Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Roe v. Wade Ended Yesterday: Oh, Well

From The Hill, “A Texas bill banning virtually all abortions after a heartbeat is detected, which can occur in as few as six weeks, went into effect at midnight on Wednesday after the Supreme Court did not move to block it.” So, effectively Roe v. Wade ended last night. It is pretty clear SCOTUS is signaling that it will strike down this 48-year-old legal precedent, and no one cares. Oh, well! I’ve written about this moment extensively, and I knew dumbass Democrats would be completely incompetent to mount a sustained fight to protect women’s rights. This is a long battle finally won by conservatives. Let the floodgates open because do not think the fight stops here for a second. Those who actually thought that abortion rights were ever about protecting life, then I have a bridge in New York I’d like to sell you. Conservatives have never cared about the fetus; the fight against Roe has always been about controlling women (Taliban-style). Now the law of the land that protected a woman’s right to control her own body has gone right out the window with little more than a whipper. (I have yet to hear an outraged Democrat on this news; they have pretty much capitulated — predictably.)

I just wrote about the SCOTUS “shadow docket,” which is a perfect example. By doing nothing, they have undone everything. Watch other conservative states follow suit with new laws similar to the Texas law, which is actually far more restrictive than the Mississippi abortion law that SCOTUS will be hearing at the start of the new term — next month. It is difficult to see how SCOTUS would allow a more restrictive Texas law to take effect but strike down the Mississippi law upon review. No, the Texas model is the new standard. This model is that the state itself will not criminally prosecute women; instead, the state will leave enforcement up to individual snitches to spy on and sue everyone around the woman receiving the abortion who may or may not be aiding and abetting her to exercise her constitutional right — see below. Indeed, Roe has effectively been killed by proxy!

But wait! There is more! Also, from The Hill, “The bill, in addition to prohibiting virtually all abortions after a fetal heartbeat is detected, allows most private citizens to file lawsuits against abortion providers if they have a suspicion that the provider infringed on the new policy.” So, here we have legalized (and incentivized!) citizen vigilantism against women. Not sure why a perfect stranger should be given legal standing to sue someone for helping what a woman does to her body — legally or illegally — that does not directly harm said perfect stranger. Yet, this is the law, and people are completely fine with that because America is becoming a totalitarian nation of f***tards who simply don’t care what happens anymore — state by state, law by law, politician by politician. As I said above, the fight will not stop. Next: Gay’s rights — all of them; other minorities’ rights; the rest of women’s rights; Democrats’ rights — yes, rights of the opposition party will become fair game. Mark my words. I have been saying that the perfect storm is already upon us. The stars have fully aligned for RepubliKKKlans to destroy America’s democracy. And best of all? No one f***ing cares. Dumbass Democrats will shrug — as they typically do — while wondering what went wrong. It’s all too late, morons. Oh, well. All these RepubliKKKlans will get re-elected like clockwork! And there will be more losses for Democrats to come because they are weak and pathetic. RepubliKKKlans are railroading Democrats because they can. Welcome to stupid America! The country is finished, and they’re coming for your rights next!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

SCOTUS Finally Speaks: F*** Women and Their Rights!

I quote (at length) the Great Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Sotomayor, who makes the point why five conservative justices determined the fate of half the population with barely a concern: “The Court’s order is stunning. Presented with an application to enjoin a flagrantly unconstitutional law engineered to prohibit women from exercising their constitutional rights and evade judicial scrutiny, a majority of justices have opted to bury their heads in the sand. Last night, the Court silently acquiesced in a State’s enactment of a law that flouts nearly 50 years of federal precedents. Today, the Court belatedly explains that it declined to grant relief because of procedural complexities of the State’s own invention. Ante, at 1. Because the Court’s failure to act rewards tactics designed to avoid judicial review and inflicts significant harm on the applicants and on women seeking abortions in Texas, I dissent. … In effect, the Texas Legislature has deputized the State’s citizens as bounty hunters, offering them cash prizes for civilly prosecuting their neighbors’ medical procedures. … Taken together, the Act is a breathtaking act of defiance—of the Constitution, of this Court’s precedents, and of the rights of women seeking abortions throughout Texas. … It cannot be the case that a State can evade federal judicial scrutiny by outsourcing the enforcement of unconstitutional laws to its citizenry. … The Court should not be so content to ignore its constitutional obligations to protect not only the rights of women, but also the sanctity of its precedents and of the rule of law.”

I add one final — and the most important — point made by the Great Associate Justice of the Supreme Court of the United States, Kagan, “And it [Court of Appeals opinion] barely bothers to explain its conclusion — that a challenge to an obviously unconstitutional abortion regulation backed by a wholly unprecedented enforcement scheme is unlikely to prevail.” Bingo! Bingo! And bingo! The conservative SCOTUS justices agreed with that “reasoning.” And there it is in a nutshell. Sotomayor argues that the sole intention of the Texas law is to outlaw abortions, and Kagan pithily calls out the moral turpitude of the conservative justices’ decision not to enjoin the law because somehow they think the legal case against a clearly unconstitutional law is not likely to succeed. Case closed. Roe is dead! Never mind, most people across the country and within the states don’t want Roe overturned. But whatever! I give up! The minority is ruling us, and people don’t care.

So, what comes next for the political left? Uproar? Marching? Mobilization? Organization? Rage? Revolution? Kill the filibuster? Vote? (God forbid!) Uh, none of the above. This has been years in the making. A slow-moving freight train has been rolling down the track toward a washed-out bridge. We knew this was coming at least three presidential election cycles ago, and still, dumbass Democrats, Liberals, and Progressives demonstrated complete insouciance to the notion that elections matter when it comes to SCOTUS. Apparently, elections only matter when it’s too late — traitor trump. Oh, well. This is the bed dumbass Democrats made for their lack of political urgency and ruthlessness. So, in short, we get what we deserve, and I don’t see SCOTUS’s latest actions being enough to shake Democrats (especially politicians) from their complacency. And that pusillanimous statement from Biden was so m*****f***ing G.D. infuriating. He will do everything to protect women’s rights and advocate for legislation. Really? Thanks for reiterating the obvious and espousing tactics that have been entirely worthless. In the end, he’ll do nothing. It’s all talk with Democrats and little meaningful action. At the very least, Biden must call Justice Breyer and tell him it’s time to retire. I don’t give one G.D. f*** if it’s inappropriate. It’s time to play f***ing hardball for once, but Democrats are incapable. I give up! The Democratic Party is completely pathetic and outmatched for today’s political environment. Get ready for a RepubliKKKlan Christian theocracy. We deserve the government we get because most people don’t care! Welcome to stupid America.

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Brace for the Political Earthquake After Roe Is Overturned — Not!

I watched Lawrence O’Donnell on MSNBC last night, and he made an excellent point I had not considered previously. In essence, he stated that if Roe were to be reversed, then not much would change in the country. States where choice is protected would continue to allow abortions. Those populations would not be impacted. As for states with trigger laws or where abortions are already difficult to obtain, an already limited right will merely disappear. For instance, in Mississippi, which only has one abortion clinic in the entire state, what would be the material impact of that one clinic closing? They perform about 300 procedures per month, so the impact is not much in that state. In many states with highly restrictive laws, those citizens have already adapted to an abortion-limited environment, so there is not much difference in the next step to an abortion-free circumstance, especially if a nearby state provides legalized abortions. Considering the very small fraction of women who chose abortions compared to the rest of the female population, it is conceivable that the vast majority of women will wake up the day after Roe is abolished feeling that nothing has changed. (Unless, of course, you consider women waking up feeling like second-class citizens a change.) Then that begs the question: What would be the political fallout if SCOTUS scuttles Roe? Allow me to answer.

In short, nothing! I predicted the day RBG died that abortion would finally be overturned. At the time, I welcomed it because dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel for decades when it comes to prioritizing the judiciary — and basically everything else that entails wielding political power. I believed that overturning Roe just might be the last straw to wake Democrats the f*** up. I wanted Roe to be the new rally cry — the spark of the next revolution for Democrats to get their f***ing act together and to start winning again. But who the f*** am I kidding? O’Donnell’s comment made me realize that if Roe is abolished, then the net effect on the ground would be nothing; there would be no blowback. There will be no enduring excitement or political will for Democrats to do something — anything. It hit me that dumbass Democrats are simply too f***ing G.D. weak to mobilize on this issue and every other issue, except maybe for the ACA. I mean, killing women’s abortion right has been a RepubliKKKlan freight train rolling inexorably down the tracks in slow motion for decades, and idiot Democrats still managed to get run over. So, why the f*** would I think that now is the moment for things to change? My own hope diluted me — the one feeling I deride for its worthlessness, yet I dared anyway. Shame on me! O’Donnell woke me up!

What will happen once Roe is gone? Oh, for sure, there will be the perfunctory outrage among women who have seen autonomy over their own bodies reversed. They will be rightly outraged that five men have taken away a half-century-old right to women’s liberty and medical privacy. Sure, there will be marches, consternation, and rage, but there will be no comeuppance for RepubliKKKlans. Why would there be? RepubliKKKlans and evil evangelicals have been advocating restricting women’s rights for decades. This has been a long time coming for women, and Democrats have done absolutely nothing to avoid what is about to come to pass. The traitor trump administration and the years leading up to it have created the perfect storm. I’ve written about this before, but allow me to repeat myself. Traitor trump was the capstone on judicial court-packing at the highest levels, which will take a generation before there is even a hope of starting to reverse the destruction. Add voter suppression and redistricting, wherein blue states lost and red states gained seats in the last census. The inevitable consequence? RepubliKKKlans will become more entrenched at the local, state, and federal levels. Again, RepubliKKKlans have been working at this for decades, whereas dumbass Democrats have been doing — well, I don’t know what they’ve been doing, except mostly losing. Hoping to win the presidency every four years is not a successful strategy to advance Democrats’ agenda.

Oh, and did I mention court-packing? (I did.) The political tactics that RepubliKKKlans have been employing to achieve permanent power will get the rubber stamp from a hard-right SCOTUS. I’m old enough to remember way back in 2013 when the conservative justices rolled back significant portions of the Voting Rights Act of 1965. From that point, red states put their voter suppression efforts into overdrive, to great success. In short, the impenetrable circle of power is locked and completed in RepubliKKKlans’ favor. It won’t matter how many angry women show up to the ballot box, for RepubliKKKlans have all but certainly rigged the voting system in the right places to benefit themselves overwhelmingly and singularly. Whatever. There is nothing new here. We’re f***ed! Thanks, Democrats, for nothing. Truly! Welcome to stupid America, where one political party wants to rule by tyranny and the other likes to watch!

Conspiracies for Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Death Spiral of America: QAnon, Guns, and Idiocracy

According to a stunning article in The New York Times, “Mr. Jones said he was struck by the prevalence of QAnon’s adherents. Overlaying the share of poll respondents who expressed belief in its core principles over the country’s total population, ‘that’s more than 30 million people,’ he said. ‘Thinking about QAnon, if it were a religion, it would be as big as all white evangelical Protestants, or all white mainline Protestants,’ he added. ‘So it lines up there with a major religious group.’ He also noted the correlation between belief in QAnon’s fiction and the conviction that armed conflict would be necessary. ‘It’s one thing to say that most Americans laugh off these outlandish beliefs, but when you consider that these beliefs are linked to a kind of apocalyptic thinking and violence, then it becomes something quite different,’ he said.” Then add on top of that this: “A measure long sought by conservative activists allowing Texans to carry handguns without a license [i.e., training, background check if bought through a private transaction] is on the cusp of becoming law after the Texas Senate approved a compromise on the bill Monday, sending it to Gov. Greg Abbott. Abbott has said he would sign the permitless carry proposal into law.”

Of course, RepubliKKKlans are passing a bill that the vast majority of Texans do not want, but what else is new? I say it every f***ing time: This nation is the tyranny of the minority over the majority, and no one cares. Whatever! And, of course, the reality of QAnon gaining prominence in America’s idiocracy coupled with ever-increasing lax gun laws is like the peanut butter and chocolate recipe for America’s demise. America deserves it! I have long said America is too stupid to survive, and now I am witnessing it in real (accelerated) time. One cannot possibly make up the headlines populating the pages of newspapers, newscasts, and websites, yet they are real. One may argue America has always had some level of “crazy,” and I would certainly agree. Still, this moment in history is significantly different because the QAnon kookery is the new religion, and guns are (another) epidemic in America, which is only getting worse and being facilitated by RepubliKKKlans, who are themselves being taken over by MAGA morons and QAnon. Sadly, these two facets of American culture are now primary drivers of American politics. Do you see the problem here? That is, my friends, the poison combination that is destroying America. And I am not being hyperbolic. America is too stupid to stop it. Who would have ever thought two ardent adherents of QAnon could be elected to Congress? Yet, it happened — twice! Just wait until the next Congress; there will be more. If 30 million morons (that’s 1 in 10 citizens!) believe the QAnon bat-sh*t craziness, then there is no reason that that 30 million should not be represented more fully in the next Congress, especially if f***tard RepubliKKKlan politicians run on a QAnon (or at least a not QAnon-denying) platform. This is a full-blown disease that is metastasizing and killing the nation. QAnon is not going anywhere, and people will be sorely mistaken to laugh it off as some sort of ephemeral aberration, for QAnon perfectly reflects the ethos of America’s stupidity, and now that it has reached religiosity status, America is truly, truly f***ed! Mark my words, f***tards. Stupid America loves the crazy, and they want these morons running the government! I guess people need to be entertained as America dies, and RepubliKKKlans are more than willing to oblige, knowing the re-incarnation of the nation will be for straight WASPs men only! Welcome to stupid America! Eh, I expected nothing less!

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

It’s Offical

According to Vox, “Prosecutors dropped murder charges on Sunday against a 26-year-old southern Texas woman over an alleged ‘self-induced abortion,’ admitting that she had not committed a crime. But her case is an example of the lengths to which red states are willing to go to restrict abortion access — and abortion advocates worry it could have a chilling effect on pregnant people seeking medical care in Texas.” This example is, of course, the next logical step once Roe is overturned, and for all you f***tards out there who still think otherwise, then you are too stupid to live.

Actually, let me take a detour to explain how believing that Roe will survive at this late point is even more moronic. All these states rushing to pass abortion restrictions only enhances the argument for SCOTUS to reverse Roe. One has to remember that justices love to look at what’s going on in the states — the “laboratories” of American democracy — to understand the tide of sentiment on the matter. And by “tide,” I mean just the conservative side of views, for we all live under conservative justices’ interpretation of law now. They will look to these red states where legislatures and governors are passing ever-increasing abortion restrictions to convince themselves that the citizens of those states know better how to regulate other women’s bodies. Of course, this is a circular logic trap that RepubliKKKlans are dying to spring on the rest of America. It works like this: A conservative super-majority SCOTUS has finally been formed, creating a block of justices who don’t have to act hastily to protect abortion rights. Consequently, they drag their feet on abortion lawsuits, allowing abortion bans to take effect while they enable the purposely slow wheels of justice to grind. Recall that abortions in Texas have been effectively banned for six months at this point — a Constitutionally protected right has been prohibited, and no one cares. In the meantime, RepubliKKKlan states feel emboldened to pass one restrictive abortion law after another to the point where such laws are no longer “novel.” Now, they have become “mainstream” because SCOTUS refuses to do anything, thereby encouraging more abortion bans. Yet, it is this same escalation of anti-abortion legislation that SCOTUS will point to as part of their justification to take away women’s rights to privacy. So, if you’re too stupid to see what’s happening, then do humanity a favor and self-abort yourselves!

Now I may return to my main point. Next will be laws establishing murder, attempted murder, and accessory to murder after Roe. Mark my words, morons! Oh, but RepubliKKKlans won’t stop there. As I have already said, red states will make it illegal to cross state lines to receive abortive healthcare, and RepubliKKKlans will undoubtedly go through extraordinary lengths to exercise their Gestapo state police powers. I can already foresee laws demanding access to a person’s medical records to verify if she had an abortion. This is just the beginning, morons. I don’t know how many times I have to keep repeating myself, but RepubliKKKlans want to turn America into a Russian satellite state, and no one cares — naturally. The rollback of people’s rights, especially minorities, has already begun, and the political reaction across the nation has been silence because of — inflation! Oh, well! Get ready, morons. This is what the death of democracy looks like. Welcome to stupid America. Dumber by the day, and the stupid cannot be undone!

Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Guns Everywhere — Who Cares?

According to CNN, “Eight people were shot and eight others injured in a mass shooting in a Brooklyn subway during Tuesday morning rush hour, according to FDNY spokesperson Amanda Farinacci. A preliminary investigation shows a possible smoke device was detonated, according to a senior law enforcement official. The NYPD said that there were no active explosive devices at this time.”

Eh! So, what? Who cares anymore? Seriously? This is just another day in America with a mass shooting, and nothing ever changes, and nothing ever will. This is yet another “thoughts and prayers” moment from RepubliKKKlans who will insist more guns everywhere is actually safer — good guys with guns outnumber bad guys with guns as if each wears an identifying badge. Dumbass Democrats will get hammered for being “soft on crime” because they are against guns-for-all policies and for gun regulation. Guns are the problem! So, whatever! I’m tired of writing about gun violence in America because nothing ever changes. I am becoming more convinced that this is, ultimately, Mother Nature thinning the herd of America’s idiocracy. America is too stupid to fix the problem of gun violence, so nature will take care of the problem for us.

Moreover, this is how RepubliKKKlans gain power, and dumbass Democrats lose it because typically, the smart ones are shot, leaving morons of America to rule the country and — most importantly — sell more guns! You get a gun! And you get a gun! And you get a gun! RepubliKKKlans always win the argument when it comes to gun violence. Morons of America always believe the RepubliKKKlan rhetoric and never give Democrats the power to change gun laws. It’s always the same, every time. Make no mistake, f***tards! This is what RepubliKKKlans want; they want a society living in perpetual fear of everyone else, especially minorities; they want everyone armed to justify and execute their actions when they are afraid, which is at all times ideally. What a society! No one cares. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! It’s Tuesday! Oh, and FREEDOM!

Purely Moronic

Humanity: Mound of Ants or Troop of Chimps?

According to Aljazeera, “No prime minister has completed a full five-year tenure in Pakistan’s 75-year history – a trend extended with the removal of Imran Khan, who lost a no-confidence vote on Sunday. Pakistan, a parliamentary democracy for most of its history, has had a total of 29 prime ministers since 1947 – one of whom took on the role twice in one year. On 18 occasions, prime ministers have been removed under a variety of circumstances, including corruption charges, direct military coups and forced resignations due to infighting in governing groups. There was one assassination. The remaining prime ministers held the position for a limited time as caretakers to oversee new elections or to see out a dismissed prime minister’s tenure. The year 1993 was particularly fraught, with five changes in the prime ministership.”

I read this article and could not help but think humanity is just a f***ing mess! I don’t mean to pick on Pakistan, specifically. Every country has its issues, but honestly, after 75 years as a nation, never once have they been able to make a government last. Then I thought about the rest of humanity’s challenges — climate change, politics, wars. If one were to take a macro view, that is to say, a perspective on mount high, it may appear humanity is a bunch of mindless ants building, working, and even going to war with each other — one colony versus another. One may witness the monuments and industriousness of humanity — buildings, economy, and government. From a distance, one may be fooled into believing the whole is a collective organ working in harmony toward some greater end, some greater good.

Of course, that would all be an illusion, for closer inspection would reveal a bunch of monkeys fighting and throwing poo at each other. This is evinced at the national, local, and even familial levels. One may be convinced humanity cannot get its act together on closer inspection. And I would agree! Oh, well! As I have said before — on more than one occasion — Mother Nature always restores balance, which includes and is not limited to humanity doing itself in.

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Watch the Language, Mister!

According to The Hill, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) on Friday warned of a coming ‘Cold War’ between Florida and Georgia if Democratic candidate Stacey Abrams wins the gubernatorial election in the state. During a press conference in Gulf County, in Florida’s northwest, DeSantis referenced the ongoing Master’s Tournament in Georgia, using it as an apparent segue into discussing the state’s elections. DeSantis said he ‘really appreciates our Georgians’ but voters would have to ‘take care’ of the 2022 election to prevent Abrams from winning.”

Civil war is coming, folks! I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say it or how much more proof I need to share. Granted, it’s not happening tomorrow, but I think it will happen within the next two presidential cycles. When you have the governor of a major state like Flordia basically threatening Georgian voters with a “Cold War” if they don’t vote right, then it is a serious, serious warning that political leaders are not only alluding to war outright — cold or otherwise — but thy are also willing to escalate the rhetoric. With DeSantis, in particular, the hatred toward fellow American citizens is more pronounced and alarming. Words matter, morons! RepubliKKKlans truly hate the other side. There is no mild contempt they hold for all the “others.” And for RepubliKKKlans, politics is either rule or be ruled, and they will not be ruled! Americans really need to wake the f*** up and start paying attention to the decline of America, for in the nation’s fracturing lies war! You don’t need a 50/50 split to warrant war. A 60/40 split works just as well. Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic

Kidnapping a Governor Is OK, Say Americans

From Reuters, “A federal jury on Friday acquitted two men of conspiring to kidnap Michigan Governor Gretchen Whitmer in 2020 and was deadlocked on the same charges for two other men. The men were charged in a plot prosecutors say had been inspired by their fierce opposition to pandemic-related restrictions that her office imposed. … The defense argued that the government used FBI informants and undercover agents to encourage the online discussions, hoping to entrap the defendants in alleged crimes because of their political views, they said. The acquittals come despite key testimony from Ty Garbin and Kaleb Franks, two others who were charged in the alleged plot before striking plea deals with prosecutors. Garbin is currently serving a six-year sentence, while Franks is awaiting sentencing.”

I am a broken record when I say this, but it is incomprehensible that there are no convictions in this case. There is not much to say besides America is dying, and here is but one more datum of proof! The political system has failed, and now the legal system has failed. The average citizen (juror) apparently feels that attempting to kidnap and murder the governor of Michigan is just fine. There is no other conclusion given the evidence and the witnesses in this case. And do not believe anyone who claimed the government entrapped them. That argument is always B.S., but it seems this jury of morons or traitor sympathizers believed the defense’s story. Oh, well. This is not surprising. Americans want this; there is no other explanation for the current state of the union except that people want to live in a lawless, dysfunctional country. Welcome to stupid America! Stupid people everywhere, everywhere stupid people.

Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Goalposts Have Not Moved

According to the brilliance of CNN, “Make no mistake: McConnell, in refusing to say whether he would hold hearings for any potential Supreme Court nominee in 2023 — which is not an election year — is seeking to, again, move the goalposts of how and when the Senate will confirm justices.” No, no! Once again, the MSM is full of idiots. McConnell’s goalposts remain precisely where they have always been for years: Whenever a Democrat is president and RepubliKKKlans control the Senate, then there will be no SCOTUS confirmations. Full stop! Since Obama, this has always been the case, so I have no idea why Chris Cillizza believes the situation has changed with McConnell’s “revelation.” Perhaps the morons in the MSM want to keep believing in the old traditions, the old ways, a civil RepubliKKKlan Party. So, f***ing G.D. stupid!

Look, f***tards. McConnell denied Merrick Garland’s confirmation on the rationalization that it was an election year, yet McConnell confirmed Amy Coney Barrett while people were voting (out traitor trump) in the 2020 election. So, what does that say? What should the idiot MSM have deduced from McConnell’s actions back then? Exactly what I just said: The goalposts have not changed; a RepubliKKKlan-control Senate will never confirm a SCOTUS nominee put forward by a Democratic president. Ugh! I can’t believe these professional journalists actually get paid for their “analysis” that yields the wrong conclusions. Oh! And, of course, no one cares, least of all Democrats! I live in stupid hell! Welcome to stupid America!