‘The Birds’ — Birds Aren’t Real

Alfred Hitchcock, “The Birds” (1963)

Oh, my God. The epiphanies are coming to me fast and furious! As I look back, I am truly starting to understand how the CIA insidiously indoctrinated citizens to believe the big lie so they could seamlessly implement their Great Avion Replacement plan. I think the program started much earlier than we are led to believe. Clearly, the CIA began its propaganda in the 1960s through media modes like movies. The Birds is a perfect example. Obsentibly, this now iconic Hitchcock movie, was meant to be just another thriller/suspense movie, but in reality, it was the beginning of the CIA’s plan to get the public to fear birds. If the masses feared birds, they would spend less time interacting with them, e.g., bird watching, feeding, hunting, keeping as pets, etc. Only with the public’s avoidance could the government start killing the real birds and replacing them with robotic spy birds. This sh*t is blowing my f***ing mind. It just all starts making so much f***ing sense. For decades, the CIA has been working on this plan unnoticed. Incredible. Absolutely incredible. Thank God the truth is starting to come out, and the world is starting to realize this conspiracy. We’re on to you. We know that birds aren’t real!