Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Like I Said, America Is Too Stupid to Survive

From The Washington Post, “A year after local and state election officials came under immense pressure from Trump to subvert the results of the 2020 White House race, he and his supporters are pushing an ambitious plan to place Trump loyalists in key positions across the administration of U.S. elections. The effort goes far beyond the former president’s public broadsides against well-known Republican state officials who certified President Biden’s victory, such as Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey. Citing the need to make elections more secure, Trump allies are also seeking to replace officials across the nation, including volunteer poll watchers, paid precinct judges, elected county clerks and state attorneys general, according to state and local officials, as well as rally speeches, social media posts and campaign appearances by those seeking the positions. If they succeed, Trump and his allies could pull down some of the guardrails that prevented him from overturning Biden’s win by creating openings to challenge the results next time, election officials and watchdog groups say.”

So, this is a foregone conclusion because RepubliKKKlans will get away with their nefarious plans, and dumbass Democrats, as usual, will be entirely caught off guard as they naively expect and rely upon the average citizen always to do the right thing and care. Not! If there is one truism about Americans, it is that they are completely apathetic about politics. Once again, and as always, dumbass Democrats just don’t f***ing get it! They just have no clue how to fight, where the battlefield is, or who the enemy is. Dominating election boards and the local election process in key swing states is how RepubliKKKlans will steal elections (i.e., our democracy), thereby achieving permanent power, while Democrats will give it to them on a silver platter. We get the government we deserve, so get ready, f***tards! Oh, well! Welcome to stupid America!


Smash-and-Grab Crime

These smash-and-grab crime sprees are not mere larceny! People should understand this is not simple theft or some crime committed for the thrill of it. No! This is a form of terrorizing the public, who now have to worry about going to the mall. So, do not be duped into thinking these people are just stealing “things.” They are stealing our sense of security. These are violent crimes. Not violence against our physical bodies, but violence against the body of our society. As such, these offenders should really be charged with capital offenses. Seriously, lock them up and throw away the key. I don’t care how young the criminals are. This is one strike, and you’re out! And this is not me turning conservative or being unsympathetic (well, maybe a bit unsympathetic); it’s me just being over it and being sick of people acting like they don’t live within a larger society. Consequently, these criminals need to be removed from civilization — permanently! Let’s save the topic of police reform for another day.

Purely Moronic


Wow! What a f***ing G.D. MSM joke of the highest f***ing order. I’ve been attentive to news reports over the holiday weekend about this new variant, and all I have been able to discern is the MSM’s attempt to simultaneously gin up fear and calm in the same segment. Indeed, I heard contradictions from the same guest doctor. Un-f***ing-believable! Only in the American news culture of fear can this happen. To be sure, given the lack of evidence, news anchors and celebrity doctors (excluding Dr. Fauci), alike, are all over the board with their opinions on what Omicron means for the pandemic — from it could be worse than Delta to it could be another Lambda which originated in Peru and basically went nowhere. I am starting to see how the average person can be confused by pandemic messaging because the MSM is latching onto the first (and every) tidbit of meaningless information and ill-informed opinion. Now, I’m not saying Omicron is something not to be concerned about, for this variant contains many more mutations in the spike protein than any other single variant, which really does define how the virus interacts with one’s cells and immune system; however, at this point, be wary but don’t panic until the science is in even though the MSM wants to portend doom no matter what because that’s what people want. Americans seem to always want to be in a state of fear! Nonetheless, it is still my deep wish this variant kills more of the willingly unvaccinated while the fully vaccinated will remain protected. Seriously! The only way we are going to get beyond the pandemic is when the stupid die off — faster!

Then of all the doctors I’ve heard over the weekend, there were only one or two willing to go out on a “limb” by conjecturing that Omicron is already in the U.S., while others obliquely suggest that it could eventually come to our shores. Well, of course, it’s already here, morons! Seriously! Have we learned nothing in the nearly two years of living with COVID? There is absolutely no reason to tip-toe around speculating about something that is a near certainty. (Because America is still doing a piss poor job at genomic testing of COVID we haven’t detected it yet. So, Omicron is out there, folks. We just can’t find it.) When doctors and scientists fail to state the obvious — even when it cuts against their “let the science speak” ethos — it really does diminish their expertise and reputation. Sometimes a zebra is a f***ing zebra; you don’t have to do a genetic test first to confirm that it’s not a horse. While I don’t doubt T.V. doctors, I do find myself screaming at my laptop when they couch their expert answers with terms like “may,” “should,” “could,” “perhaps,” etc. By the time they finish answering a question on COVID, they have qualified their response into oblivion where anything is possible and nothing has been elucidated. Welcome to stupid America!


Preach Brother David Rothkopf! Preach!

One may accuse me of seeking out and commenting on articles that only provide confirmation bias — and one may be correct — but apparently, confirmation bias grows on trees then! According to the Daily Beast, “A widely respected jurist, Garland was picked by Biden to depoliticize the DOJ and end the abuses of its power we saw under Trump appointees Jeff Sessions and Bill Barr. Certainly, he has made some strides in that direction. But if the result of his de-politicization is tiptoeing around the egregious serial wrongdoing of the leaders of the Republican Party, then his efforts will have exactly the opposite of the intended effect. By failing to hold Trump and Co. accountable, Garland will set the stage for them to continue unabated their efforts to turn the U.S. into a one-party state in which only Republicans can win elections, and any tactics they may use to hold on to power will have been effectively validated by the inaction of Garland and his DOJ. … We also have not heard a peep out of them in terms of prosecuting the dozen instances of clear obstruction of justice that Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report cited against Trump. We have seen that Garland is letting the highly politicized investigation of special prosecutor John Durham into the conduct of the Trump-Russia investigation continue (by continuing its funding). We, therefore, have the real prospect that those who sought to look into the Trump-Russia ties that both Mueller and Congressional investigations have demonstrated were real, unprecedented, and dangerous might be prosecuted, while those who actively sought the help of a foreign enemy to win an election will not be. … And yet Garland’s behavior to date has left me apprehensive. Conversations I have had with folks inside DOJ have not eased those concerns. There, frustration with Garland begins with his management style (which insiders liken to that of a judge running his chambers in which his office is a kind of bubble apart from the department and staffed by a small team akin to the clerks he had when he was in the judiciary).”

So! I have written numerous times (and at length) long before others that we are f***ed because of our pathetic A.G. Garland. Here is but one more published work echoing what I’ve been saying for nearly a year now. Do not be fooled by illustrious legal “experts” cautioning us to be “patient” with Garland, for he may be investigating the traitor trump syndicate, which takes time and should not be publicized. That is all f***ing B.S. All of it. Mueller already spent the better part of two years investigating traitor trump. He wrote two volumes laying out the crimes of the previous administration, so I have no idea why or how much longer it would take Garland to pick up where Mueller left off unless, of course, he has no interest in prosecuting said traitor. Then there is the insurrection. Apparently, Garland has no interest in pursuing anyone beyond the little fish, so expect nothing to happen there. Even if, by some miracle of God, the January 6 Committee turns up something of significance against traitor trump — it won’t — don’t expect Garland to pursue that either.

All that being said, let us say, for the sake of argument, Garland is quietly pursuing an investigation into traitor trump — a laughable thought, but let’s continue this mental exercise for a moment — then time is still running out. Indeed, too much time has already been wasted. There is one ace in the hole traitor trump has that no one is writing about, and that is his upcoming presidential run. Yes, yes. Many journalists are asking, Will he or won’t he? But that is the wrong angle and the wrong question. People think he’s waiting for the right political moment to announce. Wrong! He’s waiting for the right legal moment, morons. Traitor trump knows that once he announces his run for president, any investigation into him would instantly become politically charged — the same optics Garland eschews. It’s now or never, and I guess Garland is going with never. Traitor trump knows he can halt all his legal problems by merely declaring his candidacy. Ideally, he wants the House flipped to RepubliKKKlan control before announcing, so he’s waiting, but if something changes with the status of an investigation or legal case, then watch out! He’ll announce sooner, for Traitor trump gets the same politician protections as a declared presidential candidate. He’ll scream political witch hunt, and prosecutors will be stunned into inaction even more so than they are now. And at that exact moment, everything — and I mean everything — in America will be lost forever. Mark my words, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America!

Economics, Baby Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘Americans say they hate the economy but act like they love it’

From CNN, “The Biden economy is a walking contradiction. Consumer sentiment is at a 10-year low, tumbling in November to levels unseen even during the height of Covid-19. A staggering 70% of Americans rate the economy negatively in an ABC News-Washington Post poll. And yet Americans are shopping up a storm, with retail sales soaring in October at the fastest pace since stimulus checks were sent out in March. Walmart, Target (TGT) and Home Depot are booming. Hiring is strong (much stronger than the government initially thought). And workers are quitting their jobs at a record pace, in large part because they are very confident they can easily find a better job. Something doesn’t add up. And that something has a lot to do with the nation’s first inflation scare in decades. … The good news is that despite elevated inflation and the supply chain crisis, Americans are still shopping. That’s crucial because consumer spending makes up two-thirds of the economy.”

Of course! I expected nothing less from a f***tarded electorate. Indeed, Americans are (and America itself is) one big amalgamation of contradictions, and this is particularly true for the one aspect of society that will cripple Democrats’ chances to retain power and save American democracy. This is all because people can’t help themselves from splurge-spending as they did before the pandemic. People have more money in their wallets, and all of it just has to be spent — now! Then they simultaneously b*tch about the consequences of such spending (i.e., inflation) while continuing to spend, spend, spend. Again, inflation is the result of too many dollars chasing too few products. Plain and simple. And as long as consumers are willing to pay higher prices, then firms will continue to charge them. This is Economics 101 — apparently a life course few have taken or understand. Yet the vast majority make political election choices based on a subject they don’t fully comprehend. Fan-f***ing-tastic! I live in stupid hell! Granted, food and fuel are two goods with fairly high price inelasticity coefficients. That is to say, higher prices of these items do not significantly alter the amount demanded of them. Presumably, having to spend more on food and fuel would crowd out spending on other items, but that’s not happening either because I guess people need their new electronics. They need that new car. They need that new home. They need to eat out instead of cooking at home. They need to make more unnecessary car trips, thereby wasting more gas. They need to take that vacation. These are examples of pressures put on the demand side of the equation. Supply chain issues, which are well-known, contribute to the supply side of the equation. (Adding to the problem, I have no doubt people are not paying off their debt before they continue to spend because Americans love to carry unnecessary debt.) In short, inflation is on the rise, yet no one is altering their behavior in response. People are too stubborn and too stupid to change their habits proactively. Oh, no! Instead, they just b*tch more about inflation and blame Biden and Democrats for something that consumers are collectively perpetuating.

Not to mention that because oil prices are an input cost for everything in the consumerism chain of expenses, all it takes is OPEC+ to restrict output long enough and oil refineries to dial back capacity long enough to cause widespread and sustained inflation. Oh, and did I mention this high inflation phenomenon is worldwide? So, this is not an American thing, nor is it a Democratic governance thing. But, I guess this is all Biden’s fault despite reality. Nonetheless, people are still spending like no tomorrow — because they can and are willing to pay more. “The ironic thing about these inflation fears: A big part of the reason inflation is here today is because demand is booming as the economy recovers from Covid faster than many imagined possible back in March 2020. Inflation wouldn’t be a problem if the US economy were experiencing something like the painfully slow recovery from the Great Recession.” And then this from Politico, “Jobless claims dropped by 71,000 to 199,000, the lowest since mid-November 1969. The drop was much bigger than economists expected. The four-week average of claims, which smooths out weekly ups and downs, also dropped — by 21,000 to just over 252,000, the lowest since mid-March 2020 when the pandemic slammed the economy.” But, whatever! Inflation! Inflation! Inflation! Nothing else matters but inflation, inflation, inflation. Did I mention the more people with money in their wallets thing? People need to get a f***ing G.D. grip, and the MSM should find another daily topic.

All in all, the economy is improving fast, but leave it to Americans to b*tch about a recovering economy. And I have no doubt voters will reward RepubliKKKlans as a result. Un-f***ing-believable. Welcome to stupid America! Never dumber than when it comes to understanding the economy and the world, more generally, in which they live and, worse still, make political decisions based on faulty reasoning.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

America’s Death Spiral — No One Cares

From CBS News, “The United States has joined an annual list of ‘backsliding’ democracies for the first time, the International IDEA think-tank said on Monday, pointing to a ‘visible deterioration’ that it said began in 2019. … ‘The United States is a high-performing democracy, and even improved its performance in indicators of impartial administration (corruption and predictable enforcement) in 2020. However, the declines in civil liberties and checks on government indicate that there are serious problems with the fundamentals of democracy,’ Alexander Hudson, a co-author of the report, told AFP. … ‘The visible deterioration of democracy in the United States, as seen in the increasing tendency to contest credible election results, the efforts to suppress participation (in elections), and the runaway polarization… is one of the most concerning developments,’ said International IDEA secretary-general Kevin Casas-Zamora.” This is catastrophic news, but don’t worry. No one cares, least of all Americans!

I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to keep repeating myself. I guess until it is no longer legal to criticize the government. But America is doomed, and Americans are too stupid to see the writing on the wall. Moreover, dumbass Democrats are too f***ing weak to stop the tide of fascism because they are a worthless political party that just doesn’t get it! They always wrongly assume, first and foremost, American citizens are savvy enough and engaged enough to save themselves from their own apathy. News flash, f***tards: Americans are not. They never will be. Sure, they seem to manage to get their lazy asses out every four years to vote for the right president half the time, but as for every other election? They don’t care, which provides RepubliKKKlans the perfect opportunity to destroy America’s democracy. Dumbass Democrats will oblige the traitor party through their pure political incompetence and apathy. It’s been forty years in the making since Reagan. This is what Americans want, as every election Democrats lose — from the Virginia gubernatorial race to local school boards — only solidifies RepubliKKKlan dominance. So be careful what you wish for because you just might get it! Whatever! I give up! I live in stupid hell! If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: America is simply too stupid to survive. Make way — dead democracy walking! Welcome to stupid America!

MAGA Morons Purely Moronic

Rittenhouse 3!

Not guilty! I nailed it again, morons! (Although, I was 9 hours off on the over-under.) Vigilantism is free to roam and prosper in ‘MERICA! It’s the new sport killing! Guns everywhere and consequence-free for using them for anything and killing anyone. Kyle is about to be their poster child hero for exactly what you can get away with while in the commission of a murder. Oh, well! This is America! MAGA morons will be parading in the streets because this is what Americans want. People want guns everywhere. America has an undeniable love affair with guns. Just ask Sandy Hook survivors and how nothing has changed since — at all. The Second Amendment, as usual, reigns supreme — above life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness! If your happiness is to kill someone in the pursuit of vigilantism, then congratulations! You, too, get another free pass. I say no justice, no peace! Get ready, f***tards! America is about to explode. Whatever! I give up!

And let me segway to traitor trump while speaking of vigilantism and white snowflake grievance. He’s going to steal the 2024 election. Mark my words. I understand the direction the country is going, and it is terrifying. But we get the society we deserve, and we love the chaos and death! Witness the Rittenhouse verdict. He deserves a Dexter moment. I expected nothing less from this God-forsaken sh*thole country of idiots! Nothing ever changes really. One step closer to the next civil war, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America!


I Am Surprised, but Not Impressed

From The Hill, “A federal grand jury has indicted Steve Bannon, the one-time White House adviser to former President Trump, after he failed to comply with a subpoena from the committee investigating the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol. Bannon faces two charges of contempt of Congress after he failed to appear for an Oct. 14 deposition before the panel.” Good! Although, Bannon will consider this prosecution as something of a cause célèbre by which he can raise money and increase his stardom. The entire process will be more of a headache for him, but he’ll endure it for the riches on the other end. Doubtful he’ll be convicted. As for the DOJ, it is the least of things and the least expected of them before I totally gave up on Garland. He’s still weak, but thankfully I don’t feel compelled to hold up a mirror to his nose anymore. Finally, what “shock waves” or signals does this send to others unwilling to cooperate with the January 6 Select Committee? None. They’re just running out the clock until RepubliKKKlans take over in 2023. The only thing this indictment has shown is that the DOJ is just barely not asleep at the wheel, and the RepubliKKKlan delay strategy is going to work. Nothing more, nothing less. Welcome to stupid America.

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

The Traitor [T]rump Shadow Presidency Intensifies

According to HuffPost, “The White House was quick to set the record straight on Thursday after former President Donald Trump claimed he had sent an ‘envoy ambassador’ to the Kosovo-Serbia border. ‘Outside of his very active imagination, Donald Trump is no longer president and doesn’t have any “envoy ambassadors” representing the United States,’ a White House official told reporters. Trump released a statement earlier claiming his’ envoy ambassador’ Richard Grenell, a former ambassador and staunch ally, had visited the countries Thursday to highlight an economic normalization agreement his administration brokered in 2020. It’s not the first time Trump or his allies have acted as though he is running some kind of shadow presidency. His ongoing denial and delusions over his 2020 election loss have extended to the point where he has reportedly continued to hold ‘Cabinet’ meetings, though it’s unclear who has participated in them.”

Of course, Democrats ignore and mock this at their own peril. I don’t know how many times I have to repeat myself, but people are f***ing morons. They are rarely able to discern fact from fiction, particularly RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, and the like. I said this from the start of Biden’s presidency: Traitor trump is not going anywhere, least of all jail, and, in fact, he will conduct a shadow presidency specifically intended to hurt and delegitimize Biden. And right on cue, the shadow presidency and ongoing insurrection continue while Biden and his entire administration — especially his DOJ — conduct itself as business as usual. You know! There is a reason why so many f***tards believe traitor trump is still president, and it has far less to do with a collective mass delusional electorate. It’s the optics; it always has been. That’s how traitor trump became president in the first and how he continues the charade to this day. All these micro-actions collect and build up traitor trump and diminish Biden. Dumbass Democrats — and progressives more generally — just let it happen. They need to hobble traitor trump, but they are too weak to take the necessary, ruthless actions to keep him in check. For starters, the FBI and CIA should be all over this Grenell trip. They should track his every move and make him feel that they are watching him very, very closely. What are the consequences of ignoring the insurrectionist-in-chief? Virginia! Oh, well. I am just beginning to resign myself to the final days of democracy because Democrats are worthless. Welcome to stupid America! I can’t wait for the traitor trump embassy to open in Kosovo.

MAGA Morons Other Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Rittenhouse 2!

Oh, never mind my previous post predicting a hung jury. After watching his testimony, the judge’s performance, and the prosecutor’s foibles, he’ll be acquitted on all the original felony charges (assuming no lesser included charges) because this is stupid America where we love our vigilantes all in the name of self-defense. (I’m going with an acquittal in 16 hours or less. Any takers?) Everything is self-defense! Boy goes looking for trouble while illegally possessing a firearm and he’s the one claiming self-defense. Eh, I expected nothing less. He’ll get away with it as all white male defendants do. I only hope that America explodes after such a verdict. I keep telling you morons that we are beyond the point of no return. There is no turning back or returning to “normal.” Traitor trump broke this country; the RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons who voted for him and still support him want the country broken. A broken nation cannot stand. The only way is through — through a civil war. Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well. Welcome to stupid America!