Take Back Control of Your Body: Women

I have been listening to the apologetic arguments by dumbass Democrats over the termination of Roe. While they have finally been making much noise (sound and fury), they are all missing a cohesive, pithy catchphrase. Imagine that! Dumbass Democrats don’t have a coordinated message! The day after the Alito opinion killing Roe leaked, RepubliKKKlans had three pages of talking points to set the messaging swiftly. Democrats, of course, have nothing, so each Senator and Congressperson is left to present their own disconnected set of views, which are all essentially aligned, but it’s not effective. I did hear Senator Schumer describe the “horror” of overturning Roe. Ugh! The use of “horror” connotes some lousy movie. That man is a disastrous leader of the senate and Democrats. He just always seems to miss the f***ing mark with his language and political maneuvers. I can’t wait to hear him exclaim “shame” to McConnell or other RepubliKKKlans as if they have any. Kill me now. These are the people fighting for women’s rights! We’re screwed. Nonetheless, Democrats fail to establish and repeat — ad nauseam — that one phrase voters need to remember.

Well, I do have the catchphrase! Democrats need to take a page from Brexit. Women need to take back control of their bodies! “Take back control!” It is that simple. Keep it simple, stupid! It is perfect for the stupidity that is the American voter! This is free advice that I am confident dumbass Democrats will ignore because it probably comes off as too forceful and may imply RepubliKKKlans want to control women’s bodies. God forbid Democrats speak truth to power. Welcome to stupid America! It can always be dumber!