Dumbass Democrats RepubliKKKlans

End Roe v. Wade!

From Politico, “The Supreme Court announced on Monday that it will reconsider the right to an abortion it established almost 50 years ago, agreeing to review Mississippi’s ban on the procedure after 15 weeks of pregnancy. The court’s decision to take a case directly challenging Roe v. Wade, the landmark 1973 decision that legalized abortion nationwide, suggests that the court’s new 6-3 conservative majority is ready to eliminate or, more likely, curtail the right to terminate a pregnancy.”

I say end it! End Roe right f***ing now! Oh, yes. You heard me correctly, and it’s nothing I haven’t said before: I hope Roe v. Wade is destroyed! Dumbass Democrats deserve it! I have written at length about the battle for SCOTUS and how Democrats lost. Full! F***ing! Stop! They lost because they’re pathetic, weak, feckless morons who never pass up a chance to lose the most critical political battles. This has been a 40-year war waged by RepubliKKKlans. And it has been a war politely ignored by Democrats who mistakenly believed it could never happen. They assumed people (i.e., voters) would always come to their senses and prevent RepubliKKKlans from shifting the balance of SCOTUS, right?!?! Moreover, dumbass Democrats always expect RepubliKKKlans to “play by the rules” and that RepubliKKKlans would never usurp SCOTUS nominations from duly elected Democratic presidents. Oh, no! RepubliKKKlans would never! But they did three times over as Democrats stood by in astonishment, befuddled by the ruthlessness of RepubliKKKlan politics — a quality completely lacking in Democrats. And again, I say: Dumbass Democrats deserve the loss, and they deserve Roe being overturned because they brought it on themselves. They should have forced out RBG at the beginning of Obama’s first term when they had the votes in the Senate, and they should be shoving Breyer out now before they lose control of the Senate again in 2023. But, of course, they won’t because Democrats never learn. Whatever! They will suffer the consequences of their stupidity and misplaced faith in “proper” political gamesmanship. So f*** it! Let Roe fall. Democrats failed! They failed to fight. They failed to understand the enemy. They failed to learn. So let it be. I have long given up on willing Democrats to fight. Fighting is simply not in their DNA; they’re too busy being nice, so why even bother caring. Coat hangers are coming back, baby! Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America. It never ends!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Of Course, They Oppose Everything, and It Will Work!

According to The Hill, “Senate Republicans are turning against a commission to investigate the Jan. 6 attack on the Capitol, warning it would be a distraction heading into the 2022 midterm elections. … GOP senators are under growing pressure to oppose the bill. Former President Trump — who still wields the most influence in the party — is making clear he’s keeping an eye on the debate and the votes.” I especially like CNN’s take on the situation, “After the House passed a bill to establish a commission to investigate the events surrounding January 6, Senate Republicans look poised to torpedo the commission with few Republicans signaling they’d vote with Democrats to support it.” Of course, RepubliKKKlans are against truth-seeking. Did anyone expect anything else from these people? Seriously! Really, did anyone think otherwise? Oh, that’s right. Dumbass Democrats did. As usual — and always — dumbass Democrats work with the other side in good faith only to have RepubliKKKlans ultimately vote against and block any progress on bipartisan legislation. Like every other significant piece of legislation, it will go to the Senate to die. Whatever! I give up. Dumbass Democrats are still stuck in “can’t we all just get along” and “we have to work with the ‘opposition'” mode. Traitor trump was right about one thing: Democrats are suckers! Plain and simple. Moronic suckers. This is why I hate Democrats more than RepubliKKKlans at times because they are just so f****ing G.D. weak, and they deserve to lose. Oh, don’t worry! They will soon! Come to the midterm elections they will lose the House, and I promise Democrats will be surprised when they do because they just don’t get it. They really are very clueless when it comes to gaining and keeping political power, always thinking their good intentions will shine through and somehow save their political future. Ugh! F*** me! That’s why RepubliKKKlans can confidently block everything — consequence-free. They know all they have to do is hold the line and f***tard voters will punish the wrong party for not getting anything done. RepubliKKKlans understand that by always saying no voters will blame Democrats because they are the party in “power,” and the typical voter is too stupid to understand the nuances of how their government actually works. It’s all stupid all the m*****f***ing G.D. time. America — the stupid — deserves the disfunction it gets. Welcome to stupid America!

Conspiracies for Morons Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

God! I Wish I Had Started This Site Four Years Ago

Susan Del Percio writes on NBC News, “As impossible as this may seem, the GOP has not hit rock bottom — not even close. The party does not want to leave Donald Trump and Trumpism behind; it would rather knock the stuffing out of true conservatives like Utah Sen. Mitt Romney and Cheney. I hear a lot of people discussing the emergence of a ‘new wing’ of the Republican Party. But that’s not going to happen. The Cheneys and Romneys of the party will be long gone by the time the Republican Party turns itself around. Until then, the GOP will continue to nominate the most extreme representatives. Perhaps, eventually, such extremism will knock state and local leaders out of power. But when? It will be a long and ugly time for the party. We thought Trump was the worst. But it turns out the worst is yet to come.” Another RepubliKKKlan strategist, Sophia Nelson, writes in a U.S.A. Today opinion piece, “Trump won the 2020 election. Joe Biden is not president. Kamala Harris is missing in action on the border crisis. America has no racial baggage. Sixteen nineteen did not happen – slavery needs to be gotten over. American history started in 1776. Jim Crow is over. We had a Black president. The police are victims of antifa and Black Lives Matter. The libs are going to take your steaks, your hamburgers, Mr. Potato Head – and turn America into Venezuela.”

These sentiments echo what I have been saying privately ever since traitor trump was elected. I have said this before and I will say it again: America is first and foremost misogynistic, then racist, and then homophobic, in that order. (It’s the culture war, stupid. Always has been. And now it is conspiracy theories on top of it.) When it comes to purging Liz Cheney, the RepubliKKKlan party is showing its misogyny in spades. (Replacing an outspoken woman who speaks truth to power with another woman who is expected to toe the big line message and shut up otherwise is misogyny. Make no mistake, morons.) It’s the misogyny that killed Hillary Clinton’s election. “But her emails” was just the right excuse to vote against here while hiding one’s hatred for strong women in power. Moreover, people voted for Biden, not Harris. And I guess I must repeat myself by saying not all or even most of America is misogynistic, racist, and homophobic, but enough are these things, especially in parts of the country that count politically. So, once again I must repeat: It really is a political minority (RepubliKKKlans) that hold more power than their numbers should dictate, and it doesn’t help dumbass Democrats are weak and feckless to counter RepubliKKKlans. Have you ever noticed RepubliKKKlans generally retain power longer and dumbass Democrats tend to lose it?

The last point is this: The RepubliKKKlan Party and America’s democracy died the day traitor trump won. I had foreseen it then and I see it continuing now because America is just too f***ing stupid and apathetic to do anything about it. Traitor trump is the mirror and his supporters are the reflection and the people love how they look. The RepubliKKKlan Party is now the party of traitor trump; it was on the very day he won. No one else saw it, but I did. These never-trumpers and other ex-RepubliKKKlans who seem to finally be coming to terms with the realization that the RepubliKKKlan Party has long since given up on trying to turn some “corner” away from traitor trump are a day late and a dollar short — and morons to boot! And just to remind the f***tards out there: Biden’s win was luck! Pure luck! I said it before and I guess I have to keep saying it. Biden’s popular vote win in key swing states in 2020 was less — I repeat less — than the popular vote in key swing states that traitor trump won by in 2016. That 77,000 vote margin that gave traitor trump the presidency is more than the margin that put Biden in office, so this country is not even close to repudiating traitor trump. But don’t worry, idiots! States are fixing (i.e., rigging) their election processes to make sure Democrats can’t win again. Then add redistricting on top of that. The big question is will traitor trump run again? To that, I say absolutely! I said before traitor trump is not going anywhere and he is not. He is not going to jail and he won’t even face justice because dumbass Democrats are weak. So m*****f***ing G.D. weak! No state nor the DOJ is going to prosecute him. They should be indicting traitor trump for everything he did in the last four years, but they won’t, thereby clearing the way for him to run again, and the RepubliKKKlan will endorse him wholeheartedly. Welcome to stupid America! Indeed, Del Percio was right: It’s about to get much, much worse! (And no one cares!)

[T]rump Stupid Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

It’s the Purge and Redistricting, Stupid

The issues with Liz Cheney and Mitt Romney are precisely what I — and anyone with two brain cells to rub together — expected from the RepubliKKKlan Party. It’s the purge, stupid! Traitor trump is the dictator of the RepubliKKKlan Party and he wants Liz and Romney out, so that is exactly what party leadership and the moronic base will give him. It’s that f***ing simple. Look, morons! How many times have I said it? How many f***ing times? RepubliKKKlans looked in the traitor trump mirror and fell in love with the reflection. MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon f***tards love the hatred and white grievance (aka snowflake b*tching) that traitor trump reflects back to them and to the rest of the world. In fact, they not only love to hate others, but they also love that everyone else sees them as hateful, vile, and stupid people. It is all part of their glory. Stick it to the rest of the world by being f***tards. Ugh. And one may wonder why I hate people generally — because too many of these idiots exist in America. And they are everywhere! With more hiding in plain sight. Mark my words!

Furthermore, CNN reports, “If anything the former President wields even more control of his party now than he did over the last five years , a fact made more remarkable by the social media silence enforced by bans from major social media platforms. And there are very clear signs that Trump’s assault on American democracy is working.” America’s democracy is dying, f***tards. Idiots are gaining more power and will soon be back in the majority. And all these never-trumpers and disaffected RepubliKKKlans vocalizing their “discomfort” with the party and traitor trump is all talk and little action. They sit on the sidelines wishing and hoping something will change with the RepubliKKKlan Party — apparently completely oblivious to what is happening now is exactly what the party has always been. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons are free to live their true selves instead of being afraid to show their vileness in public. Now they don’t care; they relish their newfound unencumbered lifestyle. Indeed, these sidelined pundits are powerless and those non-true-believers in office will soon be purged only to be replaced by traitor trump / QAnon purists.

And then there is redistricting which will guarantee RepubliKKKlan dominance in the House for the next few election cycles. Does anyone really think that the two new House seats awarded to Texas will be reapportioned to cement any other party but the RepubliKKKlans? Soon enough, RepubliKKKlans will re-take the House and government will be back to gridlock because that’s what people want — for nothing to change, really. Mark my words, morons. Traitor trump is slowly but surely winning the war. He may have lost the last couple of battles, but the soul of America is diminishing. Traitor trump understands his sustaining power because that’s what people want or at the very least don’t care to resist. I don’t care how much more popular Biden is compared to traitor trump. That does not matter. In fact, Biden’s popularity compared to other presidents at this time is relatively soft. The only thing that matters is how RepubliKKKlans rig congressional districts to dilute Democratic power and boost RepubliKKKlan power. Gerrymandering is popularity opinion polling proof! Welcome to trump stupid America! This level of stupid cannot be undone! America is dying and no one cares. Mark! My! Words!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

Dumbass Democrats Lost Interest Already

I found the accompanying article to the graph in The Hill interesting and disturbing. It is pathetic that America’s interest in keeping up with national and international events is directly related to the spectacle of a presidential race. Of course, the more liberal/progressive cable networks see huge drops in viewership. Of course! Because dumbass Democrats, progressives, liberals, and Independents are apparently bored now. They voted traitor trump out of office, so problem solved — crisis averted. And I suppose without the daily traitor trump train wreck show they have nothing to hold their attention, lest of all staying informed. And this! This is exactly why dumbass Democrats keep losing in off-year election cycles. This is why RepubliKKKlans will retake the House in 2023 because people have already been lulled into a false sense of nothing to worry about anymore. When Americans pay attention then they make the right choices in the right numbers — that is, they turn out to vote for Democrats. Otherwise, they are clueless. We’re about to go right back to being clueless. Biden is in office, so they can turn off their brains. No need to keep informed. America’s democracy can go back to autopilot, which means RepubliKKKlans — who are always in a state of rage — will sneak back into office, and dumbass Democrats will wonder what happened? Look, morons! A democracy of dunces eventually dies. Welcome to stupid America!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Wokeness Problem: Yes

James Carville, of course, f***ing nailed it during an interview with Vox: “Wokeness is a problem and we all know it. … There’s nothing inherently wrong with these [advocacy] phrases. But this is not how people talk. This is not how voters talk. And doing it anyway is a signal that you’re talking one language and the people you want to vote for you are speaking another language. This stuff is harmless in one sense, but in another sense it’s not. … And look, part of the problem is that lots of Democrats will say that we have to listen to everybody and we have to include every perspective, or that we don’t have to run a ruthless messaging campaign. Well, you kinda do. It really matters.”

Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! How many f***ing times have I said dumbass Democrats need to be ruthless? How many f***ing times? There is no doubt Carville knows his sh*t when it comes to politics, but, as usual, dumbass Democrats love to ignore sage advice from such a seasoned political veteran. Dumbass Democrats need a Frank Luntz! Where the f*** is our Frank Luntz to help wordsmith and focus group Democrats’ messaging? Where? F*** me! I am so f***ing sick of dumbass Democrats just winging it or expecting the average moron citizen to understand! The right words in the proper order matter! Messaging matters! Being ruthless matters! I have complained countless times about the ridiculous slogan “BLM,” for example, which is an incomplete thought that opens the door for racists to respond with “All Lives Matter.” (All lives don’t matter, especially RepubliKKKlan lives, but I digress.) It should be “Black Lives Matter, Too!” That way reminds everyone, hey, Black people are humans too, so stop f***ing killing us! Instead, the shortcut slogan BLM now conveys exclusivity — only Black lives matter. While many people understand the implied and missing “too” that follows the BLM thought, most of America is completely stupid and racist. There is no need to make it easy for them to fill in the blank or complete the messaging with their own racist retort (“All Lives Matter”). The only good thing, I suppose, is that one can easily pick out the racists by their tell in how they respond to BLM. If someone says “All Lives Matter,” then they are a racist! Full f***ing stop! No exceptions! In the meantime, the power and message behind the movement are lost in trying to explain the phraseology.

Then there is the more egregious “Defund the Police” mantra, and yes, this cost dumbass Democrats Congressional seats and Lord knows what else at the state and local levels. Whoever or whatever “think” tank dreamed up this slogan should be f***ing shot. Note to f***tards in the activist and political messaging business: If you constantly have to explain a slogan, then it’s the wrong f***ing slogan. Slogans are meant to convey a specific (correct) message in a pithy manner that sticks with someone; they are not meant to be a misstatement that provokes a conversation because guess what? The vast majority of people who hear slogans will not be able to start a “conversation” to explore the validity or worthiness of arguments on the intended subject matter. OMG! I can’t with the stupid anymore! I just f***ing can’t! What the f*** were people thinking by embracing, advocating, and making the phrase “Defund the Police” ubiquitous? What the f*** did they think was going to happen? What is the first thing that comes to mind when someone hears that phrase? Taking money and resources away from police so they can’t do their jobs, which could mean being unable to protect you if the need arises. Full stop! But that’s when, I guess, dumbass Democrats think they can stop disbelievers by taking time to have an extended conversation about how it really means reallocating resources from policing to social and welfare services so that police don’t have to be police and social workers and healthcare works all in one. Dumbass Democrats already lost the argument the second they said that “Defund the Police” isn’t what it sounds like, in which case the obvious question becomes, Why say “Defund the Police” in the first place? Hmmm, good f***ing question! Ugh! I just f***ing can’t! Dumbass Democrats really don’t deserve to win as often as they do because they are weak and stupid. Thankfully, RepubliKKKlans are dumber and more hateful, but in a country where dumb and hate are the norm, it is a miracle that Democrats win at all. Welcome to stupid America where words matter, unless you’re a dumbass Democrat, in which case the expectation is Americans will “think” their way into voting for them despite Democratic slogans that sound as bad and as misguided as they actually are.

Purely Moronic

SCOTUS: You Get a Gun and You Get a Gun and You Get a Gun!

From The Hill, “The Supreme Court on Monday agreed to hear a challenge to restrictions on carrying firearms outside the home, teeing up a potentially landmark dispute over the scope of the Second Amendment. … The lawsuit was filed on behalf of Robert Nash and Brandon Koch, who were denied concealed carry permits for self-defense because New York officials had determined that they had failed to show a ‘special need’ to carry weapons as required under state law. Their lawsuit argues that such restrictions on concealed carry permits violate the Second Amendment. If they prevail in front of the Supreme Court, it could upend concealed carry laws across the country.”

I quote Justice Scalia, who wrote the majority opinion in the landmark Heller case, “Like most rights, the right secured by the Second Amendment is not unlimited. From Blackstone through the 19th-century cases, commentators and courts rou­tinely explained that the right was not a right to keep and carry any weapon whatsoever in any manner whatsoever and for whatever purpose. … Although we do not undertake an exhaustive historical analysis today of the full scope of the Second Amendment, nothing in our opinion should be taken to cast doubt on longstanding prohibitions on the possession of firearms by felons and the mentally ill, or laws forbidding the carrying of firearms in sensitive places such as schools and government buildings, or laws impos­ing conditions and qualifications on the commercial sale of arms.” Recall that this was the 2008 decision that settled the question of an individual owning and keeping firearms for personal protection in the home. Amazingly, in the two hundred-plus years of America’s existence, the question of an individual’s right to own a firearm had never explicitly been challenged and adjudicated until the Heller case. That essentially opened the flood gates for ownership because, of course, 21st-century humanity is supposed to live by 18th-century morays, especially regarding guns. So, if someone wanted an arsenal of high-capacity military-styled (looking but just as deadly) weapons in their home, then so be it! Just what America needs! However, the quote from Scalia above actually tempers the Second Amendment by recognizing that states may regulate gun rights, but that precedent is about to go right out the window with this new uber-conservative Court. Mark my words, morons.

One must ask, Why now? Such cases testing the right of any individual untrained moron to carry a gun anywhere have worked their way through the courts only to be denied certiorari before the Supreme Court up until now. So, Why now? Simple answer: It’s the uber-conservatives on the Court, morons. That’s all that matters. Conservative nuts have been waiting years for this moment, and now they will have their chance. The conservative justices will grant Second Amendment f***tards the blank check rights they have long desired despite what one of their own uber-conservative justices wrote previously in Heller. Clearly, these justices have singled that no precedent is sacred, especially those established through what they consider to be faulty legal reasoning, which is essentially all precedents they don’t like. So, get ready, morns. We have over a year before the decision on this case is delivered. A year for Democrats to do nothing and be weak and watch the conservative grip throughout the federal court system strangle democracy out of the life of the country. Trust me when I say SCOTUS will not think twice about exacerbating the gun violence in America by declaring everyone has a right to conceal carry in public. So, here we have it. This is the country we deserve because people are morons and just don’t care. There are not enough dead bodies caused by gun violence to change anything. Welcome to stupid America. All stupid all the m*****f***ing time! Get ready, morons. This is how democracy dies, and no one cares. Mark my words!

Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Eh, So What? It’s More Stupid America!

On CNN: “A gunman opened fire outside and inside a FedEx facility near Indianapolis’ main airport Thursday night, killing eight people, wounding several others and sending witnesses running before taking his own life, police said.” So, what? Who cares? I certainly don’t! I mean this is exactly what a stupid country wants and deserves. Oh, sure “people” lament and “do” “thoughts and prayers” and say words — many, many words — over these daily mass shootings, but they don’t mean it. None of them do, except perhaps the families of victims and even some of those remain staunch gun advocates — so America can’t win, no matter what. America’s “citizens” tell pollsters that Congress, at the very least, should institute national background checks for gun purchases with as much support as 90 percent even though universal background checks will do nothing to solve America’s love affair with daily gun violence. So, Americans can’t even understand and identify the best solution to the American addiction to guns, which is not universal background checks. Again, it is a reflection of a supremely stupid, stupid nation that at its core does not care. We only pretend to care and pretend to be outraged and pretend to want change, but we don’t because this gun violence epidemic has been going on for decades in America and nothing has changed; it’s only gotten worse. Biden was right when he recently said America’s gun violence problem is an embarrassment before the world. Apparently, Americans don’t care that we are the laughing stock of the world that just can’t seem to get its act together when it comes to killing each other. What a pathetic nation. And, of course, no one cares!

Sure, “people” look aghast at Sandy Hook, Stoneman Douglas, Las Vegas (the biggest mass death shooting — 61 killed), and the like and simply move on — next shiny object! Move on! Guns are America’s daily, decades-long epidemic, and trust me when I say no one cares. Eh, whatever! America is simply too m*****f***ing G.D. stupid to change anything. We deserve the stupid. We deserve the deaths. We deserve the destruction, and at this point — post traitor trump — America deserves extinction! It’s that simple. Sorry, but Biden’s win is not redemption! And given the obstruction of Congress — among fellow Democrats nonetheless — it is neither a change in course, especially when in this post traitor trump era the orange idiot, RepubliKKKlans, QAnon, MAGA morons, et al still retain so much popular support and adherents to crazy beliefs. Among those crazy beliefs? America needs more guns! We need more “good guys with guns” to out-Rambo “bad guys with guns” because that has never worked. No, it is just more of the same, but now dumbass Democrats are useless to do anything. Whatever! I give up. I can’t wait for all these “people” who want more gun control to vote for RepubliKKKlans who want less gun control. Eh, I don’t care. Americans are too stupid to change anything. America is too stupid to improve. If this country wants to kill itself one mass shooting at a time and if this country doesn’t mind the ever-increasing daily drip, drip of American blood and gun carnage, then so be it! Who am I to question America’s feign concern over gun violence while demonstrating actual complacency through their inaction to do anything about it? Who am I? Who am I to keep believing that one day America will wake up? Not! And never! How many f***ing times have I said it: America is a dying democracy and no one cares! Welcome to stupid America. I can’t wait for nothing to change!

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Democrats Do Not the Majority — Never Have or Will

From the words of Senator Joe Manchin (DINO-W. VA.), “That is why I have said it before and will say it again to remove any shred of doubt: There is no circumstance in which I will vote to eliminate or weaken the filibuster.” Look, morons. Democrats are not and have never really been in the majority since the first two years of the Obama administration, and even then they usually fumbled their power — go figure. But now for anyone to think Democrats have control in the Senate only evince one’s abject ignorance. Notwithstanding Manchin’s DINO standing, technically Democrats truly only have 48 Senate seats because two people who caucus with Democrats are Independents (Sanders and King), so to be sure Democrats seem to be riding high on some wave of euphoria because they think they have a slim majority in the Senate. Well, they don’t. Their majority is in name only, too.

Then we come to Machin! Christ-on-the-f***ing-Cross. Where to begin with this man! He’s a Democrat serving in a RepubliKKKlan state, so he acts like a RepubliKKKlan, especially when it comes to Democratic priorities; then he becomes an obstructionist just like every other RepubliKKKlan. What’s the point of claiming to be a Democrat if he is not going to vote for Democratic issues, or worse still, bars Democratic legislation from coming to a vote at all so he doesn’t have to take the “hard” vote? Why even bother if one person has no problem with the Senate continuing to be the graveyard of good legislation under Democratic control? It’s just more of the same, and to think (or wait or expect) that compromise is possible with RepubliKKKlans on anything is just more stupidity heaped onto idiocy packed into a pipe dream. Again, it’s just more of the same delusional expectations that have crippled Congress for decades, always expecting this time will be different. As I have said in the past: I can’t wait for nothing to change! And I am sure this year, this Congress will be exactly the same — weak dumbass Democrats who think they have power but don’t, and they are feckless on how to gain real, decisive power. The count down to RepubliKKKlan control started the day after Biden was sworn into office! Welcome to stupid America!

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

RepubliKKKlan, Christian Family Values

No one wants to be told how to live their lives. No one! Most will, however, tolerate some must-dos such as buying car insurance, getting vaccinated, paying social security payroll taxes, and so forth. Unless, of course, you are a RepubliKKKlan or Christian or likely both (mixed in with QAnon kookery) because if there is one characteristic — one necessary attribute — that undoubtedly describes these groups of self-selecting morons, it is a deep-seated desire (demand) to tell others how to live by their fanciful, arbitrary, and arcane rules only to break those same rules themselves regularly and automatically, without any sense of irony or moral inconsistency. Hypocrisy is routinely embraced, yet it is utterly unrecognizable among these f***tards. It is all part of the mental defect that afflicts such people who look at the RepubliKKKlan Party, Christianity, and QAnon and determine, “Yeah, I want to be a part of that hot mess!”

Where am I going with this? Matt Gaetz, of course. I don’t need to quote any particular news article even though those stories abound, for the generalities of the allegations are, no doubt, all true! And they portray perfectly every aspect of the RepubliKKKlan Party. Only a RepubliKKKlan and QAnon supporter would, himself, be a sex trafficker of a minor — of course! Only other RepubliKKKlans would either support and condone or remain silent, thereby complicit in his guilt by keeping him in power. This, of course, is all built on the alter (model) of traitor trump. RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons who preach white nationalist Christianity (evil evangelicals) values love their lying, thriving, adulterer leader, traitor trump. Because, of course, they do. Whatever! This is the new, dominant strain in America. Mark my words, morons. America is doomed because of its stupidity and inability to purge this disease from society. Welcome to stupid America!