Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Politics Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

Traitor Fugitive

Traitor Evan Neumann

According to The Hill, “Belarus granted refugee status to Capitol riot defendant Evan Neumann, according to Belarusian state-run media, which circulated a photo of him apparently holding country documents. ‘US citizen Evan Newman [sic] received refugee status in Belarus. The document was handed to him in the Department of Citizenship and Migration of the Internal Affairs Directorate of the Brest Regional Executive Committee on March 22, 2022,’ the Belarusian Telegraph Agency reported on Twitter.”

Um, yeah. If you have to run to an enemy nation to protect yourself from insurrectionist charges, then you are the definition of a traitor and a fugitive, just like every other RepubliKKKlan, MAGA moron, evil evangelical, and QAnon kook. All these people are traitors to America, without exception. You guys should feel free to abscond to Russia! You people are not wanted here in America!

Evil Evangelicals In My Legal Opinion MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

They’re Coming for Your Straight Marriage Next

According to (Times Media Co. of Northwest Indiana), “U.S. Sen. Mike Braun, R-Ind., would welcome the U.S. Supreme Court rescinding its 1967 ruling that legalized interracial marriage nationwide in favor of allowing each of the 50 states to decide such issues on its own. Speaking Tuesday on a conference call with Indiana reporters, the Hoosier senator unambiguously declared his belief that many of the high court’s key civil rights decisions of the past 70 years were wrongly decided and an improper usurpation of state’s rights. … But, when asked by The Times, Braun admitted there are many Supreme Court decisions he believes improperly established federal rights that would be better handled on a state-by-state basis, including Loving v. Virginia that legalized interracial marriage, and Griswold v. Connecticut (1965) establishing a right to privacy concerning contraceptive use.”

I was literally just writing about this the other day. Look, f***tards! These articles fall in my lap, so to speak. Seriously, I peruse my regular news sources, and these types of articles stand out. It is not a coincidence that when I write about RepubliKKKlans coming for your rights, suddenly, as if right on cue, RepubliKKKlan lawmakers start popping up to express their support to turn back the right of interracial marriages and birth control. I don’t know how many times I have to tell all you f***tards out there: This new SCOTUS will start stripping everyone’s rights. RepubliKKKlans are already planting the seeds for everything they want the high court to begin reversing — abortion rights, gay marriage, interracial marriage, birth control, privacy in your bedroom is just for starters, off the top of my head.

This state’s rights movement spearheaded by conservatives will be a disaster for America. Think about marriage, for example. What happens when SCOTUS declares interracial marriage should be left to the states to decide? The U.S. Constitution only mentions race once (and marriage not at all), thusly: “The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of race, color, or previous condition of servitude.” Given the conservative makeup of SCOTUS, which now subscribes to originalism as their primary legal, philosophical doctrine, if it ain’t exactly written into the Constitution, then it ain’t protected. So, don’t think race and marriage are explicitly protected rights. They are not! In fact, the underlying right that justices have long inferred as being in the Constitution is the right to privacy (and liberty) which derives from the Due Process Clause in the Fourteenth Amendment (see substantive due process and here [And, yes, I read all of it.]); this is the fundamental right that justifies gay marriage, interracial marriage, abortion, birth control, sodomy (for the gays only, of course), and other unenumerated rights. But with this ultra-conservative SCOTUS, that basic underpinning is under threat because, again, the right to “privacy” is not explicitly enshrined in the Constitution. In short, the conservative wing of SCOTUS wants to shred the substantive due process doctrine, which is the linchpin to underdoing federal protection of privacy rights. So, if privacy is not in the Constitution, then it’s up to the states to determine what constitutes “your right to privacy.” Yeah, good luck with that! For a segment of the country — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks — that abhors the notion of government being in their business, they sure are eager for the business of SCOTUS to ensure state governments can do just that — get up in their private business. Whatever! I live in stupid hell!

All the right-winger nutjobs need is one old-school evil evangelical to refuse to grant a marriage license to an interracial couple because doing so would violate that person’s First Amendment right, as was the case before Loving, where the Bible was used to justify banning such marriages. I could see such a case going to SCOTUS and Justice Thomas writing the majority opinion that would deny his own interracial marriage, but that would be par for the course for all conservatives; they are more than willing to shoot themselves in the foot as long as they can tell everyone else beneath them how to live their lives.

Then watch as all the blue states make interracial marriage legal while all the red, racist states make it illegal. So now, when interracial married couples travel to a red state, their marriage is suddenly no longer recognized. Part of the reason this country works — I use the term loosely — is that states have implicitly agreed to abide by some standard norms, but with RepubliKKKlans gunning for 50 individual nation-states, America is headed toward 50 waring — literally — neighbors sooner rather than later. RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks genuinely want a country divided along red and blue lines, where the red states can simply ignore any rights from blue-state visitors if they even allow such travel across state lines. Ultimately, this is where we are headed with this ultra-conservative theocratic-friendly SCOTUS; leave everything up to the states. The federal government only exists for national defense, regulating interstate commerce, and taxation. Honestly, you morons are seriously suffering from a lack of imagination when it comes to the future of America under this SCOTUS.

Mark my words! You may think I’m hyperbolic, but I see the signs; they are not concealed. RepubliKKKlans are not being shy about their intentions. But whatever! No one cares because it’s SCOTUS. People will only start caring when it’s too late. This is what happens when a society becomes apathetic and dumbed down. Your rights are next. Oh, well. You heard it hear first. But enjoy your rights while you can, and welcome to stupid America!

Evil Evangelicals MAGA Morons Purely Moronic RepubliKKKlans

‘Why Conservative Parts of the U.S. Are So Angry’

From the titled article (above) in Yes!, “Decades of political decisions and policies have created a massive and growing chasm between the economic and social disaster unfolding in small-town and rural parts of the United States, and the prosperity and safety of cities and suburbs. Many of those successful urban and suburban areas have reaped the rewards of electing largely moderate, competent Democratic leaders. Meanwhile, rural areas have elected Republicans drawn from a party that is increasingly incompetent, corrupt, and willing to engage in outright racism to win elections. … This is not simply an urban–rural divide. For the largest urbanized states, the three with Democratic control of all branches of government (California, New York, and Illinois) had GDPs per capita vastly higher than the three biggest Republican-controlled states (Texas, Florida, and Ohio). … Surveys and studies consistently find Trump’s generally older, White supporters enraged at ‘loss of status’ and in fear of being ‘replaced’ by non-White people. That White people are falling behind across key economic, health, and safety indexes is not due to victimization by immigrants and liberal conspiracies, however, but to victimization by other Whites and self-inflicted alcoholism, drug overdose, and suicide. … Yet, despite these gains, White voters vehemently rejected Democrats in successive elections. Today, Trump’s base voters are electing candidates who share their racial resentment and imagined victimization, not those who actually are advancing their safety and economic well-being.”

There never seems to be an end to these types of compositions that reaffirm a manifest conclusion of the state of the RepubliKKKlan Party: All conservatives — RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks — suffer from white privilege grievance syndrome. We have finally achieved critical mass in stupid America, where white grievance determines how people vote and how politicians attract their voters. None of this is new, but what is novel is that white grievance is the overwhelmingly and singularly driving force of white voters. They would rather live in a state of poverty and turpitude than recognize that the days of protestant white straight cis men ruling over everyone else are over. Rather than coming to terms with the notion of an ever-changing and ever-progressing world, they want to drag America back to the 1850s. It is a lamentable commentary on a country that is more interested in looking backward than forward. Whites would cut off their nose despite their face without thinking twice if they thought it was a way to keep the minorities — people of color, the gays, women — in their place, which is well below in the social order and supplicant to white folk! To all those aggrieved RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks, I say this: F*** your feelings! Welcome to stupid America!

In My Legal Opinion Purely Moronic

What Have I Been Saying for Years?

From an article in The Atlantic titled “Stop Waiting for Trump to Get Convicted” by Paul Rosenzweig, “Attorney General Merrick Garland is not going to save democracy. Nor is the attorney general of New York, Letitia James; the Manhattan district attorney, Alvin Bragg; nor the Fulton County district attorney, Fani Willis. As the apparent collapse of the New York district attorney’s investigation makes clear, criminal cases are hard to make. Donald Trump, despite his many seemingly criminal acts, is unlikely to ever spend a day in jail. Observers of the Trump malignancy have an unfortunate habit of wish casting—believing that their most optimistic fantasies will become reality. They did this with the Mueller investigation—remember ‘It’s Mueller Time’?—and they did it with both of Trump’s impeachments. Their dream has always been that somehow, somewhere, someone would call Trump to account for his actions and, in doing so, save American democracy.”

Bingo! Again, I have to remind readers of my First Axiom of Political Science for Presidents, which states: Ain’t no president or ex-president ever going to be convicted of a crime or go to jail — ever. This is a strong axiom; there are no exceptions or in-between instances. How the axiom is stated covers all and every possible case. In fact, the axiom is so strong it really should be considered a political science law. Nonetheless, it is refreshing to read another person’s opinion that reflects my neophyte knowledge — though not so naive. Of course, the article reminds me of all the moronic pundits who keep advising patience and that justice is coming. Christ! Kill me now!

The most notable f***tards include, in no particular order, Neal Katyal, Joyce Vance, Jill Wine-Banks, George Conway, Glenn Kirschner, and Michael Cohen. These are regular lawyers who make the rounds on liberal cable and radio shows who constantly try to convince audiences that traitor trump is about to go down, that AG Garland is close to bringing a case against traitor trump, that the New York and Georgia cases are closing in on traitor trump. They have been peddling some version of impending traitor trump doom since the Mueller investigation — another ending I predicted correctly, namely that nothing would ever happen. Mueller was always destined to fail. Every time these pundits speak, I am convinced more and more just how f***ing stupid they truly are. For a bunch of alleged experts on the law and the legal system, they clearly have no f***ing clue. The only progressive lawyer who has always remained unconvinced that traitor trump will be held accountable is Elie Mystal. He is the only one who cannot be fooled, and he warns others not to be fooled either. Mystal is one intelligent man! The rest just need to STFU. It’s the First Axiom, stupid! Welcome to stupid America!

International Indigestion

Israel in Bed with Putin

From Haaretz, “The State of Israel is exceptional among Western countries in that it has refrained from sharply condemning and imposing sanctions on Putin and the circle around him that are responsible for the war. … Israeli officials’ statements have, for the most part omitted the identification of who is actually attacking Ukraine, committing crimes against the Ukrainian people and against the stability of the international order. As if it were a natural disaster or an alien invasion from another planet. … Former Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu ‘helped’ Putin upgrade his internal repression tactics, while spending time flattering him. … For example, every year on October 7, Netanyahu joined the queue of leaders of former Soviet republics calling Putin to congratulate him on his birthday. Netanyahu was so proud of their association that he put up giant election posters of himself and Putin side-by-side under the slogan ‘Netanyahu. A different league.’”

What an embarrassment! For a country that was literally founded as a result of genocide, the State of Israel would rather not take a stand against genocide happening in Ukraine at the hands of Russia. But what would one expect from a country that kept Putin-loving Netanyahu in office for 12 years? Astonishingly, a country born out of the ashes of a world war that fought one dictator — Hitler in case you’re not paying attention — continues to be in bed with another dictator — Putin in case you’re brain dead. Of course, this is all consistent with the likes that Israel has sucked up to in the past — traitor trump in case I have to spell out everything for you f***tards. Netanyahu, Putin, traitor trump. They are all of the same ilk, and it seems that Bennett is a bit squishy himself. Shame on Israel! Seriously! For a nation that claims never to forget, they seem to have amnesia.

International Indigestion Purely Moronic

The West’s Wringing of the Hands After All

After four weeks of watching the Russian invasion of Ukraine go sideways and after Putin has decimated whole Ukrainian cities, my worst fears are coming into focus, as I had predicted all along: The West is standing on the sidelines wringing their hands. To be sure, America, NATO, the EU, and other Allied nations have been levying the harshest sanctions ever seen on Russia. Indeed, they are sending in weaponry to help support Ukraine’s defense. All of this is true enough, but given what everyone — except Russians — sees on TV or on a laptop, it’s become evident that the West is perfectly willing to sit on the sidelines wringing their hands. Entire cities are being razed, and the most the West can do is watch and admonish Putin. We are precisely in the pusillanimous position I knew the West would eventually settle into; I just f***ing knew it. As I have said many times before, Putin invaded primarily because he thought the West would let him get away with taking Ukraine, and, at this point, there has not been enough pushback from the West to convince him otherwise. While the war seems not to have progressed as initially envisioned, Putin is adjusting. I think he believes that if he can’t have Ukraine, then no one can, so he’s willing to lay waste to the entire country, and the West will let him do it because the West is f***ing weak. Now is the time if there is ever a reason for the West to step out of their NATO boundaries. Putin will never learn until the West punches back, but dare I say they never will. Oh, well. And we wonder why authoritarian nations are on the ascent in the world.

International Indigestion

Ukrainian Military Must Take No Prisoners

Slava Ukraini!

While there may be some value to the Ukrainian military obtained from Russian prisoners of war, I hope Ukraine has learned lessons from history; do not keep Russian prisoners of war alive and do not take prisoners in the first place. They are a drain on already strained Ukrainian resources, and any limited, ephemeral intelligence and propaganda value they derive from their captives cannot balance keeping and feeding them. While allowing Russian prisoners to literally phone home is a quaint propaganda tactic, I say it is better that the mothers and fathers of these soldiers should be left with the empty feeling of their sons having vanished in the war, especially since the Russian military has no interest in making sure their troops killed on the battlefield are repatriated back to their families. The greater value is that more Russian soldiers disappear in Ukraine, leaving a hole in Russians’ hearts.

Moreover, every Ukraine fighter’s primary — only — goal is to kill as many Russian soldiers as possible. Not to capture them. Not to allow them to retreat. Not to trade them. Their only directive should be to kill, kill, kill. I promise you that any Russian soldier allowed to escape or be released will be one more soldier who comes back to kill Ukrainian women, children, and the elderly. There is no such thing as mercy in war. War is merciless — a value Russia consistently dispenses, yet the West constantly eschews. War is the definition of kill or be killed. So, Russian P.O.W.s are out of the question. Take these Russian pawns off the chessboard once and for all. I wish I could say that I’m sorry for being so callous, but let’s face it — war is not for the weak. Any notion of chivalry in war is a fantasy. Russia is waging total war. Ukraine needs to respond in kind! I’m sure there are some Geneva Convention rules and such non-sense about soldiers who surrender. I’m not saying Ukraine should commit war crimes — I guess — but let’s just say Ukrainians should be in the mindset of fighting to the death — of every Russian invader. There should be no such thing as a surrendering Russian soldier.

In My Legal Opinion RepubliKKKlans

Watching This Sleeper Legal Case

Reporting from CNN, “A federal judge said Friday that former Kentucky county clerk Kim Davis violated two same-sex couples’ constitutional rights when she refused to marry them while in office in 2015. In court documents filed Friday, US District Judge David Bunning dismissed Davis’ motion for summary judgment in civil suits brought against her by two same-sex couples to whom she had refused to grant marriage licenses. … The issues now before the jury are how much the plaintiffs will get in compensatory damages and whether or not they should be awarded punitive damages, Gartland told CNN. … Liberty Counsel, the conservative legal group representing Davis, said in a statement that they ‘will continue to argue that she is not liable for damages because she was entitled to a religious accommodation (which Governor [Matt] Bevin and the legislature granted),’ adding that the case could be heading for the US Supreme Court.”

Watch out for this sleeper case! You’re G.D. right, this is going to SCOTUS, and this is just the type of case the conservative theocratic justices have been looking for to reverse gay marriage. Mark my words, f***tards! Look! The conservative justices don’t have to wait for the perfect anti-LGBTQ rights case to come before them to act. They merely need a case that remotely touches on the subject. Not sure how aware you people might be about the machinations of the High Court, but it is pretty much a free for all. They can agree to hear a case, and then they can judge it on the particular merits that lead it from the trial courts to the appellate courts to the Supreme Court, or they can take the same case and use it to restrict or expand the merits of the case or a broader issue. It is quite conceivable they will grant certiorari for this case. Instead of deciding on the narrow question if Davis has a First Amendment right not to perform her civic duty by denying a marriage license to same-sex couples, they can expand the question to whether same-sex marriage is a constitutionally protected right at all. They can decide to answer another question of a case from the one initially before the Court. In short, justices could hear arguments about ABC and then decide to rule on ABC and XYZ. They’ve done it before. The supermajority conservatives justices simply need a case that gets them a foot in the door to reverse gay marriage and roll back LGBTQ rights. And don’t think stare decisis is going to protect Obergefell v. Hodges. Roe v. Wade is about to go, and that is a 50-year-old case. The ink has yet to dry on Obergefell compared to Roe.

Senator Cornyn’s questioning of Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson over gay marriage says it all. RepubliKKKlans are laser-focused on rolling back LGBTQ rights because in their minds protecting the rights of the minority from the bigotry of the majority is not only unimportant but contrary to the founding of the nation. No f***ing person or government authority forces straight cis men or women to marry each other. You know, these people — conservatives — used to make the same arguments about enslaved people and Blacks, particularly white people and black people, could not marry each other (see Loving v. Virginia, which they’ll be coming for soon enough). Still, through the wisdom of the ages, the courts decided that people cannot be discriminated against for their immutable characteristics (e.g., skin color or gender). We have yet to add sexual orientation to the list, and RepubliKKKlans will ensure it never is. In the meantime, they are coming for gay rights. Mark my words, morons. Mark them well!

I have been saying for years now that they are coming for your rights next! Mark my words, f***tards! “Where the law ends, tyranny begins!” SCOTUS is about to undo their own rule of law — again! They are uninterested in protecting minorities against the bigotry of the majority. Thus, they encourage tyranny. Welcome to stupid America!

Purely Moronic

SCOTUS Has No Ethics — Literally

From The Hill, “The revelation this week that Virginia ‘Ginni’ Thomas, wife of Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, attended the pro-Trump ‘Stop the Steal’ rally that preceded the Jan. 6 riot at the Capitol has renewed questions about Justice Thomas’s impartiality. Critics say the new detail is just the latest example of Ginni’s political activity posing an ethically troubling overlap with her husband’s judicial position. … But according to Gabe Roth, executive director of the left-leaning court-reform advocacy group Fix The Court, it would be fair to say that ‘a reasonable person might question Justice Thomas’s impartiality’ given what he described as a years-long pattern.”

The Code of Conduct for United States Judges preamble reads: “The Code of Conduct for United States Judges includes the ethical canons that apply to federal judges and provides guidance on their performance of official duties and engagement in a variety of outside activities.” And it goes on to say, “This Code applies to United States circuit judges, district judges, Court of International Trade judges, Court of Federal Claims judges, bankruptcy judges, and magistrate judges. Certain provisions of this Code apply to special masters and commissioners as indicated in the ‘Compliance’ section. The Tax Court, Court of Appeals for Veterans Claims, and Court of Appeals for the Armed Forces have adopted this Code.” What branch of the judiciary is missing from the list? Anyone? Anyone at all? Would anyone like to hazard a guess as to which branch of the judiciary exempts itself from a delineated set of ethics?

So, this is where we are in America. The highest court in the country, the literal final word on the laws of the land, and they can be as corrupt as they please before, during, and after they render any number of decisions that impact every person in America. I expected nothing less, and people wonder why SCOTUS is losing credibility and why Americans are losing faith in national institutions. Does anyone really believe that the newly minted super-conservative, super-majority SCOTUS will act ethically? The conservatives have already proved themselves unethical, and these are the people who will be re-writing the country’s laws to hurt minorities, not protect them. Fan-f***ing-tastic! I can’t wait for the corruptable and, indeed, already corrupted SCOTUS to start handing down opinions that strip people of their rights — or fails to protect them — as they sit in their ivory tower unbound by any ethical code and entirely accountable to no one, except, as it increasingly appears to be the case, beholden to conservative causes and theocratic dogma. This is what a dying country looks like! Oh, well. No one cares. I live in stupid hell. Welcome to stupid America!

Politics RepubliKKKlans

Chauncey DeVega Strikes Again

Once again, I am compelled to share a piece by Chauncey DeVega in Salon because the man is brilliant! I have said it many times in previous posts, and it seems he unfailingly reaffirms my high opinion of him with each new article. I swear he pulls thoughts right out of my head, but he is much more eloquent in his delivery, while I allow my id to write for me.

And once again, I am forced to quote from his article, “Don’t be fooled: The GOP love affair with Putin is worse than it looks,” at length because so much he says is absolutely spot-on. He writes, “Never mind the opinion polls and the Republican posturing. When the right sees Putin, they want what he’s got. … America is a pathocracy. The masses take their cues from corrupted elites. Malignant normality is the new normal. Political deviance has been normalized. The Age of Trump constantly offers further proof that a sick and broken society can accept just about anything, no matter how surreal and grotesque. Fascism thrives in such societies. But the poison could not have spread so quickly if the soil and foundations were not toxic to begin with. … The American people and the world should also not be seduced by superficial public opinion polls that purport to show that Republican voters are now vigorously anti-Putin and do not support his war against Ukraine. Today’s Republican voters and other Trumpists are part of a political cult. They follow, uncritically, whatever directives and various signals are sent to them by Donald Trump, Fox News, the white right-wing evangelical churches and the larger right-wing echo chamber. Public opinion polls taken before the invasion of Ukraine show that Republicans view Vladimir Putin as a better leader than Joe Biden. … Putin is an authoritarian and a demagogue. He is anti-human, anti-freedom and anti-democracy. He stands against the future and human progress and pluralism. To many of his admirers in America and the West, he is a leader of ‘White Christianity.’ Putin has persecuted and imperiled the LGBTQ community, and is hostile to women’s rights and women’s equality. He kills and imprisons journalists, and is doing his best to silence free speech. … The American people have been repeatedly warned about the dangers represented by the Republican fascists and the Trump movement. The past is prologue — but it does not have to be. The American people can choose to learn the lessons of the past about how democracies succumb to fascism and authoritarianism and act accordingly, or they can continue to insist, against all available evidence, that such evils only bloom elsewhere and cannot possibly happen here. But democracy must be an active choice. Indifference and passivity are sure to destroy it. What choice will the American people make?”

Bingo! Bingo! Bingo! He says it all, so I will not comment, except to answer his closing question: What choice will the American people make? Probably not all that surprising to some, I think America will, naturally, make all the wrong choices because Americans are just too f***ing G.D. stupid. I think we are too far down the road to losing our democracy for countless reasons I’ve laid out in other posts. Still, in a nutshell, the RepubliKKKlan Party has won the trifecta: Super-majority on SCOTUS, RepubliKKKlan control in most state legislatures, and redistricting. Thus, RepubliKKKlans have the means through state legislatures to write laws that suppress voters (and citizens more generally) and create RepubliKKKlan controlled districts that give them permanent political control, with all their machinations protected by SCOTUS. Once they take over the U.S. Congress and the White House, then the end of American democracy will be sealed, replaced with a mixture of autocracy and theocracy. And no one will care because I live in stupid hell! Mark my words! Welcome to stupid America! Remember: Biden is the intermission to the end.