
The C*nt Cannon

According to The Daily Beast, “More questions were asked of Judge Aileen Cannon’s fitness to preside over Donald Trump’s high-profile classified documents case on Monday after the South Florida federal judge rejected special counsel Jack Smith’s bid to preserve ‘grand jury secrecy’ through sealed filings. In her ruling, Cannon questioned the ‘legal propriety’ of Smith using an ‘out-of-district grand jury to continue to investigate and/or to seek post-indictment hearings.’ She demanded that Smith explain why prosecutors are doing this by Aug. 22. … Former U.S. Attorney Joyce Vance wrote online that Cannon’s latest order ‘may tee up the issue of her fitness on this case.’ Andrew Weissmann, a former Assistant U.S. Attorney, suggested the same—writing that Cannon’s order is ‘off base.’ ‘Judge Cannon clearly shows her ignorance (bias? both?); the obstruction crimes that were investigated are charges that could have been brought in [Florida] or in D.C. and thus could be investigated in either district,’ he wrote on Twitter. ‘And there was conduct that is alleged to have occurred outside [Florida].’ In a separate blow to Smith, Cannon also removed two filings by prosecutors—about defense attorney Stanley Woodward’s potential conflicts of interest—from the record entirely.”

Did anyone expect anything less? I certainly didn’t! Because I’m not a f***ing G.D. moron of the highest f***ing order, unlike some other f***tard M.S.M. legal pundits. They had all proclaimed that Cannon had learned her lesson after being smacked down by the appellate court — twice. I’m sorry, but there was never any evidence that she had “learned a lesson” after the humiliation of being reversed by the higher court — twice. That’s part of the problem with idiot progressives such as the legal “experts” on M.S.M. channels like MSNBC and CNN; they always like to believe in the better part of human nature, that people learn, that people are fair and impartial, that there is no such thing as traitor trump judges or Obama judges or Bush judges or Clinton judges. This, of course, is all f***ing B.S. and is particularly untrue for traitor trump judges, who are wildly unqualified morons who are unlearnable; Judge Cannon — the Right Honorable C*nt Cannon as I like to call her — clearly has learned nothing from her previous missteps. She is clearly biased in favor of traitor trump and incompetent. I have no f***ing clue why people keep giving her the benefit of the doubt, especially Smith, who should have asked for her recusal from the moment he learned that he had drawn the short straw. Of course, the c*nt Cannon is going to go fishing for anything that can delay or call into question the validity of the case against traitor trump. That’s precisely what she did when she questioned the legitimacy of the D.O.J. to handle classified documents they seized from a lawfully executed search warrant on Mar-a-Lago. She bent over backward to help traitor trump, and now she’s doing it again.

Oh, well. I’ve said this countless times: No one will ever be able to hold traitor trump accountable because it’s too late, Democrats are too weak (Garland!), and our democracy is too far gone. The end is here, f***tards. Mark my words! Traitor trump should have been held accountable years ago, but people were too stupid and scared to try, and now we’re finding out. Welcome to stupid America!