The End Is Coming, F***tards!

On the eve of the 80th anniversary of D-Day celebration, America finds itself once again defending democracy around the world from the threat of — wait for it, wait for it — fellow Americans, namely MAGA morons, RepubliKKKlans, evil evangelicals, and QAnon kooks. Un-f***ing-believable! I expected nothing less from this sh*t-for-brains country. Only in America! I suppose this is American Exceptionalism at its best! And no one cares because I live in stupid f***ing hell. How pathetic that our nation has fallen so far; that Americans have become so dumbed down; that the collective stupidity of Americans has led us to forget our history, the world’s history of the recent past; that Americans no longer care about democracy and the rule of law; and that the wallet has become more important than the Constitution. (Never mind that capitalism as we know it doesn’t flourish in authoritarian countries and would not in America’s version of Fascism, but no one ever talks about that! Nope! Morons of America think that once we turn the corner toward anointing the president as a quasi-dictator, the world will be comfortable with the dollar remaining the reserve currency of choice. Guess what, f***ards? The primary reason our economy is consistently stronger compared to the rest of the world’s economies and the reason why the rest of the world trusts our markets is because of the stability of our government and the rule of law. All that goes out the window when traitor trump is re-elected. Then we become a pale version of Russia and China. Whatever! No one thinks about these outcomes, and the average American is just too f***ing dumb to engage in such deep thinking, let alone possess a rudimentary grasp of finance and economics. But I digress.)

And if I have to hear one more liberal, progressive, or dumbass Democratic politician and MSM news organization (except Faux News) implore Americans to wake up and care about our democracy, then I’m going to blow my f***ing brains out! Nothing is sinking in with voters because they’re simply too f***ing dumb. They just don’t have the intellect to not touch the hot stove — again! Americans are too ignorant, too apathetic, and too pathetic to understand the significance of the moment. It’s frustrating to hear MSM anchors, commentators, pundits, and “experts” grapple with why Americans are so indifferent to our democracy. They search for every answer except for the correct one. (Hint: The correct answer is the thesis of this blog.) I’ll say it slowly for the idiots out there: Americans! Are! Just! Too! F***ing! Stupid! But whatever! No one cares! Americans are f***ing idiots and can’t apprehend the consequences of another traitor trump presidency despite him explicitly describing his second term as one focused on revenge and retribution. I give up. Welcome to stupid America! The end is coming, if not already here. (P.S. The youth vote and abortion rights are not going to save America! How many times must I say it before you morons believe me!) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯