Reporting from a local news station reads, “A group of white supremacists marched in front of Philadelphia City Hall Saturday night, drawing jeers from onlookers, as well as small scuffles. Approximately 200 members of the group Patriot Front wore white face coverings, khakis, blue shirts and tan hats and waved flags with their group insignias.” So, another domestic terrorist march is once again allowed in America, and with the exception of a few true patriot onlookers disrupting the parade, no one really cares. Apparently, these neo-Nazis interacted with the police regarding their mode of transportation, but in the end, no arrests, no tickets, and no intervention. Looks here, f***tards! These white nationalist terrorists converging on any town in America is not free speech at all — ever. They are a hate group, espousing violence just by their mere presence, and nothing is done to combat it because America is too f***ing weak to stop them.
Dumbass Democrats are weak. They talk about the threat of white nationalist terrorists endlessly, but now that they are in power, Democrats do nothing, except allow these Nuremberg-style marches to muster. Why the f*** is the FBI not cracking down on all these hate groups? Oh, that’s right. We still have a traitor trump holdover leading the FBI because Biden is too feckless and weak to get his own man to lead the nation’s premier law enforcement agency. Obama was the same way. Amazing how the last two Democratic presidents have always kept RepubliKKKlan appointed FBI directors. And we wonder why federal law enforcement can’t seem to get a grasp on these domestic terrorist groups. They just keep thriving, multiplying, and terrorizing communities as police look on and, no doubt, empathize with them. Nothing ever changes. It’s all more of the same: More guns, more white nationalist terrorist groups marching in the streets, dumbass Democrats hoping things will get better magically, and RepubliKKKlans ruthlessly calculating their return to power — and it will work. Welcome to stupid America. Get your pair of khakis soon so that you too can fit into dying America! No one cares!