The End Is Coming, F***tards!

From The Guardian, “School teachers in Florida’s Manatee county are removing books from their classrooms or physically covering them up after a new bill went into effect that prohibited material unless deemed appropriate by a librarian, or ‘certified media specialist.’ If a teacher is found in violation of these guidelines, they could face felony charges. … Scrutiny of teaching material in Florida schools heightened under the leadership of the rightwing Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, whose administration says it is actively working to ‘protect parental rights,’ which includes a prohibition on childhood education on gender, sexual orientation and critical race theory.”

Look, morons! This is the dictatorship that people have long awaited. Mark my words. This is a governor who just won in a landslide because this is what people want. Full stop! There is no other interpretation. Florida is growing in population — faster than most other states. People who want to live in an autocracy go to Florida because they don’t want to think, and Florida doesn’t want their citizens to think for themselves or be educated. RepubliKKKlans want a stupid, playable populace. Florida and Texas are the testing grounds for this new theory of government, and there is a reason why these states are attracting more people and gaining more power. Mark my words, idiots! The end of America is not only coming; it is well underway. Oh, well. Welcome to stupid America! No one cares!