
The CNN Sh*tshow

CNN interviewed traitor trump in a town hall, and it was a predictable sh*tshow of whining, gripping, and complaining. I didn’t watch for obvious reasons, among them being that I understand he has not changed in any way, shape, or form, so there is no other reason to listen to traitor trump talk unless I were a MAGA moron, RepubliKKKlan, evil evangelical, or QAnon kook, which I will never be. I got the gist by watching clips and commentaries. And I have no f***ing clue why CNN entertained him. For ratings, but at what expense? They clearly damaged what little credibility they had left. CNN gave traitor a small megaphone to spew the same old lies and grievances, and Americans love it! Some people think traitor trump did himself no favors with his CNN performance. Wrong, wrong, wrong. This is the same unadulterated hateful moron that has not been on full display for the last two years and people miss him. Mark my words. I can’t wait for his poll numbers to rise afterward because America truly is as dumb as you think it is.

I promise you this is what Americans want. How many f***ing times must I say it? How many times? Traitor trump is the mirror held up to American society, and people fell in love with the reflection. They love to be lied to. They love the grievance. They love the hate. They love the b*tching. They love the stupidity. They love it all! Why do you think he is leading in the polls? (Ahead in even one poll is a problem.) Why do you think after four years of his disastrous governance traitor trump got 12 million more votes in 2020 than in 2016? Does America want another four years of what they saw last night? Hell f***ing yes! People want chaos. Americans are stupid and bored, apparently. Biden has not been entertaining enough; the polls show it. I think Jon Meacham stated it perfectly on Morning Joe today when he asked if there are enough people in enough states to care about the future of our democracy. He was not sure! And that really is the question, isn’t it? Are there enough people in enough states to avoid another traitor trump presidency? You know my answer already. Whatever. I live in stupid hell. The end is coming, and people have no f***ing clue, nor do they care. Welcome to stupid America.