According to CNN, “The Texas Senate passed a bill Thursday requiring each public school classroom to display a copy of the Ten Commandments, a move that drew backlash from civil liberty advocates who say lawmakers should not dictate what religious materials students are exposed to. The legislation, which passed the state Senate on a 17-12 vote, will now head to the state’s House of Representatives. Senate Bill 1515, authored by state Sen. Phil King, a Republican, requires the Ten Commandments to be displayed in a ‘conspicuous place’ in each classroom in a ‘size and typeface that is legible to a person with average vision from anywhere in the classroom.’ King has previously said the bill will help restore religious liberties ‘that were lost’ and it ‘reminds students all across Texas of the importance of a fundamental foundation” of America.’… Also Thursday, the Senate passed another bill relating to religion, one which would require schools to allow time for students and employees to pray and read the Bible on each school day. Senate Bill 1396 also passed with a 17-12 vote.”
Look, f***tards! This is the America that people elected whether they like it or not. One can rightfully argue that forcing one’s religion on others is nothing new; it is an age-old battle in humanity and in America, especially. Everything being done in the country and states by RepubliKKKlans must be considered with “What would SCOTUS do?” in mind, for it is the only endgame that matters, and now the theocratic Court will begin enshrining Christo-fascism into states’ laws because they can. I’ve been saying this forever: Religion is winning, and people are utterly oblivious to it. Why do you think there is some much killing and hate in America? It’s not because irreligious or agnostic believers are taking it out on others. No! It’s religious people — mostly Christians and pseudo-Christian white supremacists with a sprinkle of Muslims — who are “spreading” and “proselytizing” — aka forcing and beguiling — their religion of hate (see “He gets us“) on others. Christians are more than willing to simply kill those “others” (Jews, gays, Blacks, etc.) because others don’t believe as they do. These Texas bills will create and institutionalize more loathing by “Christians” in the name of Christo-fascism. The end is coming, morons. But people are too stupid to see it coming. Welcome to stupid America! Oh, well. The only way through is by civil war. You’ve been warned.