Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

This Is Stupid America on COVID

This graph is all you need to know about stupid America. I am most interested in the flips between approve and disapprove. This virus has run its course according to its nature with some help from anti-vaxxers and anti-maskers, for they are the primary vectors of contagion. Despite Biden’s premature claim of independence from COVID last Summer, he has been very consistent in his messaging and approach: Implore people to mask up, get vaccinated, and get boosted. Nonetheless, Biden unjustly receives the blame for the vicissitudes of a disease that, at this point, is being perpetuated by RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks who refuse to get vaccinated and mask up where required.

It is incomprehensible that public opinion should change according to the mutations and virulence of a virus. Biden, obviously, has no control over these factors, and he has little control over public behavior. Yet, the public has every bit of control. I could understand if, let’s say, a president took a complete laissez-faire approach to COVID — traitor trump! I could understand the public penalizing a president who approached COVID in this manner. However, Biden, who has consistently been preaching for everyone to do the right things, still gets punished for taking the proper course of action even though it may not lead to what morons of America expect, want, or demand. This is the epitome of a stupid and petulant public. And if I have to hear one more person assert COVID fatigue, then I’m going to blow my f***ing G.D. mind! Look, f***tards. You may be done with the virus, but I promise the virus is not done with you. Of all people, Biden is not the person you should be blaming because you’re over it!

And it is equally frustrating and incomprehensible that citizens do not grade Biden based on his policies and practices to control the pandemic, e.g., making testing and vaccines widely available. When the public changes its collective mind about his handling of COVID based on what’s happening minute by minute in the news, it only exemplifies that public opinion and the president’s approval ratings are entirely spontaneous. Christ! Biden’s approval rating changes with the news cycle, not with any evidence of meaningful cause and effect attributed to him. It further demonstrates that people are ruled more by their emotions rather than a dispassionate and reasoned evaluation of the circumstances. And these people are the same ones who vote! This is why America is the way it is. This is how traitor trump got elected and why he will be re-elected. Facts don’t matter because of feelings! Well, f*** your feelings! Welcome to stupid America. Ruled by emotion, not logic. Fan-f***ing-tastic!

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

Am I Dreaming?

According to CNN, “A Justice Department investigation into Hunter Biden’s business activities has gained steam in recent months, with a flurry of witnesses providing testimony to federal investigators and more expected to provide interviews in the coming weeks, according to multiple sources familiar with the matter. The probe, led by the US Attorney in Wilmington, Delaware, began as early as 2018 and concerns multiple financial and business activities in foreign countries dating to when Biden’s father was vice president. Investigators have examined whether Hunter Biden and some of his associates violated money laundering, tax and foreign lobbying laws, as well as firearm and other regulations, multiple sources said.”

From RollingStone, “Donald Trump famously called on Russia to find Hillary Clinton’s emails ahead of the 2016 election. He’s now calling on Vladimir Putin to dig up dirt [f***ing again!] on President Biden’s family. … Trump’s latest call for Putin’s help comes as the Russia authoritarian is bombarding Ukraine in an unprovoked war that has resulted in thousands of deaths. Trump has repeatedly refused to condemn Putin throughout the invasion. Maybe it’s because he still wants his help.”

So, let me see if I understand what AG Merrick Garland is doing. He’s wasting resources and time to follow through with a political and law enforcement hitjob on Hunter Biden started under traitor trump while refusing to do absolutely anything about traitor trump’s attempt to overthrow the 2020 election — at the very least — not to mention the traitor’s most recent request to collude with Putin — an enemy of America — to thwart the next presidential election. Whatever! I f***ing give up! America gets the government we deserve, and I guess we deserve traitor trump to win in 2023. There appears to be not a single dumbass Democrat prosecutor in the federal government or any state to hold traitor trump accountable for his years of criming. Garland should hand traitor trump the keys to the White House now. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! The American dream is a nightmare that’s never going to end!

Purely Moronic

Only the MSM Believes Their Own Nonsense

The MSM possesses the greatest concentration of morons that I’ve seen in any industry. Their persistence to be “objective” and “both sides” everything evinces a manifest stupidity, particularly in their questions. As I have said before, there are such things as stupid questions, and some of the most prominent news anchors, commentators, and journalists working for MSNBC and CNN are among the dumbest. I do not include Faux News because everyone who works for that company, from coffee boy to Murdoch, is a moron. And please don’t lecture me on Faux News’ success as a counterfactual to their stupidity; it is a news empire built by morons, run by morons, marketed to morons, and watched by morons. That entire business model is built on the notion that a broken clock is correct twice a day, so they are fixated on two broken notions that work for them — hatred and rage. It does not take much intelligence to cater to the most base sentiments of a moronic population. But I have seriously digressed.

Two recent episodes have me riled: The Biden nine-word media-manufactured controversy — “For God’s sake, this man [Putin] cannot remain in power” — and the Russian “pullback.” Let’s start with Biden. I was not going to comment on these nine words since I had previously lambasted Biden for a stream-of-consciousness comment he made during a press conference before Russian invaded Ukraine that suggested he was inclined to be yet another pusillanimous leader in the face of Putin’s aggression. Of course, Biden turned out to be the exact opposite. Nonetheless, at the time, Biden was not exemplifying confidence that he would do much more than what had been tried in the past. Because I was wrong on that incident I did not want to criticize another Biden ad-lib remark. But given the MSM framing these nine words as a diplomatic catastrophe that they’ve been lamenting for three or four days, I decided it was time to speak up.

I think Don Lemon was the first and singular voice among the MSM when he labeled the controversy as “media-manufactured.” He went on to say that Biden said what everyone was thinking. Indeed! This is the real story. Biden stated the truth; of course, it did not help that his administration immediately tried to clean up his remarks. This was a mistake. Biden had to clarify his comments a couple of days later before reporters by stating yet another truth. Biden does not care how Putin interprets those nine words — nor should we care. Putin is going to do what he’s going to do, regardless. Putin has already blamed everyone and everything as a cause for the war, so who cares what Putin thinks. But not the MSM. Oh, no. They could not quit catastrophizing Biden’s words. It’s always the same with these MSM morons — essentially always asking, How has Biden f***ed things up now?

Then we come to the Russian announcement that they are pulling back forces in certain areas. Again, the MSM jumped on this announcement as a breakthrough, a step to the end of the war, a good faith indication of Russia to deescalate, an opportunity — nah, a must-take offramp — that Ukraine cannot ignore in negotiations. The one person that sticks out in my mind is Alisyn Camerota from CNN. I usually like her reporting, but in both these circumstances, she exemplifies the attempt by the MSM to both sides everything when there are no both sides. First, she pushed back against Lemon’s description of media-manufactured, indigent that someone would question the MSM for questioning Biden’s statement. When Biden is saying what everyone is thinking, especially Ukrainians, then yes, it is a media-manufactured crisis, and any line of questioning that suggests Biden was somehow wrong is, in fact, idiotic. Second, there was a line of questioning by Camerota during an interview wherein every answer provided by the guest — an ambassador of some sort, if I recall — she came back with another question that suggested why not believe Putin is acting in good faith, and why not criticize Biden’s nine words as being dangerous and playing into Russian hands? In short, she was asking all the wrong questions. Camerota clearly came from a perspective that Putin has a point about Biden’s ad-lib, and maybe Russia is having a change of heart about prosecuting the war. Wrong! Wrong! Wrong! How f***ing stupid can she be? What a f***ing joke! Camerota interviewed as if she had not witnessed the war for the last four weeks and as if Putin never lied. This! This is why it only takes one idiot MSM personality to tarnish the entire industry. Look, f***tards! Putin does not get the benefit of the doubt from journalists, in particular — ever. Unfortunately, Lemon was the exception with his analysis, but it is not enough to rehabilitate the image of the rest of the MSM.

Dumbass Democrats Politics Purely Moronic

Impeach AG Merrick Garland

From Axios, “Democratic lawmakers are openly pressuring Attorney General Merrick Garland to bring the weight of U.S. law enforcement against members of former President Trump’s inner circle they’ve deemed uncooperative with the House’s investigation of the Jan. 6 attack. Why it matters: The House select committee is seeking to compel or punish Trump loyalists who don’t comply with the investigation, while Republicans are preparing to win back control of Congress in November — and end the probe.”

Garland is a f***ing disaster and should be impeached and removed from office because Biden won’t fire him. It is clear that Garland is not doing his job, and the man is about to destroy America and re-elect traitor trump all at once single-handedly. I’ve repeatedly written about feckless Garland on many topics, but as more revelations keep piling up, Garland still does nothing. The DOJ does nothing and is failing at every turn. They continue to sit on Congressional contempt referrals because the DOJ is too afraid to appear politically partisan. One would think this not-so-new story about missing call logs from the White House during the insurrection should spur the DOJ to open up an investigation into traitor trump. Still, apparently, nothing the traitor does will ever warrant Garland to do anything. So, in the name of protecting justice from political interference, they will make sure political criminals never meet justice. Ugh! I can’t with this m*****f***ing G.D. sh*t-for-brains country anymore. I just can’t. Dumbass Democrats are going to f*** over America in the name of being politically polite.

I guess that I should not be surprised or frustrated because Garland and dumbass Democrats are only proving my First Axiom of Political Science for Presidents: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever. Perhaps it would be rewarding if the axiom could be disproved, but I doubt it. Welcome to stupid America!

Politics Purely Moronic

I Give Up!

From The Hill, “Former President Trump is leading President Biden in a hypothetical 2024 match-up, according to a new Harvard CAPS-Harris Poll survey released exclusively to The Hill on Monday. If the 2024 presidential election were held right now, the poll finds Trump getting 47 percent support compared to 41 percent for Biden. Twelve percent of voters are undecided.” Welcome to stupid America. The end is coming, folks!

Dumbass Democrats Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics RepubliKKKlans

Canceling the Gays Begins in Florida

From the Associated Press, “Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis signed a bill into law on Monday that forbids instruction on sexual orientation and gender identity in kindergarten through third grade, a policy that has drawn intense national scrutiny from critics who argue it marginalizes LGBTQ people. The legislation has pushed Florida and DeSantis, an ascending Republican and potential 2024 presidential candidate, to the forefront of the country’s culture wars. LGBTQ advocates, students, Democrats, the entertainment industry and the White House have dubbed the measure the ‘Don’t Say Gay’ law.”

This day marks the beginning of the reversal of rights for the LGBTQ community. Mark my words, f***tards! Remember this day when a renewed assault on gay rights began as this new breed of law spreads across the country. Do not believe what RepubliKKKlans say; they claim the text of the law prohibits specific behavior, but in reality, it is the spirit and the intent of the law that is the danger. It relegates the LGBTQ community as something taboo, something too dangerous to be discussed and taught. The gays are too frightening to be recognized. If anyone dares to bring up the topic, then they can be sued. So, tell me then, who would dare even mention gay knowing they can be sued? I can envision a scenario playing out now: A third-grader asks her male teacher who is the picture on the desk. The teacher replies, “My husband.” Then the third-grader innocently talks about her male teacher’s husband. All of a sudden the teacher and school are being sued. The law intends to chill not only education on the matter but also speaking of it. It is the exact cancel culture that RepubliKKKlan snowflakes decry and claim as a singular grievance of theirs. That is to say, RepubliKKKlans only think they are being canceled. You people just don’t f***ing get it. You really, really don’t. These hateful laws are not conceived in some vacuum. They are precisely tailored with specific motivations and to exert maximal (ambiguous) harm on a minority group. They are dog whistles aimed to please culture warriors. While the average person may read or understand the language of the law to be “well-intended” or innocuous enough, the actual function of the law is deliberately designed to do harm to a specific group as others look away or remain obvilivous.

And don’t think for a second that such laws will stop in the schools; they are merely testing grounds for pushing the boundaries. Next, it will be to enshrine legalized discrimination in the name of religious liberty. States had tried these tactics before and failed, but it’s a new day, a new SCOTUS, and always a new battlefront in the culture war. Evil evangelicals, RepubliKKKlans, and MAGA morons always keep trying; they never stop. Gays are always the target. If this or that law doesn’t work, then they try another. If at first you don’t succeed, then try, try again. Eventually, conservatives will find the one law or the one policy that becomes the thread to unravel the whole sweater.

Moreover, forcing gays back into the closet will be accelerated when traitor trump returns to the White House and SCOTUS declares marriage inequality the law of the land. This will not be an overnight process; rather, it will be drip by drip. A threat to gay rights is a threat to everyone’s rights; RepubliKKKlans will not stop with the gays. Allies of the LGBTQ community will pivot and begin to say, “Glad it’s not me,” as they struggle with their own rights under threat — abortion, for example. Mark my words! RepibliKKKlans are winning the culture war because Democrats are weak and don’t believe the culture war is actually a thing to motivate voters. Wrong as usual! Dumbass Democrats have been asleep at the wheel believing voters will “figure it out” — it being the right thing to do or the right way to vote. News flash! Voters rarely “figure it out.” So, don’t expect Democrats (or the average voter for that matter) to help save the LGBTQ community from what is about to become open season on the gays nationwide. Gays need to start taking up arms and taking matters into their own hands, or there will be many more Matthew Wayne Shepard’s. You heard it here first! Welcome to stupid America. They’re coming for your rights next!

Conspiracies for Morons Purely Moronic

She’s a Cultist!

Directly from the Virginia “Ginni” Thomas Wikipedia page: “In the 1980s, while a congressional aide, Thomas took training with the self-awareness program Lifespring. In 1987, she related to The Washington Post that, during her training several years earlier, she had been ‘confused and troubled’ by lessons such as one where trainees were told to disrobe to bikinis and bathing suits and then ‘made fun of fat people’s bodies and ridiculed one another with sexual questions.’ After realizing that membership in her Lifespring group separated her from her family, friends, and co-workers, Thomas began what proved to be a difficult and months-long process of breaking away. At one point, she hid in another part of the U.S. to avoid a constant barrage of high-pressure phone calls from Lifespring members, who felt they had a duty to keep her in the organization. Thomas came to believe that Lifespring was a cult. After leaving the group in 1985, she sought counseling and joined the Cult Awareness Network. She became a critic of controversial religious groups, speaking on panels and organizing anti-cult workshops for congressional staffers in 1986 and 1988. In a 1991 interview, Thomas remarked, ‘I was once in a group that used mind control techniques’; and she called its members ‘pretty scary people.’”

The wife of an Associate Justice to the Supreme Court of the United States is a f***ing cultist. Full stop! Once a cultist, always a cultist. This is always true. You may have heard or seen on MSM or in some documentary “ex-cult” members from Neo-Nazi groups, QAnon, Peoples Temple, and the like discuss their transformation into cult members and their subsequent “deprogramming.” Do not believe these people are ever entirely “deprogrammed,” for they are not! There is a brain defect inherent in these people that cannot be corrected or exercised. They have a natural proclivity for crazy, just as an alcoholic is always an alcoholic and is only ever (and always) a recovering alcoholic when they’re dry. Indeed, these people bounce around from one cult fixation to another. So, a former Neo-Nazi becomes an Oath Keeper. A former Lifespring member becomes a QAnon adherent. Ginni Thomas is one such person! And she’s married to someone who, no doubt, shares her views and passes final judgment on the laws of the land. What could possibly go wrong? Welcome to stupid America. This level of stupid cannot be undone, and the damage is irreversible and complete. Oh, well!

Purely Moronic

First World Problems

Will Smith slaps Chris Rock onstage during the show at the 94th Academy Awards.
(Myung Chun / Los Angeles Times)
International Indigestion

Afghanistan 20 Years Later: Back to Square One

As The Hill reports, “The Taliban are reportedly requiring a strict dress code for government workers in Afghanistan, including wearing a beard, amid multiple other restrictions that echo scenes from their previous rule in the 1990s. Members of the Taliban vice and virtue ministry reportedly stood and patrolled outside government ministries on Monday, ordering male employees without traditional turbans and beards to return home, according to multiple reports. … The dress code is the latest in a series of restrictions aimed at enforcing a strict interpretation of Islamic law.”

From Reuters, “The Taliban have told airlines in Afghanistan that women cannot board domestic or international flights without a male chaperone, two sources told Reuters on Sunday. The move comes after the Taliban backtracked on their previous commitment to open high schools to girls, a u-turn that shocked many Afghans and drew condemnation from humanitarian agencies and foreign governments.”

According to the UN News, “Taliban leaders in Afghanistan are institutionalizing large scale and systematic gender-based discrimination and violence against women and girls, independent UN human rights experts warned on Monday. The group of around three dozen Human Rights Council-appointed experts highlighted a ‘wave of measures’ such as barring women from returning to their jobs, requiring a male relative to accompany them in public spaces, prohibiting women from using public transport on their own, as well as imposing a strict dress code on women and girls.”

Finally, the BBC reports, “BBC TV programming has been taken off air in Afghanistan, after the Taliban ordered local channels not to broadcast content from international partners. Calling it a ‘worrying development’, the BBC said it would affect more than six million viewers of Persian, Pashto and Uzbek language service programmes.”

As it turns out, America’s adventurism in Afghanistan was a completely colossal waste of blood and treasure. After 20 years, the Taliban returns, and they are slowly reverting Afghanistan to the fourteenth century. Sad.

Conspiracies for Morons Dumbass Democrats Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

QAnon: America’s New Religion Here to Stay

According to an excellent article in the Intelligencer, “This week brought us evidence that QAnon thought has spread further than we knew: into the Senate, the Supreme Court, and the very highest levels of the Republican Party. It is increasingly difficult to separate the movement’s demented beliefs from the ideology of the already democracy-averse GOP, its traces evident in legislation, media appearances, and leaked private communications. … The signs of the Republican slide toward full epistemic crack-up are all around us. One can see it everywhere lately, not only in the ‘why do you want to hurt children?’–type questions hurled by Republican senators at Jackson, but also in the revanchist anti-LGBTQ laws being introduced in Texas and Florida and in fearful talk of teachers’ grooming’ children on Fox News. The ginned-up moral panic, centered around the child-exploitation themes that helped give life to QAnon, is now a regular part of Republican political rhetoric. … If you had any lingering pretensions that our political elites know better than the average QAnon-pilled zombie, it’s past time to let them go. The people in charge of the Republican Party are mostly old and poorly informed operators who believe some of the most asinine theories to emerge from social-media bilge. Granting them some measure of savviness — saying that this is red meat for the Republican base, or that it keeps the checks from right-wing billionaires coming in — is to offer too much credit. More than that, it risks absolving them through some nod toward political practicalities when, mostly, this is all pretty evil and disturbing.”

I will go one step further and say QAnon is America’s new religion, which means America is doomed, natch. Do not think for one second that QAnon is any longer fringe. With RepubliKKKlans’ recent full embrace, it is as mainstream as apple pie, just like Christianity. I will not belabor the point because the article did such an exceptional job of describing the evolving problem; suffice it to say, stupid America was made for QAnon, and QAnon was made for stupid America. So get ready when RepubliKKKlans take over the government, and QAnon becomes the new American religion imposed on the rest of us. As I have long said, America has reached the critical mass of stupidity, and the stupid will kill us all and the country.

And then we have dumbass Democrats, who may be rightly aghast and confused about the spread and persistence of QAnon. But the time for being shocked is over. It is no longer a matter of asking how people can believe such incomprehensible stupidity; now it is a matter of how many people in power will use QAnon beliefs to gain more power and destroy America. Democrats need to take the QAnon menace seriously and head-on. Yet, I fear dumbass Democrats will do what they always do: Ignore things, expecting (hoping) voters will eventually figure it out. Americans rarely “figure” things out. Ugh! Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America!