The Age of Democracy Is Over; the Age of Nazis Begins (Again)

According to The Hill, “Far-right political parties made significant gains during the last day of European parliamentary elections on Sunday, delivering blows to the parties of French President Emmanuel Macron and German Chancellor Olaf Scholz. The National Rally party is estimated to receive at least 30 percent of support in France’s elections, which is about twice the support of Macron’s Renaissance party, which is projected to receive about 15 percent of the vote, according to the European Union’s estimates as of Sunday.”

I assume this is a warning — one that I’ve been sounding for years now domestically as evil forces gain traction internationally, too — that dumbass Democrats will completely ignore, as evinced by what I’m not hearing on Morning Joe and CNN this morning, which refuses to cover (in depth) this inexorable lurch to the right in the E.U. elections, coupled with what happened in India. The lesson to be learned is that incumbencies everywhere are in trouble. In Europe, the status quo of the liberal democracy model is in trouble. In India, Modi’s Indian Nationalism is having issues, not so much in trouble. In America, our democracy is in peril, if not already on life support. Of course, this is par for the course. The warning signs have actually been blinking since before traitor trump with Brexit. The “lurch” (aka a freight train barreling down the tracks) has been coming for years. And, predictably, dumbass Democrats at home and liberal politicians abroad are completely clueless and caught flatfooted because I live in stupid hell. (Oh, and I guess there are some silver linings in other European countries where the far-right did not make gains, but it is troubling, nonetheless, that the far-right’s greatest growth was in the most populous and powerful countries — France and Germany. What could possibly go wrong with that?)

But there is one European leader who is calling B.S.! That person is Macron. According to CNN, “After an exit poll showed Marine Le Pen’s far-right National Rally (RN) party is expected to trounce his own candidates, French President Emmanuel Macron dissolved his parliament and called a risky snap election, with the first round on June 30.” This guy has some f***ing balls — more than Biden — and I like it. In short, Macron is daring the French to bring it! If they really want to put what amounts to a Neo-Vichy government in charge, then let them. And I say good on him for challenging his citizens. It is a risk that could very well backfire on Macron, but I admire his gutsiness. I’m getting to the point where maybe f***tards in America and Europe simply need to be reminded what it’s like to live under authoritarian rule — as if they can’t see what’s happening in Russia, Iran, North Korea, and China. Because, of course, they can’t. (Humanity is just too f***ing stupid; it has to touch the hot stove repeatedly before it learns a lesson!) Case in point: Brexit. Only now, after years of having left the E.U., Britons regret “taking back control” of their country, for Brexit has not delivered what its far-right proponents promised. Who knew?!?! Imagine that! A country leaves the second largest trading block in the world and thought it could come out on the other side more prosperous. Oh, well! Morons! And that same “take back control” mentality is spreading throughout Europe (and America), which is merely code for wanting to mainstream xenophobia, racism, isolationism, bigotry, homophobia, etc.

I also find it rich that one of the “complaints” of Europeans is the “cost” of climate change mandates the E.U. imposes on the continent. Wow! Really? Right on cue: The Paris climate accord is proving too hard and expensive, so let’s just throw liberal democracy into the trash heap of history because Europeans (and similarly Americans) are too f***ing lazy, too stupid, and too apathetic to tackle the global warming crisis. It’s too expensive! Fine! Whatever! You think the cost of proactively fighting global warming is expensive now? Just wait until it’s too late, f***tards. But whatever! Better to live under Neo-Nazi rule, whose leaders are willing to ignore climate change to put a few more Euros in people’s pockets and punish the “other,” than actually tackle the problem. Hasn’t Europe been experiencing record-breaking heat (France!) and flooding (Germany!) every year over the last several years? Simultaneously, aren’t some rivers drying up because of the shift in climate? Aren’t wine regions of Europe collapsing because of the heat and drought conditions in some areas of France and Italy? But you know, those d*mn gays and immigrants! Gotta do something about them! So, elect Neo-Nazis, who have the added benefit of wanting to do nothing to curb global warming. Win-win! Welcome to stupid humanity. Incapable of learning! Nothing matters.