The Buttigieg Briar Patch

Axios reports, “As Buttigieg talked about marriage equality, the protester stood up and shouted: ‘You betray your baptism!’ before being removed from the town hall.” This is why I hate that Buttigieg keeps discussing his religion. Sorry, but this is a no-win situation for him. While he keeps proselytizing about creating a religious left movement, I think he is forgetting that religion is by its very nature conservative. Religion is and always has been about separating the believers from the non-believers; that is to say, “us” versus “them.” Trust me when I say when it comes to this group of “them” it is still very much that most religious people are against the LGBT community. At worst, they want to convert or burn them, and at best they are merely tolerated — but full equality is inconceivable. I wish he would stop trying to reconcile his Christianity with his sexuality. He is simply opening himself up to needless criticism in a political party where people would rather identify with no religion or keep religion out of the political sphere, as implausible as that may be. I don’t want a religious left any more than I want a religious right. We don’t need a more brainwashed society! We have enough morons as it is. Welcome to stupid America where too many people are still too religious!