The Election Is Slipping Away from Harris

Democrats are (rightly) beginning to panic. Of course, right on cue, the panic is about four years too late as the Democratic Party has constantly and relentlessly failed to understand the zeitgeist of the MAGA moron movement, for it’s not just a domestic shift in political attitudes but a global one. Because authoritarianism is sweeping across liberal democracies worldwide — in particular Europe — the Democratic Party cannot be (should not have been) so laissez-faire with their political tactics. Believing that the onset of traitor trump and the MAGA moron movement is not a true representation of “who we are” as Americans has been a grave, grave error. Of course, this is precisely who Americans are! God bless Harris (I guess) for her campaign of “joy” and taking the fight to traitor trump more so than Biden ever could, but it is not enough. I don’t know how many f***ing times I have to say it before this sh*t-for-brains country finally begins to get it, but people are not motivated primarily by “joy.” It’s the lizard brain that gets people off the f***ing couch and into the polling booth. It’s the fear and loathing, stupid — to borrow the syntax of James Carville. Traitor trump gets this, and it is why he has been holding rally after rally, interview after interview, ramping up his rhetoric of lies, hate, and fear. And guess what? It’s f***ing working. (Never underestimate the capacity for morons of humanity to become beguiled by a fellow moron.)

He’s blunted, if not stopped altogether, Harris’s momentum precisely at a time when she needs it the most. Once traitor trump gets the momentum back, he will be unstoppable. It’s starting to show in the polls. Harris’s within-the-margin-of-error lead in battleground states is shrinking, and more telling is that Senate races in blue states are tightening (e.g., Michigan and Pennsylvania) when they should not be. (I’m starting to think Democrats may get wiped out in the Congress.) These are ominous signs. Harris should be pulling away in the polls at this late stage, yet she is not; the movement is going in the other direction.

So, whatever! I’ve given up long, long ago. I had wistfully hoped for a bit at the beginning of Harris’s presidential campaign, but I could not sustain my enthusiasm because her campaign strategy has not been enough despite all of her changes in tactics compared to what Biden failed to do at every turn and on every level. And, clearly, the Democratic Party still has learned absolutely f***ing nothing during the four years of a traitor trump administration and the four additional years of his postpresidency. Harris’s presidential bid is slipping away just as it did with Hillary, and Democrats are oblivious to the signs. Or they see the warning signs and are incapable of mounting an effective counteroffensive — like a deer in the headlights. They aren’t adjusting to the new reality. And don’t get me started on this final sprint of “media blitz” by Harris and Walz. It should have been a blitz from the get-go. Honestly, it’s looking a bit desperate at this point. When a candidate changes tactics suddenly, it starts to look contrived. They are no longer controlling the narrative; they are chasing after attention and reacting to circumstances in a way that makes them appear to be behind the eightball — following rather than leading. Moreover, don’t think Harris’s outsized war chest of money means anything. It does not. Hillary far outraised traitor trump in the 2016 money race. Just ask President Hillary Clinton how that worked out. The end is coming. Mark my words, and no one f***ing cares. Welcome to stupid America. Too dumb to save it’s own democracy. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯