Tucker “Tanned Testicles” Carlson

Tucker’s organism or sodomy (bottom) face; Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images

From Vanity Fair, “Testicle tanning? you might ask. Surely, you don’t mean to say becoming a macho man like Fox News’ Carlson will require me to stand nude on a rock, subjecting my genitals to some sort of mysterious red-light machine? You bet your nuts it does. Carlson has recently begun promoting a new documentary episode for his ‘Tucker Carlson Originals’ series, in which he asks his audience to be ‘open-minded’ about a novel proposal to address the ‘End of Men’ — a real, not-made-up problem the Fox host has identified.”

Let’s cut right to the point: Tucker’s tanning testicle obsession has nothing to do with the efficacy of a solution to a made-up problem; it has everything to do with promoting the notion of white replacement theory and white supremacy. Everything he does stems from these two worldviews. Full stop! One does not need any further analysis or understanding. Obviously, the “problem” of men’s low fertility directly impacts white supremacists’ reproductivity. If whitey can’t spawn enough little white supremacists, then the coloreds and gays will take over the country. Moreover, low testosterone is obviously causing men to turn gay and want to become women. Again, the more men with low testosterone mean more gays and more women — apparently! It’s hard to maintain a white male-dominated America if everyone “becomes” gay or transitions to a woman. One can readily see the impending doom for our country if left uncorrected.

However, I will concede one point: Americans suffer from reproductive problems. According to Newsweek, “Startling new evidence suggests male infertility may be much worse than it appears. According to Levine and Swan’s work, sperm levels—the most important measurement of male fertility—are declining throughout much of the world, including the U.S. … More and more countries find themselves unable to raise their fertility rates above the level needed to replace their population, leading one prominent demographer to prophesy that the world has already reached ‘peak child.’” That’s all you need to know. As I have long said, humans are their own extinction-level event, and nature always restores balance. To think humans can pollute the world year in and year out with impunity while also believing they are not poisoning themselves is the height of humanity’s arrogance and ignorance. If we are not killing ourselves directly or indirectly, then nature is ensuring we aren’t creating more of ourselves — the dominant poisoners of the planet. Low testosterone is not a sign of an effeminate culture or a weak America or the consequence of allowing the gays their rights and freedoms. No! It is nature’s way of neutering the cancer on the Earth that is the human race! Welcome to stupid humanity!