
From The Atlantic, “Texas had ample warning that this system was vulnerable. A decade ago, another storm caused large (though smaller) failures, as the Texas Tribune explains. A report warned that the state needed to harden its grid to prepare for major storms. But the state’s regulators didn’t want to mandate upgrades. Instead, they issued voluntary guidelines to providers, and they offered financial incentives to make upgrades. This is by-the-book free-market governance: The government shouldn’t make requirements, but companies will do the right thing if it serves their business interests. As we now know, that didn’t work. Rick Perry, the former Texas governor and U.S. secretary of energy, says now that Texans are willing to endure blackouts in order to maintain the independence of their grid. That’s a bold bet to make when hundreds of thousands of them still don’t have power.”

Whatever! F*** it! None of this matters! Mark my words, morons! None of this matters! It’s not like Texas will turn blue after this disaster or ever! No matter what, stupid people will always vote stupid. People love their moronic RepubliKKKlan politicians! People love the stupid! People love the incompetence. People love finger-pointing and callousness. People don’t actually want politicians to provide good governance. And I am not being facetious. I mean it! People clearly don’t care about their own well-being, let alone others, which is why no Texas Democrat has won a statewide election in decades! I can’t wait for RepubliKKKlans to get re-elected in Texas all over again.

Climate change isn’t happening, so why not re-elect RepubliKKKlans. Your relative died from hypothermia during the Texas power failure disaster. Well, your relatives didn’t prepare enough, and obviously, they couldn’t pull themselves up by their bootstraps to survive, so too bad for them. Vote RepubliKKKlan! Deadbeat Senators that would rather be vacationing than do anything (at all) to help their constituents? Keep voting RepubliKKKlan! Morons who would rather stay off the national electric grid to save a few bucks on their electric bill and, God-all-mighty forbid, avoid regulations?!?! Keep voting RepubliKKKlan! It’s always and only ever about the money, never mind investing in the right, long-term infrastructure and policy! Always shortsightedness and greed! It’s the Conservative way! (Get ready for much higher insurance premiums, f***tards!) And it’s always some other Liberals’ fault! People will forget as they always do. By the next election cycle, it will be, What Texas power disaster? But those things Conservatives never forget: God, guns, and gays! Keep voting RepubliKKKlan! Why the f*** not?!?! Fifty percent of voters do! You get what you deserve. Welcome to stupid America. Nothing ever changes!