Economics, Baby Purely Moronic

Worthless Poll Question

According to Axios, “69% of Americans disapprove of President Biden’s handling of inflation, according to an ABC News-Ipsos poll published Sunday.” What a f***ing G.D. worthless poll question. Seriously! What a joke. First, the question assumes the president of the United States actually has any sort of control over inflation. WTF?!?! The Fed has more influence over inflation than the president does, and to remind morons of America, the president does not tell the Fed what to do. Second, the question evinces the incomprehensible stupidity of voters and, of course, their profound lack of understanding of economics. Gas prices are a ubiquitous example of this, and they are often viewed as a barometer of inflation for everything. (By the way, it’s not; it’s just the most noticeable. But one would swear people vote based on gas price on their way to the voting booth — God help us!) Now, when Biden announced he was going to release 50 million barrels of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve in response to pressure from “people” to do something about gas prices, I rolled my eyes and remained silent on the subject because I thought it was a ridiculous tactic, although it was a good play optically for morons of America. And, as I have said several times before, Biden needs to play the optics game more effectively, so good on him. Let the confused masses be fooled. That being said, would anyone like to venture a guess about how many barrels of oil the U.S. consumes per day? Anyone? Anyone at all? About 18 million. So, Biden will release about three days’ worth of oil — a drop in the bucket and obviously not enough to impact gas prices significantly.

While, in fact, gas prices have dropped about 10 percent since his announcement, I have two concepts that more likely explain this “phenomenon”: Reversion to the mean and correlation is not causation. (I will leave it to the uninformed reader to Google for a fulsome explanation.) Needless to say, the recent drop in gas prices is more a coincidence of timing, which reinforces my previous point: Biden has no control over inflation (i.e., prices)! But the MSM likes to gin up its pathetic, stupid viewership into believing he does, and that false narrative exactly mirrors the results of this poll. And that leads me to my final point. Of course, the MSM (and pollsters) want to play this inflation story for all it can by asking stupid people stupid questions that yield stupid (worthless) results which add no value to our knowledge base except to convey a message that voters are pissed — about something. What else is new? F*** me! I live in stupid, stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic

‘For they have sown the wind, and they shall reap the whirlwind’

From The Hill, “Newsom said he directed his staff to work with the legislature and Attorney General to work on a bill that would allow private citizens to sue for up to $10,000 ‘anyone who manufactures, distributes, or sells an assault weapon or ghost gun kit or parts in the State of California. … If the most efficient way to keep these devastating weapons off our streets is to add the threat of private lawsuits, we should do just that,’ Newsom said.”

I say, bring it! Bring it times ten. Texas has sown the wind with its abortion law, and now California will reap the whirlwind with this gun control proposal. I am super excited about this suggested law — for as long as it will last. Although, I am completely realistic about what SCOTUS will do to any Texas-like law enacted in the name of gun control. I have no doubt that SCOTUS will treat this law much differently from laws related to protecting the right of women to have an abortion because, as you know, a bunch of white men sitting on the highest court of the land is more than eager to allow other white men in legislatures across conservative states to control women’s bodies and healthcare choices.

In contrast, they’ll readily stop states from going that extra mile to control weapons of mass destruction on the streets of their communities. SCOTUS made absolutely no attempt (on two occasions) to maintain the status quo of protecting a woman’s choice by enjoining the Texas law while it is being challenged in the courts, which is customary. Of course, they didn’t, and I have no doubt when the California law takes effect, SCOTUS will enjoin that law in a heartbeat because the hypocrisy is overwhelming with conservatives, and the irony will be completely lost on them, for the Second Amendment reigns over everything and everyone. All things and all people must bow to the right for anyone to own any firearm and carry it anywhere at any time. What will the collective response be from a nation that wants more gun control in the wake of a court that actively tries to limit states from making streets safer from weapons of mass destruction? I already know. It is the collective ¯\_(ツ)_/¯, of course. That’s what we do. This is a country built on apathy that keeps electing politicians to lead the charge on gun control antipathy. If Sandy Hook could not change minds, then nothing will — or has since. As usual, I can’t wait for nothing to change with gun control as SCOTUS does everything in its power to encourage and enshrine in case law precedent more unregulated gun ownership. Sadly, the much-anticipated whirlwind will eventually be just a breeze. Welcome to stupid America! The stupid is incomprehensible here!

MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

No FEMA for You!

Climate change strikes again across parts of climate-change-denying U.S.A. A record number of tornados destroy large swaths of land and property over Midwestern and Southern states in December. Small towns and farms will be left devastated. Of course, we all know want kind of politics permeates these areas. It is the same mentality that wants the government out of their lives, especially the federal government, and to that I say: Abso-f***ing-lutely! I have said this before and I’ll say it again. People should live the way they vote. So, for all those f***tard RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons out there, I say you get no federal help. No help from FEMA, no low-interest federal loans, no emergency assistance or housing from the federal government. You people who keep b*tching about the intrusiveness of the federal government are always the first ones with their hands out — Rand Paul who wrote a letter to Biden begging for some of that socialism! Naturally! Give me! Give me! Give me! I can’t take the stupid anymore! I say, if you voted for any RepubliKKKlan in the last election or traitor trump at any time, then f*** you! Go die as far as I’m concerned. I’ll even offer to give you a rebate of any federal tax dollars you feel that have been spent on helping “other” people in times of emergency because I promise you the amount of your “refund” will pale in comparison to the amount of money the rich blue states will send to parts of these poor red states to help you through this climate change event. It never f***ing fails! It’s always the giving rich blue states subsidizing the taker red states! To you conservatives who tout relying on your fellow neighbors for help in times of tragedy, I say fine. Please, by all means, look to your neighbors whose houses have been destroyed to help you with your destroyed house. Sure, go ahead. I am sure one collectively destroyed community will figure it out without help from the outside. Conservatives always preach that people should pick themselves up by their bootstraps and the Lord helps those who help themselves. So, good luck with that! I don’t want to help you, and I don’t want my tax dollars helping such RepubliKKKlan and MAGA moron ingrates!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Federal Court of Appeals Warns America but No One Is Listening or Cares

In the closing paragraph of the opinion from the United States Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit they write, “Benjamin Franklin said, at the founding, that we have ‘[a] Republic’ — ‘if [we] can keep it.’ The events of January 6th exposed the fragility of those democratic institutions and traditions that we had perhaps come to take for granted. In response, the President of the United States and Congress have each made the judgment that access to this subset of presidential communication records is necessary to address a matter of great constitutional moment for the Republic. Former President Trump has given this court no legal reason to cast aside President Biden’s assessment of the Executive Branch interests at stake, or to create a separation of powers conflict that the Political Branches have avoided.” This quote from Franklin has been often referenced as of late for obvious reasons — America’s democracy is dying! It is even more striking that an appeals court found it worthy — nay, urgently necessary — to include such words, perhaps as a reminder of the current, dangerous state of our democracy. Now, if only the rest of stupid America understood the danger. I expected nothing less from morons of America who apparently just don’t care — witness Virginia’s last election results. RepubliKKKlans, led by traitor trump and the MAGA moron mob, are killing America’s democracy, and what do voters do? Reward them with electoral wins. I know they say all politics is local, but f***ing hell! Seriously, people. Just for f***ing once can you f***tards take a grander perspective to recognize giving RepubliKKKlans power at any level destroys America everywhere. Oh, well. I give up. This level of stupid cannot be reversed. I have to keep reminding myself of that fact. This case goes to SCOTUS next and we all know most of the justices sitting on that panel love the idea of authoritarian rule; they love the notion of a unitary executive (read: imperial presidency), but not when a Democrat is sitting in the White House in which case the unitary executive deference reverts to the prior guy! The backsliding cannot be stopped and these ephemeral judicial wins are merely bumps in the road to the dead-end that is autocracy. Welcome to stupid America — too stupid for democracy!

Dumbass Democrats International Indigestion Politics RepubliKKKlans

The Fall of Ukraine

One word: Anschluss! (For the morons out there: Read Me!) In short, Ukraine is f***ed with much thanks to a weakened America. Look, f***tards! Recall that Putin annexed Crimea and invaded Eastern Ukraine in 2014, and there were no consequences because that’s what democracies do best: Appease dictators ala Hitler in 1936 (the Rhineland) and 1938 (Anschluss and the Sudetenland) and 1939 (the rest of Czechoslovakia). Putin invaded and continues to occupy parts of Eastern Ukraine because it was once part of Mother Russia. Oh sure, there were some stupid sanctions against Russia, but they seemed to be just enough of a deterrent seven years later for Putin to build up an army poised to invade the rest of Ukraine. Putin would love nothing more than to make the rest of Ukraine part of his Russian Empire. This is history duplicating itself. America and other European democracies may be wringing their hands as they announce “stern” warnings about “severe consequences,” which Putin will ignore because he knows they are empty threats. Of course, MSM analysts provide worthless insight. I heard one “expert” claim the military buildup was just Putin seeking attention from the other major world players. OMG! Seriously?!?! Putin is amassing the largest escalation of military forces gathered on Ukraine’s borders because he feels like the overlooked, under-appreciated pretty girl that no one wants to dance with at Homecoming? Are you f***ing kidding me!?!? Can we just interpret the situation with the forthrightness it deserves? Invasion is imminent. Sometimes the simplest explanation is the best one. Putin is willing to risk invasion because he knows the consequences — there won’t be any. America nor NATO will come to the defense of Ukraine because they fear war, so the bully will keep on bullying. What former Eastern Bloc country will Putin invade next? This is his chance. America has never been so divided since the Civil War, so naturally, half of Americans will support Putin because Biden opposes him. What better gift can Putin wish for? A country at war with itself that has no time nor interest in “another European conflict.” The once hawkish RepubliKKKlan Party has turned isolationist under traitor trump’s influence and dumbass Democrats — well, enough said about that! So, America is MIA when it comes to defending democracy around the world (e.g., Hong Kong, Afghanistan) because we can’t even protect our own republic from ourselves. This is what happens with a diminishing superpower because it has become increasingly super-stupid — other countries take advantage. Fan-f***ing-tastic. Welcome to stupid America!


The Greatest Generation Nears Extinction

According to CNN, “Col. Edward Shames, the last surviving officer of the historic World War II parachute infantry regiment of the US Army known as Easy Company, died Friday at the age of 99. During World War II, Shames ‘was a member of the renowned Easy Company, 506th Parachute Infantry Regiment, 101st Airborne Division now known globally as the ‘Band of Brothers,’ according to the obituary. The story of Easy Company was later immortalized in the HBO miniseries ‘Band of Brothers,’ based on The New York Times bestseller by Stephen E. Ambrose.” It is the generation that was largely shaped by the experiences of the Great Depression and filled the military (and civilian) ranks to fight the Nazis and Fascism during World War II. They are literally the generation that saved western democracy as we know it. Indeed, they are the Greatest Generation and the most revered. Fast forward a couple of generations, and today those shaping the political landscape are destroyers of their ancestors’ legacy. It is perhaps fitting and ironic that the children of the Greatest Generation (Baby Boomers) and their children (Generation X) have so cavalierly failed to take on the mantle of their parents and grandparents to ensure America’s democracy thrives and survives. For what do we have today? Baby Boomers and Generation X are old enough to fill the majority of political posts at all local, state, and federal government levels. Do you want to know why our democracy is backsliding? Look at what the Baby Boomers and Generation X are doing and have been doing to America since Reagan. It is sad that the Greatest Generation saved democracy while their descendants are working to destroy it. This is what happens when institutional and generational memory becomes extinct. Welcome to stupid America. We learn nothing and forget everything here!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘lol, I’m not mad at you, you have to learn not to get caught’

From ABC News, “The parents of a teenager accused of killing four classmates at Oxford High School in Michigan have been charged in connection to the school shooting. ‘At the meeting, James and Jennifer Crumbley were shown the drawing and were advised that they were required to get their son into counseling within 48 hours,’ she said. ‘Both James and Jennifer Crumbley failed to ask their son if he had his gun with him or where his gun was located and failed to inspect his backpack for the presence of the gun, which he had with him.’ The parents left school while Ethan Crumbley returned to class, likely with the gun in his backpack, McDonald said. Once news broke of a shooting at the school, McDonald said Jennifer Crumbley texted her son, ‘Ethan, don’t do it.’ James Crumbley called 911 to report that a gun was missing from his house and said he believed his son may be the shooter, McDonald said.”

I cannot begin to convey the sense of blind rage I’m feeling right now, but I must calm and remind myself that this is stupid f***ing America; then everything always makes sense again. Soooo…this is the country that we live in. This is ‘MERICA! This is a country that puts guns over people at all times. This is a country where parents of a clearly troubled teen think it’s a good idea to buy him a gun. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t with the stupid anymore. I just f***ing can’t.

As it turns out, the parents are more culpable than the child, as evinced by their brief period of being on the lamb. Naturally, these parents are — I have absolutely no doubt — “law and order” MAGA morons who will readily decry every other criminal while they were literally fugitives evading criminal charges. It never fails. The most vile political party attracts the most vile people who then breed vile offspring, all the while looking to every other person around them and claiming how vile the “other” is. Also, ironic that the “law and order,” Second Amendment-loving, and traitor trump-loving mother texted her son about how he should not get caught. “Do what you want but just don’t get caught!” I guess they practice what they preach as they absconded to avoid being arrested. Think about that; they fled, leaving their son behind to face first-degree murder charges. These parents…these “law and order” hypocrites…these “take personal responsibility” hypocrites…these MAGA morons…these “family values” hypocrites were more than willing to let their son hang out to dry for murder while they ran. Right on cue, they are thinking only about themselves. F*** the kid! Great family values because, hey, “all lives matter,” right? Especially the lives of those going to Oxford High School, as the parents insist their unstable, murderous kid goes back to class. Wow! Unbelievable. Typical RepubliKKKlans! I expected nothing less. It never f***ing fails. This is another reason why abortion needs to remain legal; not everyone should be a parent. Some people are just evil and should not be allowed to procreate. All these people are the same; they are a bird of the same feather that flocks together. And I also have no doubt that RepubliKKKlans and the MAGA moron army will start a GoFundMe page to pay for these criminals’ legal bills and to fund their retirement because this is exactly the country we are. I laugh after every tragic event like this because political pundits and other MSM moron commentators pontificate about how this tragedy does not represent America. Every f***ing time. “This is not who we are!” They exclaim! Hello, f***tards of the highest f***ing order! This is exactly who we are! Too many to count mass murders in high schools with guns obtained from the home is exactly who we are!

But, wait! There is more. Fear not citizens of ‘MERICA! Fear not, I say. Nothing will change! America’s guns are safe! This, too, shall pass, for deep, deep down inside the black hole of America’s soul no one cares. One mass killing after another mass killing at a school and nothing ever f***ing changes. People just move on and vote more RepubliKKKlans to office to protect their right to buy their kids guns so that the cycle can start all over again. Welcome to stupid America! Never quite dumb enough.

Dumbass Democrats In My Legal Opinion

SCOTUS Will Kill Roe — Don’t Believe the Pundits Who Say Otherwise

After today’s arguments before SCOTUS on the matter of Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization, there will be many prognosticators trying to divine the meaning of the give-and-take among justices during questioning. To all that, I say rubbish; one need only count heads and look to the Texas abortion law. Thomas, Alito, and Gorsuch are votes locked in to overturn Roe, without question. In fact, I have no doubt they already drafted their opinions before today’s oral arguments, for they have long since justified their reasoning years ago. And do not be fooled by Kavanaugh and Barret! They now have the power to kill Roe, and they will do so after some superficial “wrangling” with their conscience over the law and stare decisis. So, that creates the requisite five-member majority. Roberts will go no further than upholding the Mississippi law. He’s more of a kill Roe by a thousand cuts (or opinions) type of guy. And I don’t care what pundits are saying about how they think the Court will try to thread the needle; that is to say, keep Roe but weaken it. Those people are morons and have not been paying attention to this entire decades-long saga, not just today’s oral arguments. To be sure, today was catastrophic for women’s rights.

The real question, however, is why would the justices wait to overturn Roe, given a chance before them right now? Indeed, they have no need to wait. Let’s game this out for a second. If there is any aspect of Roe or Casey, more specifically, that may save abortion rights in the current SCOTUS term, it is the notion of fetal viability, which is currently around 24 weeks. Let us say Roberts is angling votes to arrive at a majority that upholds the Mississippi law — abortion ban after 15 weeks — while keeping Roe technically intact. Immediately, the viability standard, which has been the law of the land for 30 years, goes right out the window in favor of some arbitrary standard (i.e., 15 weeks). What then prevents another state from passing another arbitrary standard of 12 weeks or six weeks? Oh, wait. Isn’t there already a state that bans abortions after six weeks? Which one could that be? Texas, perhaps?

And that brings me to my earlier point: No need to divine what the justices might do; merely look to what they have already done! They allowed the Texas law, with a 6-week ban, to go and remain in effect for months while working through their state of flummox by a law anointing citizen-vigilante litigators. Their actions — or lack thereof — are more telling than their interrogatories during oral arguments. This is a classic case of believing what they do, not what they say. For instance, with the Texas lawsuit, SCOTUS would typically hold the status quo while allowing such a novel legal case to work its way through the lower courts, but they did not do that. No! Instead, they effectively allowed a total ban on abortions in Texas to become law. At the same time, they ponder “interesting legal questions” such as having the Texas legislature rely upon citizens to enforce a law that abridges a person’s constitutional rights. Indeed, “how interesting” and convenient! Oh, no. Let’s not protect a person’s constitutional rights first and foremost while we think; we’ll just kill your rights in the meantime and then let you know later if you get those rights back. Apparently, the 6-week standard is really the newly accepted threshold.

Given that most women don’t even know they are pregnant until week four or later if they have irregular menstruation cycles, the 6-week ban is effectively a full-on ban. In which case, why stop there? Why not take the short leap of making an abortion ban in effect be an abortion ban in law? I’m not going to split hairs by predicting a ruling where they gut Roe but keep it in name only. I say they will completely overturn Roe, arguing that it was a case wrongly decided 50 years ago. I think they’re already there! Now, they just need to type it up, format it, and hit print. Oh, well. Elections have consequences, and dumbass Democrats are the last ones to understand that. The countdown begins! Mark my words, morons! Nothing matters anymore. Your rights will be next, so be careful what you wish for and what rights you cherish. America is literally going backward with our rights. And welcome to stupid f***ing America!

Purely Moronic

Another Mass Killing at a High School, but Don’t Worry, Folks! Nothing Will Ever Change, Except for More Guns — Everywhere

Looks like Oxford High School in the great militia-loving state of Michigan is the latest member in our Union to approve of gun violence, especially in high schools. No need to belabor the circumstances, but I will cut right to the key point in this case: The father bought the gun four days before his son murdered four classmates. Without a doubt, both parents should be charged with accessory to murder. Yeah, yeah, I know. The definition of accessory doesn’t quite fit, but for the parents to get away with something trivial such as failing to secure a firearm would be criminal. Sorry, but these parents are criminals! Full f***ing stop! I am so f***ing G.D. sick of teens doing the killing while parents provide the guns, and the parents invariably get away with facilitating murder. Parents are never held accountable. I don’t feel bad for the Crumbley’s at all. In fact, they disgust me. And of course! Of course! Of course, these parents are MAGA morons. I expected nothing less. This type of white trash breeds. MAGA morons breed little MAGA morons who then buy their little MAGA moron terrorists guns who then kill people. Fan-f***ing-tastic. No one can doubt that if the father had not purchased the gun for whatever reason — the son thought it looked “cool” ala Rittenhouse — then this massacre would have never happened. I guess this is the new standard: “Dad buy me a cool gun!” But whatever. Guns over people — as usual! I live in stupid hell. And as I write after every mass killing at a high school: I can’t wait for nothing to change. Yippie! No one cares! Mark my words, morons. Welcome to stupid America. Proving our worthlessness daily!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

I Just Love Chauncey DeVega

He writes in Salon, “Democrats are being encircled by a radicalized Republican Party increasingly committed to fascism. Instead of organizing their forces and launching a coordinated counterattack, the Democrats are fighting many battles at once — and losing most of them. … The Republican fascists and larger ‘conservative’ movement are continuing their ‘culture war’ attacks. Their newest weapon is the right-wing moral panic about ‘critical race theory,’ against which Democrats have been largely defenseless. … The Republican fascist movement is successfully attacking truth and reality, and once again, liberals and progressives have no remotely equivalent propaganda machine. … Instead of leading a counterattack and rallying his supporters, Joe Biden has sought consensus. This may be a historically dreadful decision. … As shown by their behavior and language, Republicans and their supporters are prepared to fight a life-and-death battle to end multiracial democracy in America. In response, Democrats are giving stern lectures about proper comportment and the importance of so-called democratic institutions. It would be laughable if it were not tragic. … Democrats and many of their supporters, along with the mainstream news media, consistently underestimate the extreme danger to American society posed by right-wing militias and the larger ‘Patriot’ movement. … Liberal Democrats in particular are extremely invested in presenting an image of, ‘We’re going to just keep going on. Everything’s just going to keep working the way it always has.’ I’m here to tell you that normal is gone and it is not coming back for a really long time. And it will not come back until we recognize that we have this powerful force attacking our democratic institutions and basically the heart of what America is. We can’t fight it if we don’t recognize it. … I am of the mind that that [sic] there has to be some kind of world-shaking tragedy for the American people to wake up. Even then I am not sure such a horrible thing would be enough to wake people up. Here in this country we have developed an incredible reflex for normalizing the crises and dangers.”

DeVega is one of the few progressive writers who actually gets it! I quoted only a small portion of a much lengthier article, but I encourage you to read it in its entirety. No truer words have ever been written. He actually understands the threats to America’s democracy which includes Democrats’ incompetence. And he understands how dumbass Democrats are just as much of a menace as RepubliKKKlans because they are blind to the conservatism scourge killing (literally and not) America. I especially appreciated how he called out progressives for expecting a return to normal. Again, a state of affairs I have long said is never going to happen; normal is gone for good. But leave it to dumbass Democrats to be thinking about yester-year while RepubliKKKlans plan for the future — an America without a democracy. Needless to say, we are f***ed! Americans are too stupid. Dumbass Democrats are too clueless and too weak. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are too strong and relentless. Oh, well! I’ve been saying it for several months now, but it is the countdown to the end of democracy for these reasons. Mark my words, f***tards! Whatever! I give up! Welcome to stupid America!