Texas: A Sh*thole State and America’s Future!

According to CNN, “A new pro-gun law in Texas that went into effect Wednesday allows most Texans who legally own a firearm to carry it openly in public without obtaining a permit or training, a measure that experts say will make it more challenging for law enforcement to protect the public from gun violence.”

Texas just passed a law to make voting in the most difficult-to-vote-in state even more difficult. They passed a law that made abortions illegal and vigilante justice legal. Last, they just passed a law that effectively turns the state into the wild, wild west of guns. And this state just increased its number of electoral college seats by two. The second most populous state has essentially become the anti-woman, gun-loving nutjob, vote-hating, vigilante-condoning, anti-science conservative bastion that RepubliKKKlans have long desired. Texas is a sh*thole state and the future of America. And no one cares. Do not think that there will be blowback for this anti-abortion Texas law because the state has been passing anti-woman laws for over a decade, and what has the electorate (Democrats and Independents) done to stop them? Um, not a G.D. thing. RepubliKKKlans are just as firmly in control of the state as they were since the last time a Democrat was governor — 1994. Slowly but surely, the minority political power class has been exerting its control over the majority, and the majority allows it to happen, year after year. So, no! There will be no blowback from the voters because, deep down instead, this was all foreseeable, and they did nothing. Plus, more generally, America is just too m*****f***ing G.D. stupid to care or vote. This is what America wants because nothing is changing for the better; it’s only getting worse — faster. This is what a dying democracy looks like — it’s the tyranny of the minority over the majority in the image of its puritanical Christian religiosity! Mark my words, morons! Welcome to stupid America. Your state is next to become the next sh*thole!