With attention given to the upcoming meeting between HRH Queen Elizabeth II and President Biden, the news is reliving the embarrassment of traitor trump’s meeting in 2019. The twin problems being he was (questionably) late, but I think it was his intention — he wanted royalty waiting for his grand entrance — and he (unquestionably) walked in front of the Queen because he’s a moronic, selfish a**hole who thinks of no one but himself — aka the quintessential American conservative MAGA moron ethos. Although not pictured, what the orange f***tard above is looking at is the Guard of Honour, and in so doing, he’s ignoring the Queen because he’s self-absorbed by the pomp and circumstance. Oh, my f***ing God! I cannot with his stupidity and the MAGA world’s stupidity that elected him in the first place. But because traitor trump thought he was the star of the show then everything must revolve around him, and he acted as if the visit was all about him, which is why he had no second thoughts about turning his back to the Queen by walking in front and away from her — leaving her behind as if to say “I’m here to see the soldiers here for me, so every one look at me.” I can’t! Welcome to stupid America: An endless embarrassment!
Tag: Posted
The Hill reports, “The Politico/Morning Consult Poll published on Wednesday found the vast majority of Americans dismiss the theory that Trump will be reinstated as president, including 61 percent of Republicans. Twenty-nine percent of GOP respondents, however, said they believe Trump will be made president again [this August].” Americans are so f***ing trump stupid. I mean the level of stupidity of those who believe such non-sense cannot be comprehended. America cannot survive with a portion of the electorate “thinking” such idiocracy! Believing that traitor trump will be re-installed is a cancer on society that will only worsen. Granted it is a small portion of a diminishing, though very ardent, political party, but every cancer begins with a single cell. It will metastasize, killing the rest of America. I’m sorry to say that the only way to cure this disease is through a civil war, and that is the direction we’re headed. Lincoln was correct (and prescient) when he said a divided house cannot stand. Welcome to stupid America. The stupid will eventually kill the country. Get ready, morons!
According to Gallup polling, “U.S. support for legal same-sex marriage continues to trend upward, now at 70% — a new high in Gallup’s trend since 1996. This latest figure marks an increase of 10 percentage points since 2015, when the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that all states must recognize same-sex marriages.”
Sure, I am surprised same-sex marriage acceptance has reached a new high so quickly, and it is undeniable that the trend over time is clearly toward greater acceptance. I am especially surprised that for the first time a small majority of RepubliKKKlans (55 percent) support same-sex marriage. So, I guess congratulations to all those RepubliKKKlans who, I suppose, have realized that marriage as an institution has not collapsed in America, that straight husbands have not been lured away by gay men to get married en mass, that divorce rates have not skyrocketed as straight couples declare “I give up with marriage” because gay people can do it therefore somehow “my marriage vows are now worthless,” that cats and dogs have not taken to shacking up (outside the family unit), and that the world has not come to an end because of God’s wrath! All these rationales — except for the cats and dogs — were conservative arguments against same-sex marriage. In short, they made the absurd assumption that how gay people love each other directly cheapens their own straight love. Why the f*** RepubliKKKlans always derive their own self-worth from what other people are allowed to do or not do is so f***ing beyond me, yet it is their self-esteem safety blanket to which they always run.
All that being said, the LGBTQ community is still not safe. RepubliKKKlans want to be able to discriminate against the gays, and don’t think popular public opinion will stop conservative lawmakers and judges from enshrining anti-gay and gay-hate acceptable laws. Because Lord knows there are plenty of other majority popular public opinions on issues that RepubliKKKlans deny and ignore. Can you think of one or two? Anyone? Anyone at all? How about universal background checks on gun purchases and climate change? Enough said. Welcome to stupid America where if the majority wants something then RepubliKKKlans make sure it does not happen!
I think Techdirt put it best, “And now, following the bans from Twitter and Facebook, it appears that Donald Trump has banned himself from his own blog, shutting it down permanently. … Of course, the fact that they launched the blog with such hype, and talked it up so much less than a month ago, makes all of this seem (again, as per so much that is Trump) to be them just making shit up as they go along. Meanwhile, a Trump advisor admitted to the Washington Post that the reason it was shut down was that Trump was embarrassed by how little traffic it was getting and how everyone was mocking the site.” Yeah! So, traitor trump, like everything else in the MAGA moron world, is just one long string of making sh*t up as they go and, more often than not, failing in the process. Of course, there is another (more abecedarian) explanation for why traitor trump’s blog failed. Namely, traitor trump is a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order and so are his MAGA moron supporters. What did he expect, really? His supporters are too stupid to read prose on a website. Oh, no! Their mental capacity can only handle roughly 140 characters of mostly misspelled, incoherent garbage, which in the mind of MAGA morons reads like poetry. Naturally, well crafted and “reasoned” statements from “the desk of” traitor trump carry no value for his f***tard sycophants.
But it is of no matter, for traitor trump is about to ramp up the real moneymaking grievance machinery: rallies! Yup. I can’t wait for tens of thousands of MAGA morons to begin the traitor trump Nuremberg rally tour with chants, audience callbacks, incitements to violence, and collective snowflake complaining. And, right on cue, MSM will cover them just like the old days because reports and news commentators are just as complicit in spreading and sensationalizing traitor trump’s hate speech all in the name of “news.” Eh, whatever! It’s about to be 2015-2016 all over again. Get ready morons! Welcome to trump stupid America. Dumber today than the day before because it’s America where the stupid never ends.
According to NPR, “The head of a small hard-line party on Sunday said he would try to form a unity government with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s opponents, taking a major step toward ending the 12-year rule of the Israeli leader. … Netanyahu is desperate to stay in power while he is on trial. He has used his office as a stage to rally support and lash out against police, prosecutors and the media. If his opponents fail to form a government and new elections are triggered, it would give him another chance at seeing the election of a parliament that is in favor of granting him immunity from prosecution. But if they succeed, he would find himself in the much weaker position of opposition leader and potentially find himself facing unrest in his Likud party.” I’ve seen this movie before. Let’s just be clear about something: Netanyahu was traitor trump before traitor trump was traitor trump! And like traitor trump, Netanyahu will never be out of the picture unless he is in jail and again like traitor trump, neither one of them is ever going to jail. At best, Israel gets a break from a disastrous leader, perhaps long enough to fix the Palestine issue in earnest because the one person most against a two-state solution has been Netanyahu. He never wanted peace; he just wanted time to eventually “breed out” Palestinians from the region (i.e., annex land from the West Bank and/or kill Palestinians). Eventually, those in the Gaza Strip and in the West Bank would become a diminishing minority with no political power or presence.
From CNN, “Texas Republicans’ push to enact a slew of new voting restrictions was stymied — at least for now — by Democrats who walked off the state House floor late Sunday night, leaving majority Republicans without the quorum they needed to approve the bill in the final hours before a midnight deadline.” I am shocked; Democrats showed some balls last night in Texas. They used the nuclear option for once to kill the bill! Even though it is a temporary victory as RepubliKKKlans will no doubt double down in the next (special) legislative session by making sure quorum is never an issue again, sometimes it is this show of force that demonstrates Democrats’ ability to be ruthless that is the point, and Lord knows evincing political chutzpah is a quality they desperately need in the eyes of their constituents to prove they can play hardball politics. Now, if only they always played hardball instead of doing so at the eleventh hour when the issue is a fait accompli. And if only dumbass Democrats in Congress would get a clue. But they won’t because Democrats are weak and pathetic. Welcome to stupid America where RepubliKKKlans are ruthless at destroying America’s democracy while Democrats are still “hoping” things get better.
According to the Chicago Tribune, “The 2019 data shows a rise in both the number of in-state women terminating a pregnancy as well as those traveling to Illinois from other states for the procedure.” Once SCOTUS effectively kills Roe next year, the next goal will be to criminalize the movement of women in states where abortion is illegal to other states to undergo the procedure legally. Mark my words, f***tards! You can take this next step to the bank as I’ve already written about this. Whatever legal precedent may already exist to protect women from traveling between states to get an abortion will most certainly be challenged and overturned by this ultra-conservative SCOTUS. Does anyone really think SCOTUS is going to stop the onslaught against women’s reproductive rights by overturning Roe only? Mark my words and mark them well.
Getting rid of Roe is just the first step. Naturally, I suspect Democrats are utterly clueless about what comes next — those idiots are still convinced Roe is safe, which is why they are doing nothing to change SCOTUS. Eh, it’s just business as usual for dumbass Democrats! So, on 30 June 2022 — the last scheduled day of SCOTUS’ 2021-22 term or there about — the opinion will come down, effectively killing Roe by claiming states can, indeed, lower the cutoff below the 20-week viability threshold. The argument will be, no doubt, that states have a “new” compelling interest over a woman’s body, which will be bolstered by Scalia’s enduring proclamation that there is no Constitutional right to an abortion. If that becomes the controlling argument of the majority opinion to weaken Roe, then watch the f*** out, morons. Think about all those rights “not” in the Constitution. Then every minority is f***ed. But whatever! No one cares, let alone possesses the ability to think that far in advance, given America’s immediate, shiny-objects-only mentality. But I digress.
Then comes the state laws that criminalize women traveling out of state for abortions. As Slate points out in the Georgia House Bill 481, “Even women who seek lawful abortions out of state may not escape punishment. If a Georgia resident plans to travel elsewhere to obtain an abortion, she may be charged with conspiracy to commit murder, punishable by 10 years’ imprisonment.” So, the groundwork is already being laid and tested. RepubliKKKlans have never been subtle about their intentions, but dumbass Democrats are pretty f***ing good at ignoring them to their detriment. For the extreme nerd, peruse this legal scholarly article on abortion. A key passage reads: “If the Court [SCOTUS] defers to the state of origin in viewing the fetus as not simply a ‘potential’ but an ‘actual’ person [which some RepubliKKKlan states have already done], the ‘home’ state might have an interest in fetal well-being sufficient to extend its prescriptive jurisdiction to the conduct of its citizens in other states.” In other words, conservative states may very well have a sound legal interest to pursue protecting “actual” life outside their borders, and SCOTUS may agree. Although this article was written in 1992, the author makes the argument that extraterritorial state regulation (i.e., states enforcing their laws outside of their borders “that would seek to limit their citizens’ abilities to take advantage of such options [abotions]” in other states) is fundamentally constrained by “federal structure and the constitutional commitment to national citizenship.” Fast forward 30 years, and with the present makeup of SCOTUS, I think there is little doubt his argument is no longer as valid as he would have believed them to be back then. Hence, the article becomes an instructive roadmap for how conservative justices could navigate around such “constraints.” Or, more precisely, the justices are already aware of such a roadmap; thus, the article becomes more of a window into the mind of how conservative justices would seek to tell people how to live their lives no matter in what state a woman lives because you know: “small conservative” government!
Allow me to reiterate the perilous future: States like Georgia have already been pushing the boundaries with proposed legislation, “HB 481 is further proof that once Roe is gone, it won’t just be abortion providers who risk legal jeopardy: Women will be punished, too.” Get ready for Big Brother totalitarian states to destroy the rest of America, and no one will care. I said RBG’s death last year was catastrophic. I was right, although I was wrong on the timing, for the slow-motion demise of America is accelerating. I gave the dismantling of Roe a couple of years at least, but now it is going to be within the year. Oh well! Welcome to stupid America! It’s already too late, f***tards. And no one cares. Trust me. No one cares!
From The Atlantic, “When I spoke with him, Fernand Amandi, a longtime Democratic pollster based in Florida, expressed a level of alarm most activists will share only in private. ‘I fear that perhaps some Democratic leaders may be suffering from … the idea that this cannot happen here and are bordering on dereliction of duty in not sounding the alarm to the American people and to the community of nations about the existential threat that the Republican Party now presents to American democracy,’ said Amandi, whose GOP-controlled home state is one of many that have passed legislation curbing access to the ballot. Still, it’s clear that the White House is operating at a more tempered level of concern than other Democrats about the threats to small-d democracy emerging in the aftermath of Donald Trump’s attacks on the 2020 election. Based on my conversations with them, officials there seem to take a more nuanced and restrained view of what’s happening. They do not believe that more assertive public denunciation from Biden would dissuade any Republican governors or legislators who have moved to restrict voting rights. And although White House officials consider the laws offensive from a civil-rights perspective, they do not think most of those laws will advantage Republicans in the 2022 and 2024 elections as much as many liberal activists fear.”
Oh, my f***ing God! Where the f*** do I begin? First, Democrats are f***ing clueless about the threat. Second, Democrats are weak and feckless. Third, Democrats are clueless, weak, and feckless! Of course, dumbass Democrats are in denial that “this cannot happen here.” Of course, they are. They’re always in this fantasyland of “the people know better.” What the f***? Um, no! What part of “the people know better” explains traitor trump getting elected in the first place? What part? And I must repeat myself — again. The margin of Biden’s victory in three critical swing states in 2020 was less (about half less) than traitor trump’s victory in three crucial swing states (not the same states) over Hillary in 2016. So, understand this f***tards: Biden’s electoral win is more a statistical margin of error than a full-throated rebuke of traitor trump. Why can’t Democrats get that through their m*****f***ing G.D. heads? We were lucky. Plain and simple. So, yeah. Are Democrats being derelict in their duty? Absolutely! Naturally!
Then there is this idea that the “White House is operating at a more tempered level of concern.” I can’t! I just f***ing can’t! God! I f***ing hate Democrats’ weakness. They are pathetic and spineless. This is not the time for temperance or nuance! This is f***ing five-alarm-fire-emergency and pull-out-all-the-f***ing-stops time. No holds barred. They should be raising the alarm all over the country every day. Lord knows RepubliKKKlans understood the urgency since before Biden’s inauguration. In fact, RepubliKKKlans continuously run on exciting the base as if every election is the end of their freedoms. And it f***ing works. Democrats should be running the same playbook. But no! They only expect their voters to get excited at the last minute of election cycles. Dumbass Democrats should be raging against this American emergency — that RepubliKKKlans can and will steal elections from Democrats — every day at all times, and stop expecting voters to “figure it out” because Lord knows Americans are just too stupid and too focused on their social media feeds to be bothered to save democracy by voting — In! Every! Election! Incomprehensibly, Biden believes that just by simply attempting to do the right things, voters will reward Democrats by re-electing them. Wrooooong! Wrong, wrong, wrong! He thinks a return to “normal” will win the day against any arguments to vote for RepubliKKKlans. Normal is dead, f***tards! Dead! There is no return to normal. It is an all-out war, but Democrats are notorious for bringing a knife to a gunfight. Whatever! America is already lost, so why do I even bother getting exercised over it? Who knows? Welcome to stupid America. All dumb, all the time. Mark my words, morons!
According to CNN, “The decision of the new attorney general, Merrick Garland, to appeal portions of Judge Jackson’s ruling is a mistake, and marks a missed opportunity to break cleanly from the fundamental dishonesty that defined Barr’s term in office. … Garland landed in a difficult position. Every new attorney general inherits messes from the prior administration, and this is an ugly one. And DOJ as an institution tends to be protective of its internal, deliberative processes. But, by appealing, Garland is inherently going to bat for the prior administration, or at least failing to draw a clear line in the sand. A decision by Garland not to appeal would have meant Americans could finally see an unredacted version of the memo reviewing Mueller’s report. Perhaps more importantly, it would have sent a powerful message: that the new Justice Department intends to do things differently.” So! What else is new? Did anyone really think that the prior administration would ever be held accountable? Of course, not! Never! It never f***ing fails! Dumbass Democrats come into office having to clean up the RepubliKKKlan mess left behind after four years of mismanagement, and now it seems Democrats are also protecting the illegal behavior of said prior RepubliKKKlan administration.
At this point, f*** Biden! Seriously! Just f*** him. He’s as weak as I feared he would be. Biden’s attempt to save America (from itself, apparently) is not merely avoiding repeating the illegal behaviors of the previous administration, but, rather, it is about holding traitor trump and his corrupt enablers accountable. Biden claims that he wants to rebuild the “wall” separating the White House from the DOJ in order to restore the faith and impartiality of the department. Blah, blah, blah! Whaaaateeeever! Serious?!?! If he wants to restore America’s faith in the DOJ, then Biden should be unleashing the department to seek out justice by prosecuting all illegal activity that occurred during the traitor trump administration. No RepubliKKKlan should be safe. Full! F***ing! Stop! Of course, that will never happen. Bush II was never held accountable for his illegal Iraq war and associated war crimes; Obama looked the other way and “moved on.” And now we have Biden looking away and eager to “move on” from traitor trump. Whatever! I give up with this f***ing sh*t-for-brains country! If no one is ever held accountable for obstruction of justice, then RepubliKKKlans will certainly just do it again, with impunity, when they return to power. And I submit Attorney General Garland is obstructing — if not delaying and thus denying — justice by appealing the judge’s decision. How f***ing difficult is it to just release the m*****f***ing G.D. memo as ordered by a federal judge who has already reasoned and determined it necessary to make it completely public? How f***ing hard? Oh, but no! The obstruction and cover-up continue! I would have thought that one of the first actions of Garland in office is to read the entire Mueller report and Barr’s “exoneration” memo and charge traitor trump (and Barr) for obstruction of justice. But, instead, we get silence and what seems like the early attempt to continue the cover-up of traitor trump’s illegal actions. So, as usual, and as I have always said, nothing is going to happen to traitor trump, except perhaps getting re-elected. (And don’t get me started about the New York special grand jury convened to look into the traitor [T]rump Organization. I’ll have more to say about that fool’s gold in a later post.) We deserve immediate transparency, but we’ll never see the truth. Mark my words, f***tards!
Nothing ever changes! As I have said countless, countless times, dumbass Democrats are weak and feckless, and RepubliKKKlans are going to walk all over them in the next election. In fact, RepubliKKKlans are walking all over Democrats now by obstructing Biden’s agenda, and Democrats let them as they wait, hope, pray, implore, and “strongly” urge RepubliKKKlans to cooperate. Ugh! F*** me! I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t! I expected nothing less! This is why America’s democracy is dying, facilitated by RepubliKKKlans and ignored by Democrats! Welcome to stupid America!
I can’t with the m*****f***ing G.D. stupid anymore. If I’ve said once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before: America died the day traitor trump was elected. The level of trump stupid in America cannot be undone! It’s all stupid all the time. People looked in the traitor trump mirror and fell in love with the reflection: stupid, racist, bigoted, white supremacists, homophobic, and so on and so forth. Every “-ist” under the Sun. The sustaining power of the Arizona election “audit” scam is proof that America is permanently stupid and the level of idiocracy cannot be undone or reversed. It is permanent brain damage. Witness this from a Washington Post article, “The increasingly vocal protests seven months after Trump lost the White House show how deeply the former president has undermined confidence in the nation’s elections, an attack he began early in the 2020 campaign as state and local officials expanded mail voting in response to the coronavirus pandemic. … Calls for audits spread. Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson, a Democrat, said in an interview Wednesday that the push for audits in her state and across the country is nothing short of an assault on democracy.” And last, “Election officials said the possibility of more audits also raises concerns about the security of their equipment in future elections if they are turned over to private companies without federal accreditation, as has happened in Arizona.” I mean one cannot possibly invent a bigger sh*tshow where election equipment finds its way into RepubliKKKlan conspiracy-theory-promoting private third-party entities. At that point, elections are over and America’s democracy has already died. The good news? No one cares! Clearly, no one cares. The Big Lie is sustaining, spreading, and gaining steam. And no one cares. Every election that RepubliKKKlans lose going forward will be contested; RepubliKKKlans will never accept another Democratic victory, and no one cares, especially dumbass Democrats, who constantly wrongly believe voters are smarter than that. No, no! Voters are stupid and as long as people keep hearing and repeating the Big Lie, then the more they will come to believe it, leaving Democrats — shockingly — bewildered by how such a state of beliefs had come to pass. Welcome to stupid America. Democrats are behind the eight ball already (still) and they are clueless to the evil and danger of all this election trutherism. Go figure! Once again, dumbass Democrats are going to be shocked — shocked, I tell you! — when they start losing to conspiracy theory MAGA morons. Mark my words, f***tards!