The American Taliban Rising

RepubliKKKlans, MAGA morons, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks are the American version of the Taliban. As they ascend in America, they will eventually rule over the nation. The similarities are striking, and the regression in Afghanistan after 20 years of progress is a reminder that nothing is permanent; progress is ephemeral; humanity reverts to old conservative habits. As Politico writes, “The [hijab] decree by the Taliban’s hardline leader Hibaitullah Akhunzada even suggested women shouldn’t leave their homes unless necessary and outlines a series of punishments for male relatives of women violating the code. It was a major blow to the rights of women in Afghanistan, who for two decades had been living with relative freedom before the Taliban takeover last August — when U.S. and other foreign forces withdrew in the chaotic end to a 20-year war.” Compare this to the end of Roe after 50 years.

Sound familiar? It is impossible to distinguish between an ultra-religious Muslim tyranny in Afghanistan and an ultra-religious Christian tyranny in America. I am not being hyperbolic. The two countries are in more unison than many are willing to realize. Look, morons of America. What is happening with SCOTUS and Roe and the insurrection by MAGA World is not a flash in the pan. And it should not be surprising that America has arrived where we are. It has been a long time in the making. For decades, the far-right has been on a relentless march, and dumbass Democrats have done nothing. They have been feckless and pathetic in election after election, and it is all about to be too late to fix anything. Mark my words, f***tards! The only way out is through, and that throughline is war! We get the government we deserve and desire. Welcome to stupid America!