The Confusion and Stupidity Is the Point

According to CNN, “President Donald Trump’s big executive power move ostensibly meant to support laid-off workers and stimulate the economy is already mired in confusion that threatens to leave millions of jobless Americans waiting in vain for help from Washington. White House advisers struggled to explain Sunday exactly what the flurry of presidential actions, signed by Trump after the breakdown of talks with congressional Democrats on a new coronavirus rescue package, actually do or how quickly they might work. But it’s already clear the measures fall well short of the President’s billing.”

Of course, none of this matters. None of it! Traitor trump’s executive orders are never meant to be anything of substance; it’s all about the show. This is how he convinces his MAGA moron followers, who are among the dumbest people breathing, that he is “doing something.” He’s doing more than any other previous president ever. And the f***tards believe him because I live in stupid hell! So, it doesn’t matter that nothing actually happens because it’s all part of the con that people readily believe and trust. F***! I can’t deal with this stupidity anymore! I just f***ing can’t! How and why people believe this crap is painful. It is painful to live in a country of morons who accept traitor trump’s fake everything without question. And this is how he gets re-elected — on the back of fake promises made by a moron and believed by fellow retards! Welcome to trump stupid America. Still dumber today than it was yesterday! I’m trapped in stupid hell. I see stupid people everywhere! Everywhere stupid people!

Honestly, Democrats should just say f*** it! Seriously, if traitor trump truly believes only he can fix things because Congress (RepubliKKKlans) can’t get its act together, then Democrats should call his bluff and walk away from negotiations. Let the f***tard voters sit by the (delayed) mail waiting for their $400 subsidy checks that will never come because the f***ing G.D. moron sitting in the Oval Office can’t mandate such fiscal policy by himself. But whatever! Stupid is as stupid does. So, let the morons believe his lies and die while waiting! What the f*** do I care? The fewer traitor trump voters, then the better!