Thanks Again for Nothing!

Barron’s reports, “Oscar Walton is an African American in the must-win state of Wisconsin who sat out the 2016 election because he felt neither Hillary Clinton nor Donald Trump spoke for him. But not this November, when black voters like him in Wisconsin’s biggest city Milwaukee could play a key role in whether Joe Biden denies Trump a second term in office.” F*** me! I hate stupid people! I’d rather they be euthanized than take the chance they vote incorrectly. This Walton character just further proves my point — again — that black voters got us traitor trump. Thank you so much for that. I can’t take this stupid country anymore! Look, f***tards of America. Our presidential elections are between two choices. Full stop! Rightly or wrongly! It is what it is, idiots. Sometimes we get a great candidate on the ballot and sometimes it is a choice between the lesser of two evils, but make no mistake: it is a choice between two candidates. No more, no less. There is no option to “sit it out” or protest by voting for a third party. No! None of this f***ing B.S. nonsense. Not voting is a vote for RepubliKKKlans — always! Democrats don’t vote consistently enough, so people must not take for granted that Democrats will usually win — they don’t usually win. Full stop! People need to get that through their f***ing G.D. obtuse brains — to the extent that it is possible. These moronic voters that evaluated Clinton and traitor trump only to conclude that they couldn’t make up their minds should be shot. Again, this Walton moron did not vote because Hillary did not “speak to him.” Boo-f***ing-hoo. My God! Kill! Me! Now! Seriously?!?! That’s his excuse? Because Hillary didn’t pander to him. Didn’t hold his hand. Didn’t promise him this, that, and the other to “win” him over? Perhaps he should have thought about the greater good first if he wasn’t enamored with Hillary. I’m over it! I’m over dumb people incapable of thinking and making reasoned decisions. These people gave us traitor trump, and we are not going to be able to get rid of him. Thank you, Oscar Walton, for traitor trump. You did this to America! Don’t forget it! Mark my words, morons! Get ready for four more years! Welcome to trump stupid America!