International Indigestion

It! Is! Time!

Bodies of civilians, who according to residents were killed by Russian army soldiers, lie on the street, amid the Russian invasion of Ukraine. (Reuters)

From Reuters, “Ukraine on Sunday accused Russian forces of carrying out a ‘massacre’ in the town of Bucha, while Western nations reacted to images of dead bodies there with calls for new sanctions against Moscow.”

It is time! It is f***ing time to destroy Putin and Russia along with him! It is time to expand this war because these war crimes — genocide is a crime against humanity — cannot stand! Unfortunately, we’ve seen this movie before, even in recent times; the world watches and ultimately does nothing in response. Oh, sure. International bodies investigate and publish some reports and speak some words of admonishment, yet, in the end, the perpetrators are blamed but held unaccountable. This kind of goes back to my original fear that the West would simply sit back and wring their collective hands over the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

So! What must the West do to prove me wrong? They must go on the offensive in Ukraine. Russia has been severely weakened. NATO et al. must push through. More sanctions! More assistance to Ukraine. More hardware. I was reluctant to suggest acceding to Ukraine’s request for fighter jets for fear it would start World War III, but I am no longer confident that Russia could muster a fight about which the West should worry. Send jets, send tanks, send air defense systems. I’m even warming up to a no-fly zone. Do not wait. Russia is back on its heels. This is not the moment the West steps back and congratulates itself, which they are undoubtedly considering. Now is the time to go on the offensive. Now is the time to push Russia out of every inch of Ukraine. Now is the time to restore Ukraine’s sovereignty to pre-2014. This is the West’s weakness that I fear. They are so fearful of confronting Putin that they eventually allow him to run rough-shot over Ukraine and the world. NATO et al. need to put an end to Putin once and for all!

Look, f***tards! The sooner the West realizes that the world cannot coexist with Putin any longer, the sooner the West can actually start planning for the inevitable. It is clear to me that the West is on an inevitable collision course with Russia. At this point, we cannot avoid it. Now is the time for the West to actually prove that it wants and is willing to defend democracy against autocracy. I still won’t hold my breath because they always seem to fall short, despite as much as the West has done up to now. They always fail to achieve total victory! We’re at the moment where the mob boss says, “You can pay me now, or you can pay me later.” The problem with the West is that they always think they can avoid paying. There is absolutely no deal that the West can or should strike with Putin. No, no! It is time to pay! They need to fix the Putin problem before traitor trump returns to office and basically hands Ukraine to Russia. Mark my words on that! Slava Ukraini!

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Confirmed: Justice Served

Al Drago for The New York Times

Now, this from The New York Times, “Overcoming a concerted effort by conservative Republicans to derail her nomination, Judge Jackson was confirmed on a 53-to-47 vote, with three Republicans joining all 50 members of the Democratic caucus in backing her.” Historic! Congratulations to Justice Jackson!

Of course, racist RepubliKKKlans Rand Paul and Aunt Lindsey Graham had to get their final digs in during roll call. First, Aunt Graham failed to wear the required tie to be present on the Senate floor, so he had to vote from an antechamber. Second, Paul held up the final vote count because they couldn’t find him; apparently, he forgot about the most historic SCOTUS confirmation in the nation’s existence! In short, both these douchebags had to showcase their contempt for Justice Jackson because they’re racists. And, naturally, dumbass Democrats had to indulge Paul! Instead of waiting for him to saunter into the chamber eventually, they could have closed the voting to cast his “no” vote. F*** that! She already had the majority to be confirmed. If he can’t be bothered to make sure he’s present by the time his name is called, then f*** him and his vote! But, oh no! Dumbass Democrats always have to place nice. God! F*** me! Why would they give him the satisfaction of being on the record as a vote against when, in truth, he should have been a no vote because he was not present. And we wonder why Democrats lose more often than they win; they have no idea how to play political hardball!


F*** the MSM!

Slava Ukraini

From The Guardian, “Soldiers fighting for Ukraine appear to shoot a Russian prisoner of war outside a village west of Kyiv in a video posted online.” I first heard this story on CNN during two different shows — one led with the report — but I found it in print in several places. No matter the source, I say f*** the MSM. So, what? Is this the MSM trying to be “fair and balanced” and “both sides” good versus evil? WTF! I don’t give one m*****f***ing G.D. f*** about Ukrainian soldiers killing Russian prisoners of war. This is not news in any sense at all. The MSM needs to just shut the f*** up and pick the right side. Hint: Russia is the enemy, and Ukraine is the ally. (I should note that I have not heard this reporting story on MSNBC, nor would I expect to because this story is not newsworthy!)

Is the MSM on the side of democracies or autocracies? Because when they start dedicating air time and print space to point out what Ukrainian soldiers are doing to Russian captives, then they are disparaging Ukraine and promoting Russia. And I will be the first to admit that I’m openly being hypocritical. I will admit to (rightly) accusing Russia and Putin of war crimes while looking the other way regarding Ukraine’s behavior. So, what?!?! I don’t care because to do so is a false equivalency. There is a difference between war crimes used as a military strategy and the misbehavior of a rogue Ukrainian soldier. These two scenarios are not even close; they are not in the same universe. I’m sorry, but when someone kicks you in the teeth for no reason, then you have the right to blow their brains out. No questions asked! Of course, none of this should be new to readers, for I have written before that Ukraine should not be taking prisoners of war — at all, ever! Every Russian they let go is just one more enemy who will come back to kill Ukrainian civilians, and every Russian captive they keep alive drains Ukrainian resources. Slava Ukraini!


Sorry, Obama. It’s Too Late!

Reporting from CNN, “Former President Barack Obama spoke at length about the war in Ukraine on Wednesday, telling an audience in Chicago that the conflict is a ‘bracing reminder for democracies that had gotten flabby and confused and feckless around the stakes of things that we tended to take for granted,’ including the United States. That includes the ‘rule of law, freedom of press and conscience … independent judiciaries, making elections work in ways that are fair and free,’ Obama said during remarks at a forum hosted by the University of Chicago Institute of Politics and The Atlantic on disinformation. ‘We have gotten complacent. And I cannot guarantee that as a consequence of what has happened that we are shaking off that complacency,’ he said, adding, however, that he has been ‘encouraged’ by how the European nations have reacted to Russia’s ongoing, deadly invasion of Ukraine. Asked if he wishes he had done more about Russia during his administration, the former President said ‘the circumstances were different’ when Russia invaded Crimea, in part because European nations were far less interested in intervening.”

No, no! Democracies have not “gotten flabby”; they have atrophied. And, dare I say, they are incapable of recovering in large part because of the growing stupidity of humanity, especially Americans. There is a direct correlation — nay, cause and effect — between America’s inability to eschew misinformation while simultaneously embarrassing conspiracies (cause) and America’s move toward autocracy (effect). There has always been an understanding from America’s Founding Fathers that democracy required an engaged — not complacent — and educated — enlightened, not stupid — citizenry. “Enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppressions of body and mind will vanish like spirits at the dawn of day,” says Thomas Jefferson. Would you say America is engaged and enlightened? Clearly, not. Hence, the name of this blog.

I see the signs augmenting every day. For example, when QAnon becomes mainstream, evinced by QAnon kooks running for Congress and winning, then there is no recovery. It is a malignancy that has already infected every part of the country. America is incapable of rehabilitation; there is no cure. Once the cancer is this advanced, it cannot be remediated. As I have said before, once a cultist, always a cultist! That does not apply just to individuals! America is stupid, too stupid to keep its democracy. Mark my words! It’s too late.

Dumbass Democrats Politics RepubliKKKlans

Joe Scarbrough: ‘How Bad Democrats Are at Playing Politics’

No true words have ever been spoken. My God! There are days that I really have to believe Democrats are dumber than RepubliKKKlans. I’ve always known Democrats have been weak while showing a few, sporadic moments of strength, but all in all, they are a feckless bunch, and in this pivotal time in American history, when political ruthlessness is needed to save our country, we are stuck with dumbass Democrats. As I have said countless, countless times before, Biden is the intermission to the end of democracy. This administration is merely a speed bump when we had been hoping — I know, I hate the word hope — that by some miracle of God, Democrats would be the wall, but 2021 clearly evinced the futility of such daydreaming. Regrettably, in the end, Democrats always revert to their true selves: An incompetent political party that doesn’t understand the game. I’ve been saying from the start that Democrats keep acting like they have majority control of Congress. They! Do! Not! How many f***ing times do I have to say it? How long before dumbass Democrats actually understand this fact? I’m talking technically and realistically. May I remind Democrats and readers that there are 48 elected Democrats and two elected Independents in the Senate. Democrats are fortunate that the Independents (King and Sanders) caucus and usually vote with Democrats, but the fact remains that the Democratic Party is still unable to get 50 elected Democrats in the Senate. Then there are the DINOs, which are a whole other issue and present more of a roadblock than the Independents. So, Democrats really need to be — should have been — focused on getting more Democrats elected to Congress.

That brings me to my next point. Biden should have said from day one: Thank you for electing me, but it is not enough. I need more Democrats in elected office — everywhere and at every level, especially in Congress. He should have said that 50-50 is not a majority, and there is very little I can do with such a Senate, except confirming judges — something on which Democrats should be more focused. From the very beginning of his term, he should have tempered expectations because of not having said majority. Indeed, ideally, he needs a supermajority, but one pipe dream at a time. Then he should have immediately started campaigning for the midterms to achieve a true majority. But no! Instead, he and every other dumbass Democrat interrupted a 50-50 Senate as a mandate from the people. That is why we are exactly in the spot we’re in now: Biden is essentially no more popular than traitor trump. Then I am sadly reminded that Biden probably won more because of the anti-traitor trump vote than because of the pro-Biden vote. The question then becomes this: Are voters, especially Independents, willing to go back to traitor trump? Yes! Welcome to stupid America!

International Indigestion Politics

Watch Le Pen

From Reuters, “French President Emmanuel Macron would beat Marine Le Pen in the country’s presidential election later this month, though Le Pen has gained ground in recent weeks, showed an Ipsos Sopra Steria Cevipof poll for Le Monde newspaper. The poll showed Macron would lead in the first round of votes on April 10, with 26.5% versus 21.5% for Le Pen in second place. Those figures compared to 28% for Macron and 17.5% for Le Pen in the last poll conducted March 21-24, said Ipsos Sopra Steria Cevipof. Macron would then beat Le Pen in the second round run-off vote on April 24 by 54% to 46%.”

I am not familiar with elections in France, so I can only comment based on what I read, without the benefit of any insight to read between the lines. Suffice it to say, Le Pen gaining on Macron especially given Russia’s war on Ukraine is alarming given Le Pen is being bankrolled by Putin, and she, like traitor trump, is anti-UN and pro-Russia. She is a far-right candidate running on populist, xenophobic, racist, and a “France First” agenda. Sound familiar? This is dangerous, and this “My Country First” mentality is a rising danger worldwide. Of course, there is nothing wrong with putting one’s country first; I would expect nothing less. The problem is that this mentality is more malignant. It is not just “My Country First”; it is also “My Country Only” with strong strains of white nationalism and unmitigated hatred. It is the type of thinking that Putin is exploiting, and it is this mentality that will destroy the current world order. Trust me when I say you do not want the current world order to dissolve. And by current world order, I mean countries being allowed to self-determine without endangering the rest of the world. And when I say “world order” I do not mean some nefarious cabal of Jews pulling the strings, f***tards. Ugh! If anyone thought that, then I hate you and your conspiracy ladened cheese-holed brain. I have more to say on this, but let’s see how the elections in France play out first. If Le Pen wins, then it will be the beginning of the end of liberal democracies around the world. This race is the quintessential canary in the coal mine.

International Indigestion

Zelenskyy Schools the UNSC

Slava Ukraini

According to the Insider, “Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy railed against the United Nations’ ineffectiveness to stop Russia’s ongoing war in a speech to the Security Council on Tuesday. Zelenskyy told the UN Security Council (UNSC) that he sees two options for the group following the discovery of mass civilian killings in the Kyiv suburb of Bucha: punish Russia or dissolve itself. The Ukrainian leader urged the UNSC to remove Russia, which is a permanent member of the council, ‘as an aggressor and a source of war so it cannot block decisions about its own aggression.’ Or, he said, the UN’s security body can ‘dissolve’ and reform entirely.”

In short, Zelenskyy called out the UNSC for being worthless, and he’s absolutely right. Even Pope Francis agrees, ‘“In the war in Ukraine, we are witnessing the impotency of the United Nations.’” (Of course, the Pope and I desire different means by which the UN regains relevance.) It’s insane that Russia, as a permanent member of the Security Council, can veto any vote against its own illegal aggression. So, what I feared and said before war broke out is starting to come to fruition, namely that the West and the world will stand by and watch the fall of Ukraine. When I say stand by and watch, I mean the West will not go on the offensive. It is beginning to come to pass. The United Nations was created to keep world peace, but as usual, it is failing at a time as critical since WW II. If genocide and illegal war are not enough for the entire world to stand against Russia, then the world is lost. There is no place in this world for Putin’s Russia. Yet the world seems to be in ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ mode. Oh, well.


Qoutable Qoutes

A virtuous heretic shall be saved before a wicked Christian.

— Benjamin Franklin

There is no heresy or no philosophy which is so abhorrent to the church as a human being.

— James Joyce


Cawthorn ‘Runs’ Away

According to CNN, “CNN’s Jim Acosta tried to ask Rep. Madison Cawthorn (R-NC) about sparking uproar in the Republican Party after claiming on a podcast that people in Washington have invited him to participate in orgies and used cocaine in front of him.” I’m betting Cawthorn wished he had a Rascal at that moment. If he were a true man he would stop running and stand up to the MSM! Oops! I did it again! It’s too easy, people. It’s just too easy. He walks into these situations constantly. Ugh! I can’t help myself.

Evil Evangelicals International Indigestion MAGA Morons RepubliKKKlans

Going Hypersonic — Thank You, Biden

From CNN, “The US successfully tested a hypersonic missile in mid-March but kept it quiet for two weeks to avoid escalating tensions with Russia as President Joe Biden was about to travel to Europe, according to a defense official familiar with the matter. … The US has placed a renewed emphasis on hypersonic weapons following successful Russian and Chinese tests in recent months, exacerbating the concern in Washington that the US is falling behind on a military technology considered critical for the future. … The US has been careful not to take steps or make statements that could unnecessarily escalate the tensions between Washington and Moscow. On Friday, the US canceled a test of the Minuteman III intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) to avoid any misinterpretation by Russia. Austin had already postponed the test in early March to avoid any actions that could be misconstrued by Russia at such a sensitive time.”

It is about f***ing time that America started to advance in hypersonic technology. It’s embarrassing that Russia and China have been ahead of us with this type of weaponry. Clearly, it took Biden to light a fire under the American military, for traitor trump could not achieve the same success with his administration because he was too busy golfing. Of course, the Biden administration got it done, while the traitor trump administration allowed enemy states to advance ahead of America. So much for traitor trump’s “America First” scam. With traitor trump, RepunliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, it’s always been America last in the world, and America’s lack of hypersonic technology under the traitor trump is a perfect example of it!

Now, I wish America et al. would stop worrying about escalating tensions with Putin. Look, f***atrds! Putin will do what Putin is going to do regardless of what America says or doesn’t say, does or doesn’t do. He doesn’t need a reason to escalate because he’ll just make one up. He’s already blamed everything and everyone else for the invasion, the failed progress of the war, and Russia’s military retreat. So, it doesn’t matter what the West says or does. In fact, our holding back actually signals weakness to Putin, so we should be out, loud, and proud in the face of Putin. Wake the f*** up, America! Wake the f*** up Western et al. nations! Now is the time to crush Putin and Russia! The West needs to rid the world of this terrorist leader and the terrorist nation before it’s too late!