Take to the Streets or Shut the F*** up!

According to Politico, “But as the Democratic Party faces its intramural battle over how best to respond to the Trump presidency—with measured centrism, or an opportunistic and disruptive lurch to the left— Jacobin has emerged as a hard-to-ignore voice in defining what the latter should look like. … But it does reflect, he said, what Jacobin’s mostly young left-wing writers and contributors, many of whom are open Sanders supporters and even campaign volunteers, are thinking. Where a previous generation might have been more than satisfied with a candidacy that would have been a socialist dream a mere decade ago, a younger generation tired of tempering its hopes is hungry for what it thinks could be a more revolutionary outcome. This all-or-nothing approach does not sit well with the older guard of American leftist thinkers [emphasis added]. … He [Bhaskar Sunkara, the magazine’s 30-year-old founding editor and publisher] added, ‘You can’t change society unless you win elections.’”

And Bingo! These last two sentences encapsulate the entire f***ing problem with why the far-left causes Democrats to lose. On the one hand, the socialists want to revolutionize American society (without an actual revolution) and, on the other hand, they seem to realize that the Democratic Party needs to actually win elections first to effectuate the change they want! Yet they seem more than content to withhold their votes — Bernie Bros et al. That being said, I am actually not familiar with Jacobin other than what has been presented in the Politico article, but clearly it is a publication that seems set on establishing a purity test for Democratic candidates instead of being a platform in which socialist-minded individuals “‘cohere together—from all these different strands and threads … and create a debating grounds for these broad sets of ideas. ’” Even though the magazine is “still figuring out how, and if, it wants to be involved in electoral politics at all, he [Sunkara] said.”

What annoys the f*** out of me is not the ideals of socialism — certainly — rather it is the entire half-hearted attempt at change. Now if Jacobin is trying to be an intellectually philosophical publication to advocate the virtues of socialism then so be it; do so without naming names or picking candidates to side with or attack because when they do they have now waded into the very political sphere about which they claim to still be agnostic. Moreover, by wading into politics they must have the intellectual foresight to understand that socialism in today’s America is not a viable “all or nothing” choice — either Sanders or no one, for that type of corrupted thinking got us traitor trump in the first place. The change these people seek comes from incremental advancements achieved trough numerous, consistent Democratic wins at the polls, for which apparently millennials lack the patience. Lacking the patience and the endurance to actually show up to the ballot box at least every two years, however, then they should be out in the streets f***ing Hong Kong-style. If they want to disrupt the system then the streets are the answer, not criticizing left-wing candidates because they do not sufficiently attack fellow moderates to their liking. Otherwise, shut the f*** up and stop doing exactly what leftists themselves claim to be risking: “But for some, this election is so important that it’s worth erring on the side of caution. ‘The final outcome is what, in the end, really matters,’ Kazin said. ‘When Trump is president, we won’t have time to say: “Well, let’s fight another day. Too bad we didn’t win, but I’m glad I didn’t support Warren, because that would have been a betrayal of my principles.”’” If there is one thing the left is known for is cutting off their nose despite their face!

Listen, f***tards! There are only three f***ing options for these socialists: 1.) stick to the academic philosophical side and remain politically agnostic but vote blue no matter who (lest we get four more years of traitor trump); 2.) become activists by taking to the f***ing streets and spark the actual revolution required because a socialist is never going to be president in America (for the people, that is to say — socialism for big business is already here and that’s a whole other post) without actual bloodletting; or 3.) shut the f*** up!