
SCOTUS and the ACA

I opined a while ago about which justice wanted to be known as that guy who killed the Affordable Care Act. I further suggested at least one more needed conservative would not hesitate to be that guy; perhaps, I was wrong — again, I will readily admit that it is far better to instill fear than hope. Maybe — just maybe — Kavanaugh is inclined to let the entire law stand based on what he signaled in oral arguments, though one must note comments and questions during oral arguments is not a definitively rendered opinion. It is still all speculation.

But I think Roberts nailed the central argument succinctly by stating, “I think it’s hard for you to argue that Congress intended the entire act to fall if the mandate was struck down when the same Congress that lowered the penalty to zero did not even try to repeal the rest of the act. I think, frankly, that they wanted the court to do that, but that’s not our job.” This is at the heart of the matter. Congress tried dozens of times to kill the law in its entirety and failed, and when RepubliKKKlans were able to muster the majority in Congress to kill the law they were only able to change the law by reducing the mandate penalty to zero dollars. In short, they waived any penalty for not complying with the mandate to buy health insurance. It is a “requirement” without consequences which really is no mandate at all. Yet, they left the rest of the law fully intact — on purpose! So, if the conservative justices are the true “textualists” that they claim to be and do not wish to read into the intent of Congress, then every single conservative justice should agree with an opinion that allows the law to stand, notwithstanding any argument about severability because in the end Congress had many, many opportunities to strick down the law but never did so. Thus, the law must remain as is. In fact, I’m not sure why severability is even a consideration in this case. If Congress wants to create or change a law to “mandate” something that has no penalty or even if they wanted to impose a one dollar penalty for not buy health insurance then so what? That is Congress’s prerogative, no matter how feckless the “penalty” is or is not. It is just my opinion as a layman, but I think the argument is rather straightforward. A zero dollar penalty is just that — no penalty and not an indication that the entire law is invalid. Oh, I can’t wait to read the opinions from those justices that argue the entire law is null and void.

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Apparently, Rejoicing Is Premature

So…I firmly believed traitor trump would pull out a win because this is trump stupid America! Perhaps not as trump stupid as I thought, but there are several predictions about the election that I otherwise nailed! In no particular order, Democratic wins in Texas or Florida were, of course, a pipe dream of the highest G.D. m*****f***ing order, which further evinces that dumbass Democrats still have not f***ing clue about f***ing anything! In fact, the Biden win seems to suggest — no proves — he is the only one that knows what the f*** is going on in the country besides RepubliKKKlans. He ran on a center, center-left agenda and won; dumbass Democrats pulled too far left (or allowed themselves to be labeled as far left which is worse still) and lost House seats, although they held their own in the Senate, yet they certainly failed to regain the Senate as they had prognosticated. That was never going to happen. F*** me! Oh, by the way, Georgia wins for Democratic Senators is not going to happen, morons. Double mark my words on that! There was never going to be a Democratic blowout. Again, another pipe dream I easily predicted was never going to happen. Democrats really needed one but failed — as usual. Tom Perez needs to be fired because he failed. Full stop! If I have to hear him say that Democrats are going to take the Senate and gain seats in the House and win state legislatures one more f***ing time then I’m going to lose my f***ing G.D. mind. There is no way Democrats can have someone that delusional about the facts on the ground and continue in a position of leadership. Sorry! But he needs to f***ing go! Losers do not stay in power!

What else? Oh, yes! Traitor trump increased his popular vote by four to five million people to clinch the second-highest vote total (behind Biden) in history. So, needless to say, America is still infected with nearly 72 million MAGA morons and RepubliKKKlans and other various f***tards who need to be enrolled in a T4 program immediately because the incomprehensible stupidity is literally killing America. The stupid hurts! I have been saying for well over a year now that there is a hidden traitor trump voter that the opinion polls were not picking up, and the board misses by most pollsters certainly proves that is the case. People really are afraid to admit that they like traitor trump, but they are more than willing to vote for him anyway because they witnessed the last five years and decided they want more of that! OMG! I can’t with the stupid anymore. I just f***ing can’t. Why do these morons persist in living? Shouldn’t they be overdosing on heroin or losing to Russian roulette? I mean stupid is as stupid does! Thank God there are more of us than there are of them, which has always been the case. But, as I have said countless times, more often than not America is a nation where the minority ruling over the majority and the majority usually rolls over. Thank God the majority refused to roll over this time, but some did, for example, Latino men, which brings me to my next point.

Of course, as I rightly predicted, “changing demographics” is not going to save Democrats. That was made clear when Biden lost ground in Florida with the Latino male voter! Traitor trump gained and won the state by a wider margin compared to Clinton. So much for that pipe dream. Ugh! There is this cultural thing in the Latino community called machismo, and traitor trump is precisely that which Latino men respect and love. You’ll never hear pundits and commentators acknowledge it because they are oblivious to it and Latinos may not want to admit such a sexist and bigoted strain runs rampant in the Latino ethos. But it does.

Who else supported traitor trump in higher numbers? Oh, yeah! White women. So much for that white women “revolt.” Black men. Yup! Doubled in support from 2016 for whatever incomprehensible “reasoning.” Whatever! People love the hate! Plain and simple. Any excuses about the economy and taxes and America first are all lies. It’s all about the hate! Full! F***ing! Stop! All in all, traitor trump is more popular today after four years or destroying America and the disease is not going away. Welcome to stupid America. We are far from a cure!


Best Protest Sign Ever!

[T]rump Stupid MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic

Hitler Crowds: You Did This! (Yes, You, the One Reading This)

Attribution: Anna Moneymaker for The New York Times

As an avid lover of history, I have always wondered how I would have behaved in crucial historical periods. If I were a youth in Nazi Germany, would I have been part of the Hitler Youth? As an adult, would I have been brainwashed by Hitler and the Nazis? Would I have had enough intellect not to be swept up in the tide of racist nationalism furor? Then came traitor trump. Every time I see these crowds, especially in the middle of a pandemic, it becomes clear to me that they are absolutely no different than the Nuremberg rallies of Nazi Germany. And I am disgusted! So, to answer my own questions: No! But not just, No! Hell f***ing, No! And I am relieved. But my relief comes with grave concern because this is the new America as evinced by the scenes below. It is a new America ushered in by you! Yes, you!

Source: Screen Captures

These people are the Brown Shirts; they are the traitor trump MAGA moron terrorists! This is not civil disobedience in the name of a righteous cause such as equal rights for everyone or anti-racism or BLM. No! This is domestic terrorism, pure and simple. And this is the new America! Get used to it morons because you did this! Yes, look in the mirror, idiot. All those who could not be bothered to vote in 2016, you did this! All those who voted for traitor trump because you thought he was a non-politician who could “shake things up” in Washington, you did this! All those who “took a chance” with traitor trump, you did this! Just remember when this country finally collapses into civil war, you did this! You brought this incurable infectious disease to America — the disease of the MAGA morons. Elections have consequences, f***tards! Your vote does matter. But whatever. I give up! You did this! Welcome to trump stupid America!

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic

Welcome to the New America! Get Ready, F***tards!

Source: TMZ

Win, lose, or draw! This is the new America, morons! Hate is on full display and militias will be freely roaming the streets because this is trump stupid America. Sadly, liberals, progressives, and dumbass Democrats are all too weak to stop the hoards of MAGA morons that are never going away. Mark my words, idiots. All of America has been infected with the MAGA moron virus. There is no cure but death — the pathogen along with the host! America was lost four years ago and we are never going to get it back! All because people wanted to “shake up Washington” and others allowed the hostile takeover because neither Clinton nor traitor trump “did it” for them enough to bother to vote! I can’t with the stupid anymore. We deserve the government and the disaster we voted for (or by not voting at all). Welcome to stupid America. Still just as dumb and doomed today as it was four years ago.

[T]rump Stupid Politics Purely Moronic

I Could Not Agree More!

I could not agree more: “The stupid. It hurts.” Indeed, Minh Ngo! Indeed! Welcome to trump stupid America! Get ready for four more years morons. I’m telling you people. America is simply not smart enough to vote traitor trump out. (Too bad I don’t do Twitter!)

[T]rump Stupid Dumbass Democrats MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

It’s Not Enough, Morons!

Don’t be fooled, f***tards! Do! Not! Be! Fooled! Where ever Biden is ahead in key battleground states, namely Pennsylvania, the lead over traitor trump is not enough. I’m telling you people! It is not enough! I’ve said it time and time again. Unless Biden is up in the national polls by double-digits then he wins, but that’s not the case. Ahead by high single-digits is not enough to account for the silent majority of traitor trump supporters in just enough of all the right states — and they truly exist! Mark my words! It is not enough! And all these f***ing G.D. pipe dreams from dumbass Democrats about Florida, Texas, Georgia, and the like is so f***ing infuriating. Look, f***tards! How many f***ing times do I have to say it? How many times? Changing demographics is not going to f***ing save the Democratic Party, let alone democracy. Un-f***ing-believable. Here’ a perfect case in point to prove my theory: Latinos! They are allegedly a “gettable” minority for Democrats as they increase their percentage in the population because they are a younger cohort (Millenials and Gen Z), so naturally, they should be more liberal, as the “changing demographics” theory suggests. Yet, traitor trump is doing better with Latinos than Biden, who is underperforming Hillary in 2016. As NPR notes, “The Latino vote will be key across the country, especially in tight races in places such as Arizona and Florida. This year, Latinos make up the largest nonwhite eligible voting bloc in the country, and according to polls, Torres is a part of about or over a quarter of Latinos who view this president favorably, with some polls showing Trump doing slightly better among Latinos in 2020 than he did in 2016.”

Additionally, The Atlantic sums it up well, “For 30 years, political consultants have been predicting that in the next presidential election, a growing Latino electorate in the United States will finally awaken, sway the outcome, and usher in a new era of Latino political power. And for 30 years, they have been wrong. The 2020 election may prove no different. Again and again, political analysts have underestimated the diversity among American Latinos. Key segments of the community—specifically Cubans and younger U.S.-born Mexican Americans—support the Republican Party in numbers large enough to mitigate explosive new registration numbers among more Democratic-leaning Latinos. While Donald Trump has lagged behind Joe Biden in national polls, the president is faring better than he did in 2016 among some groups of Latino voters. Surveys in Florida last month showed Trump winning an overwhelming share of the Cuban American vote. Fortunately for Biden, the Democratic nominee still has time to fine-tune his tactics.”

This is going to be a close election and close enough for traitor trump to steal it! Mark my words. There is not going to be a landslide! When dumbass Democrats need a blowout election most, it will never happen! Democrats are not going to take back the Senate. And if, by some miracle of God, Biden wins then not having the Senate means four years of more gridlock because that’s what America does! In the age of partisanship, people still seem to think Democrats and RepubliKKKlans can (have the capacity to) work together. Morons of America seem to use the following logic when voting: “Oh, let’s split political control of the branches of government so no one party has all the power and nothing will get done!” And then Americans b*tch about how divided government doesn’t work! Ugh, I hate the stupid. It f***ing hurts! Whatever! I give up! We get the government we deserve — and traitor trump is the government stupid America deserves.

I close with the following basic truth: Given the state of the nation now, given that traitor trump has never been above water in his job approval, given traitor trump’s handling of SARS 2, given the number of people who have died from SARS 2 and did not have to die, given the rise of QAnon in the RepubliKKKlan party, given his impeachment, given that more people think the nation is going in the wrong direction, given all of his antics and behaviors, given the non-stop traitor trump reality show, given the non-stop schtick from a person in the most serious and demanding job in the world, given his abject stupidity — though I mind you he’s still slightly less stupid than the average MAGA moron thereby making him truly look like a stable genius in their eyes — given his disdain for democracy and love for dictatorships, given all these factors and many, many more I have no time to list, the race is still tight. The race is still close! How the f*** can this be? Therein lies the true essence and meaning of this race and America more generally. America is stuck on stupid and Americans are too dumb and apathetic to do anything about it. So, get ready for four more years! Welcome to trump stupid America! I give up! I can’t take the stupid anymore!


Holy F***ing Sh*t! Exactly What I Expected!

Source: Fox 2

Holy f***ing sh*t! How is it that these herp derps are exactly what I expected to see in a white supremacist militia group? Talk about a group from central f***ing casting! Of course, almost all have the obligatory facial hair/beard, which grows unkempt as if to advertise they just don’t care about anything except God, guns, and gays. I’m surprised at least one does not have a Hitler mustache. Others have that thousand-mile stare, unquestionably indicating not much is going on between the ears or they should just lay off the meth for a hot second! Still, others possess the classic and requisite beady-eyes. One appears cross-eyed. One actually looks concerned or constipated (or concerned about his constipation) — I can’t tell. And I would say one or two probably has the touch of the Downs — bless their hearts! These guys should watch out for a T4 program!

Clearly, these morons did not get the memo about proper hygiene, grooming, and attire so as not to stand out as obvious “don’t tread on me” domestic terrorists. Wasn’t that the whole point of the present-day white nationalist movement to dress in khakis and polos? To not be obvious. To blend in with “regular” Americans. To suggest, “Hey, we’re normal and ubiquitous.” There is a reason these f***tards got caught!

[T]rump Stupid Purely Moronic


Zuckerberg is a hateful, greedy person and he is a MAGA moron — full stop! There is a reason Facebook is so popular. It’s because that’s where conspiracy theorist morons and other f***tards love to congregate. I have never nor would I ever open a Facebook account because it has always been nothing more than an online realtime gossip and stalking website — aka porn for idiots. But then again gossip is the national pastime of morons, along with conjuring conspiracy theories. Welcome to trump stupid America!

MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Succession vs. WWE Raw

Source: Axios

I love this graph because it essentially compares the viewing tastes of intelligent, sophisticated vs mindless, redneck fans. I watch Succession faithfully; it is a brilliant show with great writing and a germane subject matter. It requires a bit of thoughtful engagement; that is to say, one has to actually be able to think about what is going on in the show to appreciate it. Of course, there is the flip-side — mindless fake “wrestling.” How perfect for RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons. Although the map does not perfectly correlate to the typical red-blue political map, one gets the gist that people in the South and rural areas, for example, are too stupid to watch anything other than “rasling” (the literate-challenged pronunciation). It’s not difficult watching two people go at it in a center ring. Welcome to trump stupid America where mindlessness is considered the height of entertainment.