
The Deplorables!

From Salon, “‘Hurt dogs sure do holler.’ That was the saying that came to mind in 2008 when then-candidate for president Barack Obama drew outrage from Republicans because he described their voters as ‘bitter’ people who ‘cling to guns or religion or antipathy toward people who aren’t like them.’ The phrase came to mind again in 2016, when Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton used the memorable phrase ‘basket of deplorables’ to describe supporters of Donald Trump. Since a cardinal rule of politics is ‘insult your opponent, but never their voters,’ the mainstream media picked up and amplified the umbrage-taking from Republicans. What wasn’t discussed very much in all this media coverage: The truth value of either Clinton’s or Obama’s comments. And what a shame, because both of them were right.” Is it really “insulting” voters if what you say is the truth?

Indeed, it’s finally refreshing that someone did not shy away from Obama’s and Clinton’s comments. I remember these comments distinctly at the time they were spoken, and in both cases, their instinct to call these people out for what they are was correct, and it was infuriating that both of them had to walk back their remarks, especially given the MSM went apoplectic over what they said as if they had unjustly offended half the population while those political pundits and news readers in the MSM were bearing the indignities for the whole lot of the population. Un-f***ing-believable. Two seasoned and experienced politicians — Obama and Clinton — call out half the population for what it is, and suddenly, the MSM takes the side of the deplorables and bigots? This is why Democrats can’t win because they are afraid to speak the truth to the populace for fear of offending said populace. Well, guess what? Half the population not only deserves to be disrespected, but saving our democracy demands that we recognize these people exist. You can’t fix the problem if you are unwilling to define it; Obama and Clinton accurately defined it and then backtracked. You never hear RepubliKKKlans backtracking. They go full speed ahead with using the terms CRT, woke, groomers, and the like. But not dumbass Democrats! Oh, no. They stick their toe in the pool of truth (i.e., “deplorables” and “Gods, guns, and gays”) and run for the hills the second people yell shame on them. This is exactly why some days I hate Democrats as much as RepubliKKKlans because they’re just f***ing G.D. weak! Weak! Weak! Weak! It drives me f***ing ape-sh*t nuts! Welcome to stupid America!