with this sh*t? They are just as willfully ignorant and quixotic about the world around them as Carlie Brown and the football. I’ve been saying we’re headed toward a civil war for nearly two years now. In fact, we are in a cold civil war as we speak, and it is only a matter of time before it turns hot. Now, I’m not suggesting the populous will form battle lines with opposing generals leading formations of organized and uniformed soldiers. No, no! This will be more gorilla warfare with random acts of violence, political assassinations, and all-out skirmishes. Like those seen when racists fought with BLM protestors, but much bloodier. Rather than formalized conflict, it will be one block of neighbors against another. It will be neighbors driving out other neighbors as one majority group expels the minority. It will be a slow consolidation, not unlike what is happening now with progressives moving to cities and urban areas while conservatives continue to entrench themselves and wither in rural areas. It will be rural versus urban with militias protecting their turf.

With poll numbers like the ones above, there is only one way to proceed — and that is through! There is no other way, morons. There is no going back or retreating. There is no coming together. The differences are irreconcilable; one side believes in facts and the other side believes in lies. One side is rational; the other side is brainwashed. It is impossible to meet in the middle under such circumstances. There is no other way to undo this mess, except through a great cleansing. There is no reconciliation or mutual understanding, except for the realization that the only way such a divided nation can preserver is when one faction successfully dominates and destroys the other. People may look back to the 1960s as proof we can overcome these troubled times, and in response to that, I say this country is just getting warmed up. This century is not like the last. America is dumber, more armed, more polarized, and more gullible to the point where morons of America absorb and propagate conspiracy theories and other nonsense as if they were sources of mental nutrients. The next presidential election will be the flashpoint of no return, no matter what the results. Although, I will concede there is less likelihood of an eruption of all-out war if a RepubliKKKlan wins because dumbass Democrats will readily give up and accede to domination by RepubliKKKlans and the crazies. Let’s face it: RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards want to destroy democracy more than dumbass Democrats and Independents want to keep it. Sorry, I have to admit the truth! Mark my words. Of course, if RepubliKKKlans lose, then all hell will break out because they’ve all been conditioned to believe that whenever Democrats win then the election was stolen, without exception. It is a convenient fallacy in which RepubliKKKlans delude themselves into believing they can never — should never — lose an election. As I have said many, many, many, many, many times before a nation this stupid cannot survive. Verily! Welcome to stupid America!

International Indigestion MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Russia v. Ukraine: World War III or Regional Conflict?

First, I have to say that the MSM changed its tune rather quickly on this topic. Just a few days ago I was aggravated by their relentless downplaying of the rising tensions; it was only last week they had experts who kept trying to convince the audience that diplomacy would win the day and that somehow all of Putin’s moves were elaborate and drawn out negotiating tactics. Fast forward seven days, and basically, everyone is now seeing the inevitable, logical conclusion: War is coming. Christ! I’ve been warning an invasion is “imminent” — in the weakest sense of the word — since the beginning of December. In fact, I wrote a post called The Fall of Ukraine long before these “experts” on military and international affairs jumped on board the Captain Obvious bandwagon. Ugh. Whatever!

And now with the recent revelation from the U.K. intelligence that Putin intends to install a puppet government in Ukraine, we begin to see the larger picture, which, of course, is not at all surprising. Christ-all-f***ing-mighty! Putin tried and succeeded in infiltrating the U.S. government at the highest level. Everyone knows traitor trump was Putin’s puppet. Thankfully, the orange fat man is trump stupid; even Putin was disappointed in the end. Nonetheless, Putin was able to establish long-lasting disruption within the soul of America. I think it is fair to say, the current state of America’s dysfunction allowed Putin to create the Ukraine crisis. Now’s his chance to recapture history; I’ve said from the start that Putin sees Ukraine as being part of Mother Russia. Furthermore, he wants to reassemble the U.S.S.R. It doesn’t take an Einstein to surmise as much. Seriously. You just need to know a little bit of not-so-distant history.

Yet, the real question is how catastrophic will the Russian invasion be? Forecasting the imminency of conflict is rather easy based on informed reasoning that elucidates daily, but understanding how it develops after the first interactions is just guesswork. Does Russia drag us into World War III or does the fall of Ukraine remain a localized tragedy? Normally, being the contrarian means I can easily argue the World War III, worst-case-scenario perspective rather readily, but in this case, I have no clear insight. I do know Biden is weak, which is helping precipitate this entire mess. I am not blaming Biden, but the Democratic Party and his idealism have not done him any favors with his approval at home. As I said, Putin sees America divided, and I promise you, Putin has more support among RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons than Biden does. A divided nation is not going to war, lest it tears itself apart (cf. Vietnam War), which would also be a win for Putin. Seriously! There is little downside for Putin to invade. When Biden misspoke during his press conference about a “minor incursion” and suggested divisions within NATO, they were not a poor choice of words; it was a Freudian slip. I don’t care how much clean-up on aisle 5 the State Department had to do to clarify what Biden really meant. What came out of Biden’s stream of consciousness mouth was a clear signal to Putin that the President of the United States is already gauging the least costly response to a Russian move. What Biden should be doing is to drop everything to prepare Americans for this impending conflict. Because as it stands now when war does break out Americans are going to be completely blindsided. The average American idiot can’t even find Ukraine or Russia (and in many cases the U.S.) on a f***ing map, let alone care about the consequences of an international conflict that will serve as a proxy for the struggle between democracy and autocracy. Unless Biden starts preparing Americans by explaining the significance of this moment in history, then morons of America will blame him for allowing war to interfere with their Facebook and Twitter time. He needs to prepare Americans for what military conflict with a former superpower is going to look and feel like. Even if the fighting is localized, the ramifications will be globalized.

Then there is Europe. They have little appetite for a protracted and expansive conflict. The sooner they can sacrifice Ukraine then the better for them. After all, what’s one country that falls under the authoritarian rule of Russia? Of course, it’s this short-sighted thinking, employed time after time and situation after situation, that’s emboldened Putin in the first place. We can thank Bush II and Obama for that. We should have slapped down Putin years ago, but we failed to do so. Now we have a braver, bolder, and stronger dictator that knows democracy is dying around the world. How will democracies of the world react? Dare I answer that? I think I already know the answer, and I fear much more is going to be lost than just the sovereignty of Ukraine. To be sure, the U.S. and NATO are starting to send military hardware and other support. And I do find it rich that the former Soviet satellite states of Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania appear to be the NATO nations most eager and willing to provide Ukraine with military aid. But in all honesty, it is too little too late and truly evinces that the Allies are once again behind the eight ball and have sorely underestimated Putin’s resolve — another thing he’s already anticipated.

Biden has often said the world is struggling between democracy and authoritarianism. Ukraine will be a test of his sincerity and conviction in that belief. This conflict will be a monumental trail for the world. If the democracies of the world react to Russia in the same way nations of the world have addressed climate change, then we have nothing to worry about. 😐