[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

‘Wake Up, America. This Is Who We Are.’

From Politico, “If we’re to place America’s fragile democracy on stronger ground, we must first acknowledge that for most of our national history, large pockets of the United States have been violently minoritarian — designed to empower a white minority to govern over the diverse majority. What transpired on Wednesday was both tragic and entirely in keeping with American tradition.”

Of course, this is who we are! I’ve been saying it forever. Politico got it absolutely right! And if I have to hear one more f***ing G.D. politician claim that with every tragic domestic event “this is not who we are,” then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. Why are stupid people speaking? F*** me! I feel like a f***ing broken record, repeating the same manifest truths about America. Apparently, only moron politicians — usually dumbass Democrats — are unable to look at America and see it for what it is. This is all part of the liberal mindset problem of eternal optimism. They constantly see past the vileness and ugliness of America to focus on the good. Look, morons! If one cannot see the threat right in front of them, then the threat will only grow worse. Ugh! I can’t!

Yes! This is America: Racist! Homophobic! Misogynistic! Xenophobic! Jingoistic! Moronic! Naturally, I am not saying everyone is all of these things, but enough are. In fact, probably most are not some of these things, but enough are. As I have said time and time again, at least 42 percent of this country is some or all of these things and that is enough of a minority to be a deadly majority in politics; America has hundreds of years of practice of being a nation where the minority rules over the majority. We are literally a nation of tyranny by the minority, and lookout when the minority becomes threatened! Witness the election of traitor trump. Moreover, America was founded on the ideals of religious bigotry and racism; it was founded by a religious minority group, having been purged in England, that brought their experiences with tyranny to America. Our history has been one long example whereby the founders and their successors transferred to America the means of tyranny from which they fled in England.

The country has never evolved. We are still living the consequences of the original sin of slavery. Indeed, religion was used to justify slavery and to vanquish Native Americans. We had the opportunity to purge the nation of slavery sentiments during the Civil War, but Lincoln and Johnson f***ed that up. Lincoln was wrong to even consider reconciliation before his death. Naturally, Johnson elevated reconciliation to absolution. In short, the South was physically defeated, but the ideals of white people ruling over black people and Native Americans were never conquered. There was never any attempt to overcome such sentiments. No! Instead, Confederate traitors became revered by future generations because America never really wanted to defeat slavery and all of its subsequent sins; it was only transformed to different institutions such as Jim Crow, voter suppression, and the presidency of traitor trump. As I have long said, there are only two reasons to vote for traitor trump: You are a racist or you are a moron (or mostly like both). Full stop! There is no in-between. Welcome to trump stupid America. They’re not going anywhere!

Purely Moronic

Twitter and Facebook Insurrectionist Enablers

Don’t be fooled, f***tards. Mark Zuckerberg, the defender of white nationalists on Facebook, and Jack Jerksey are not having a change of heart, nor are they worried about the safety and security of America’s democracy. Their move to ban traitor trump from these platforms is too little, too late. No! They’re worried about Democrats just having won control of the Senate and the increased likelihood that Section 230 will be revised, namely that these platform providers will be held liable for what their users post. So, do not think for one G.D. second these idiots are getting religion and want to save democracy. They don’t care about democracy, for had they really cared about the trash traitor trump has been posting all through his presidency and his harming the nation, then they would have done something years ago instead of hiding behind his title as a world “leader” because Lord knows he is no f***ing leader, but he is the leader of his white nationalist treasonous militia. Whatever! I don’t care. I give up on trying to expect there to be an enlightened American citizenry. Social media made America dumber and there is really nothing left to be done other than euthanasia at this point. Go back to watching your funny cat videos, you morons! Nothing to see here but a dying democracy! Your democracy! Welcome to stupid America.

[T]rump Stupid Conspiracies for Morons MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

The End of America!

The Capitol is being overrun and evacuated! America is the dumbest nation on the planet. Embarrassing! This is not a protest. This is a rebellion. Every single one of these people is a traitor and should be shot! Just remember: You did this! All those f***tards and MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans who thought it would be fun to elect traitor trump to “shake things up” in Washington, D.C. Yup! Or the morons of America who thought what harm could it do to elect a failed reality TV star as president? Un-f***ing-believable. I’m done with the stupid! And did I not say this is only going to get worse? I may suck at predicting election outcomes, but I know a dying democracy when I see one. We have not reached the bottom yet. Mark my words, idiots!

We need to unleash the Einsatzgruppen on all these people and their families — one generation older and one generation younger. This level of stupid and insurrection must be eliminated generationally! Am I the only one who seems to understand just how deep this trumpism and conspiracy theory idiocracy (QAnon) exists in America? How many times must I say it? Traitor trump permanently broke this country and there is only one way out! It will be bloody. Mark my words, f***tards! Ugh! I give up. Welcome to trump stupid America! (And I love how the stock market is way up during all this. America disintegrating! Eh, no one cares! It’s all about the money! Buy more stocks!)

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Don’t Worry About the Latest Traitor [T]rump Tape: It Changes Nothing and No One Cares, Least of All RepubliKKKlans!

Surprise! Surprise! Surprise! More proof that traitor trump is still trying to steal the 2020 election while the death count from SARS 2 climbs daily by thousands! Not to mention at length the disasterous vacination rollout. Did I not say it was only going to get worse? Did I not! (And we’re not done yet!) Here we are with a recording of traitor trump basically extorting the Georgia Secretary of State to “find” votes to reverse the election because of conspiracy theories and lies, but what the f*** else is new? Nothing. A trump stupid America proves itself! RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons believe him and they are in lockstep while dumbass Democrats roll their eyes and say something weak about an assault on democracy. They’re just counting down the days. Ugh! What the f***?!?!

Democrats should be up in arms and I swear to f***ing God they should be starting impeachment hearings. F*** it! If this is how RepubliKKKlans want to play by plotting to reverse Biden’s win, then Democrats should be rushing through articles of impeachment. They should give new articles of impeachment the same level of consideration and seriousness RepubliKKKlans gave to traitor trump’s impeachment trial. In that manner, the House could make him the only president to be twice impeached in a matter of days. But Democrats are weak and feckless, never thinking about how to destroy traitor trump. Whatever! Dumbass Democrats are just as much of a loser at times as traitor trump. But I digress.

Back to no one cares, least of all RepubliKKKlans. That 140 Representatives and 12 Senators who have said they will support stealing the 2020 election from Biden will not be moved. In fact, despite the revelations of the traitor trump audio recording, I predict the moron in the White House will pick up even more support because this is f***ing G.D. trump stupid America! And as I have said countless times before, this level of stupid cannot be undone. Moreover, no one cares at this point. Americans should be outraged, but people just don’t care; they are stuck on “Biden will fix everything” mode, so who cares if traitor trump burns down the house on the way out. Hello, f***tards! Traitor trump is successfully destroying Biden’s presidency before it’s even commenced. Traitor trump is destroying Biden’s legitimacy. This is the real harm, but people are just too stupid to understand the true level of destruction. This is not about “crazy uncle” traitor trump spewing his usual conspiracy theories and lies while being a sore loser. This is about 72 million people believing traitor trump as the leadership and representatives of the RepubuliKKKlan Party condone his behavior and his words. Each day is just more confirmation that traitor trump has total control over the RepubliKKKlan Party and its future. And those people who think the RepubliKKKlan Party is in its death throes or about to split are f***tards of the highest f***ing G.D. order! Just like everything and everyone else in traitor trump’s world, they all bend to his will eventually. Those who don’t conform will be purged (Hello, Lincoln Project), so this is really the beginning of the great RepubliKKKlan Party purge where those on the outs (Hello, Lincoln Project) will be voted out of office and go nowhere (Hello, Lincoln Project), especially to a new conservative party. In the end, traitor trump will get away with everything during his presidency just like everything else in his life! Welcome to stupid America!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Waking Up Each Day to More Moronity in the Failed State of America

According to CNN, “Two Republican members of the House of Representatives tell CNN that they expect at least 140 of their GOP colleagues in the House to vote against counting the electoral votes on January 6 when Congress is expected to certify President-elect Joe Biden’s victory.” Of the estimated 211 RepubliKKKlans to be sworn into the 117th Congress, 140 (at least!) are expected to vote to nullify the 2020 election — just the portion of the election Democrats won mind you! That is 66 percent! Only two Senators are expected to do the same; I am certain that the number will increase. I have no doubt! Here we are f***tards of America! Sixty-six percent of elected RepubliKKKans (and that number likely extends to the broader population) simply do not want a democracy — they never have actually. The RepubliKKKlan Party has always been a party hoping for the demise of democracy and the installation of a dictator. They are inching closer and closer. America cannot survive when RepubliKKKlans constantly question democracy and elections where only they lose. It does not matter if this entire venture is seen as a “freebie” vote for RepubliKKKlans that is doomed to fail anyway. What matters is that this level of protest against the 2020 election results has gained momentum and is coming to fruition. What matters is that RepubliKKKlans persist in the delusion of a fraudulent election. What matters is that Biden is going to be perceived as an illegitimate president by the majority of RepubliKKKlans. And just to be clear, I never thought traitor trump was an illegitimate president; I accepted that America is entirely as stupid as it is to have elected the moron in the White House. The only thing Russia did by way of meddling in the 2016 election was to hold up the mirror (social media) to Americans and they fell in love with the reflection: traitor trump! Mark my words, morons. America is a f***ing failed state. Plain and simple. We live in a failed state ala the Third World! Fan-f***ing-tastic!

If I have to hear one more idiot political commentator or pundit predict that traitor trump’s influence on the RepubliKKKlan Party will eventually wane, then I’m going to go f***ing G.D. bat-sh*t-crazy. Holy-f***ing-sh*t! Five years of watching traitor trump and the RepubliKKKlan Party and people still don’t f***ing get it. People are still too stupid and too blind to see the obvious! How many f***ing times do I have to keep repeating the manifest state of America: traitor trump is the savior for which the RepubliKKKlan Party has been waiting. Traitor trump is the Everyman of America and he is the epitome of RepubliKKKlan ethos. RepubliKKKlans have never wanted a functioning democracy and they never cared about the Constitution. How long have I been saying that America was doomed the second idiots of the dumbest country on the planet elected traitor trump? Indeed, it has been a long time coming, ever since moron Bush II was elected — twice! America has a long history of electing morons in the RepubliKKKlan Party to be president because deep down inside America is a deeply, deeply — profoundly! — stupid country! Traitor trump came along to show RepubliKKKlans how to make government less functional, destroy American values and norms, and upset the world order — and by that I mean making Russia and China stronger on the world stage. All the while, traitor trump has been gaining popularity because of his disastrous “America first” policy — as if America lives in a bubble! What does one expect from a moronic president that appeals to a moronic populous that can’t see beyond their own nose? Of course, America first, America alone is such an appealingly self-destructive policy! Whatever! It is trump stupid thinking for a trump stupid populous! All f***tards at least 45 percent of the time with serendipitous election wins — Obama and Biden. This level of stupid cannot be undone. Mark my words!

It seems the only people who truly understand this permanent penchant for stupidity and dictatorship are all those RepubliKKKlans willing to jump to traitor trump’s commands by voting against democracy. Does anyone think it will stop there? Does anyone really think this is a one-off in 2021? Seriously? The RepubliKKKlan Party will continue to look more and more like MAGA moron world as they continue to gain control slowly but surely. The U.S. House is the perfect example of the turning of the party into the traitor trump party where conspiracy theories and other anti-democratic notions thrive and their propagators get elected to Congress. Senate RepubliKKKlans will eventually turn toward trumpism as the bi-yearly rotations play out. Mark my words! Those RepubliKKKlans who don’t worry about being primaried will soon rue the day that they thought there was still hope for America’s democracy, for they will be voted out of office in favor of MAGA morons. I have no doubt that traitor trump will be the kingmaker of the RepubliKKKlan Party for years to come and his children will take over when the king dies because the family has pretty much failed at everything else except politics. Politics! Where failing upward is a national sport — revered and rewarded.

What will dumbass Democrats do in response? Not a G.D. f***ing thing because they are among the most oblivious to the true nature of America; they think Biden’s win fixes everything while ignoring the gains RepubliKKKlans made everywhere else in the country, particularly in red states during a census year where RepubliKKKlans will redraw congressional districts to solidify their minority control over the majority for yet another decade. Texas turning blue was only ever a slim likelihood. Now it will be an impossibility! Biden may have won, but dumbass Democrats lost following the most disastrous year of a RepubliKKKlan presidency in the modern era. How the f*** is that possible?!?! Tell me! How? I can’t with the weakness of Democrats anymore. I just f***ing can’t. Welcome to trump stupid America! I live in stupid hell! Mark my words!

[T]rump Stupid Politics Purely Moronic

Praise Jesus: ‘America is a failed state’

To say “America is a failed state” is a stunning headline of a Salon article, but never has the sentiment been so true and direct! The same article ends by saying, “In his victory speech, President-elect Joe Biden pledged ‘to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify’ and who will seek to ‘heal and restore the American soul.’ That presumes America had a soul before the pandemic. A fully honest examination of the struggles of tens of millions of American households before COVID, and how they have fared during the pandemic, suggests we have yet to find it.” Truly! America is soulless and mindless. One absolutism during the pandemic is that in America the rich got richer and the poor got poorer. Fan-f***ing-tastic! Only in America! Pandemic American style! A Biden presidency will not change that no matter how much he hopes. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times before that America was doomed the second it elected traitor trump as president. Full! F***ing! Stop! There is absolutely no way a nation of morons that elected traitor trump in the first place and then voted for him again with 10 million more votes than in 2016 can survive. After four years of traitor trump, 74 million people want four more years of that! America is f***ing doomed to be the always stupid nation! Welcome to trump stupid America where the country just continues to fail!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Yet, the Human Turtle Keeps Getting Re-elected

From CNN, “Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell introduced legislation Tuesday to combine two additional demands from President Donald Trump to an expansion of direct stimulus payments as part of the Covid-19 relief package, raising Democratic concern the pathway for expanded stimulus payments would soon be short-circuited. … While the move doesn’t guarantee McConnell will bring the bill up for a vote, it provides a substantive option should time — and the political winds — press the chamber in that direction. It’s also one that would be all but certain to fail to garner the votes for passage.”

Time after time, the human turtle McConnell finds a way to destroy (poison) legislation that works to help the average person. And time after time, he keeps getting re-elected to office. Even though he’s not liked in his own state, he keeps winning. This is why America is doomed to always be stupid because RepubliKKKlans routinely vote against their own best interests. Whatever. I’m over it! Let RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons suffer and hopefully die. I wish they would! But whatever. This is what Americans want. This is why RepubliKKKlans keep winning. This is why the RepubliKKKlan Party — a minority party — rules over the majority and the majority just rolls over and takes it because no one cares anymore. Oh, I can’t wait for dumbass Democrats to lose in Georgia because that’s what Democrats do: never miss an opportunity to lose! In fact, I think Democrats should call McConnell’s bluff. Vote for the bill. Sure, create another commission to study voter fraud that will, of course, discover no significant voter fraud swayed the election. As for the repeal of Section 230, I say yes! Internet providers and social media companies, in particular, should be held civilly liable for allowing illegal content on their sites even if generated by individual users.

In the end, Americans want the disaster that is the current state of the nation. The worst president in our history lost the 2020 election, yet RepubliKKKlans made gains everywhere else at local, state, and federal levels. So, one can only conclude that this is what Americans want — government dysfunction and a country where the minority rules over the majority. People want, I guess, this “f*** you!” nation that defines the RepubliKKKlan Party. Fan-f***ing-tastic. Americans will never learn. Stupid can’t learn good. Welcome to trump stupid America!

[T]rump Stupid MAGA Morons Purely Moronic

More Proof That America Is a Bunch of F***tards, Doomed to Everlasting Stupidity

From The Hill, “President Trump has ended former President Obama’s 12-year run as the most admired man in America, edging out his predecessor in the annual Gallup survey released Tuesday. Eighteen percent of the survey’s respondents named Trump as their most admired man, compared to 15 percent who named Obama and 6 percent who named President-elect Joe Biden.”

How long have I been saying it? How f***ing long? America is doomed, and this Gallup poll is just more proof that America is too stupid to survive. It is all stupid all the m*****f***ing G.D. time! All day, every day! In this disastrous last year of traitor trump’s presidency and after losing the election to become one of a handful of one-term presidents, traitor trump is the most admired man of 2020. Un-f***ing-believable. Yup! I’ve been right all along: America is f***ing G.D. stupid. Full of f***tards. Admired for what exactly? Killing hundreds of thousands through his incompetent handling of the pandemic? Botching COVID testing? Do they admire him for “Operation Warp Speed” (laughable), wherein the first company to bring a vaccine to market was not a part of traitor trump’s propaganda scheme? In fact, “Operation Warp Speed” will fall short of its 20 million vaccination promise by year-end by 18 million people. That is a 90 percent fail!

Maybe people admire him for driving the economy into the ground through his neglectful leadership during the pandemic. Or perhaps they admire him for being a loser — and a sore one at that. What the m*****f***ing G.D. hell? Are you f***ing kidding me? What!?!? What part of this last year has given people an excuse to admire the failed loser in the White House? Apparently, Americans love sore loser morons! Maybe! Most people in this God-forsaken country are a bunch of loser morons! Just look around. MAGA morons found their idiot messiah in loser traitor trump. Why am I not surprised? And people wonder why things have become so bad in America. Whatever! I give up! I can’t with the stupid anymore. The stupid is everywhere like a f***ing G.D. virus! Welcome to trump stupid America! We are never getting rid of him. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark my words!

[T]rump Stupid Purely Moronic

‘Stop the Insanity’: What a F***ing Joke!

Christ-on-the-m*****f***ing-Cross! What a f***ing G.D. joke of a headline! The entire traitor trump presidency has been one of insanity, so now the belief is that he’ll stop? Oh, they must be still operating on the expectation that he’ll become “presidential” promptly after four years of being anything but presidential. I hate dumb people! But here I am. I’m surrounded by stupidity. Moron publishers of a conservative publication think that somehow traitor trump will change as if they’ve been asleep for the last four years. Good luck with that. Whatever! Welcome to trump stupid America. The stupid is not going anywhere! Traitor trump is more popular today than he was at the beginning of his presidency all because of a m*****f***ing G.D. stupid, stupid country. Full stop! There is no other explanation needed nor required. It is just plain stupidity! It is that simple(ton).

MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic

Loser Traitor [T]rump Caves — Who Would Have Thought?

I was hoping he’d shut down the government, but alas traitor trump opted for the second-worst option for such a “master” negotiator and “author” of Art of the Deal — he caved! He caved and gained nothing and proved nothing except that he is the most incompetent person on the face of the Earth. Yet! This is the guy that MAGA morons think is the best president ever to occupy the White House. Axios summed up well what traitor trump didn’t achieve, “Over many days, Mnuchin and McCarthy — aided by Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-S.C.), who golfed with Trump in West Palm Beach on Friday — indulged the president’s rants, told him there was great stuff in the bill, and gave him ‘wins’ [there are no wins] he could announce, even though they didn’t change the bill.” Then traitor trump goes on to say, “The Senate will start the process for a vote that increases checks to $2,000, repeals Section 230, and starts an investigation into voter fraud. Big Tech must not get protections of Section 230! Voter Fraud must be fixed! Much more money is coming. I will never give up my fight for the American people!” Riiiight! This Congress expires in a week and I doubt anything will advance in the 117th Congress before he leaves. What a f***ing waste. So, traitor trump got nothing in return; this entire episode was one long temper tantrum that did more harm than good. What a f***ing joke America has become. Legislative progress can only be made by pacifying the rantings of the child president. Everyone must first comfort the baby in the White House to get anything done. What a f***ing loser! How the f*** did people vote for this complete idiot? Oh, that’s right. His MAGA morons are dumber than he is, so in their minds, he really is a stable f***ing genius. Kill! Me! Now! And this guy is considered a great leader and negotiator. Un-f***ing-believable. I can’t with the stupid anymore! It hurts!

How many times has traitor trump caved and proved himself to be nothing more than an idiot who only knows how to stir chaos and destruction? That’s all he knows, yet this seems to be the singular quality that 74 million MAGA morons believe is the epitome of leadership. F*** me! I hate this country. I really do. It is just so f***ing G.D. stupid! Seriously! Traitor trump supporters should take their Second Amendment right, stick it in their mouth, and pull the m*****f***ing G.D. trigger! Post haste! You people are too stupid to live and your stupidity is killing other Americans. Whatever! I give up. Each day America gets dumber!