The Brexit Disaster Continues

According to The New York Times, “Two years after Britain left the European Union’s economic area, ending the ability of the bloc’s citizens to automatically work in Britain, the effects of Brexit are unfolding across the economy. One of the clearest is a shortfall of around 330,000 workers, mostly in less-skilled jobs, including transportation, retail and hospitality, according to the Center for European Reform and U.K. in a Changing Europe, two research institutes. That dearth of workers has hit the food and farming sectors particularly hard. Last year, 22 million pounds’ (about $27 million) worth of fruit and vegetables went unharvested, according to a survey by the National Farmers’ Union. In the survey, 40 percent of respondents said they had suffered crop losses, and more than half said they had cut back production.”

Oops! Referendums have consequences! Far be it from me to judge Briton’s judgment, but they really f***ed things up for their country with this Brexit mess. Like Americans, they were gullible enough to take the bait with Russian meddling in their national affairs. As with traitor trump, Russia ginned up national hatred to convince people to vote against their own best interest. You have to hand it to Russia: They know how to find the right marks! And you guys can never go back. Oh, well!