
The End Is Coming — I Promise!

In yet another poll, Biden is bested by traitor trump because I live in m*****f***ing G.D. stupid hell. F***! I hate the stupidity in America. It’s amazing the country has lasted this long, but fear not, f***tards! The end is coming. Mark my words. According to The Hill, “President Biden’s approval rating has dipped to a new low in a poll taken in the wake of his 2024 re-election bid announcement. The Washington Post-ABC News survey found the president’s approval rating fell 6 percentage points between February and May, with the share of those who say they approve of the way Biden’s handling his job dropping from 42 to 36 percent. Fifty-six percent of respondents in the new poll disapprove. … In a hypothetical Trump-Biden rematch, 44 percent say they’d lean toward the former president while 38 percent say they’d lean toward Biden [emphasis added].”

Indeed, this is not the first poll with a head-to-head matchup in which traitor trump is favored over Biden. This specific poll question has shown up several times over the last year, and in most cases, traitor trump wins. Incomprehensibly, morons of Americans want traitor trump back in office despite everything that has happened during and since his presidency, which only confirms what I have been saying routinely for years in my posts: Americans are stupid enough to do it because they really don’t f***ing care about democracy; all they care about is the economy, and this latest poll is just more proof of it.

How many times must I remind idiots? Before COVID hit, traitor trump was well on his way to re-election, again, despite everything he did in the previous four years. Although COVID demonstrated his peak incompetence in handling a national emergency, that’s not really the reason voters failed to re-elect him. They voted for Biden because COVID tanked the economy, and they thought he could fix it, which he is doing. But stupid people can’t see it. Just check the most recent jobs report and CPI. Voters didn’t get rid of traitor trump because he was destroying our country or because he hates democracy or because he prefers Putin, Xi, and Kim Jong Un over our allies or because he was an embarrassment to the nation or because his inability to manage COVID killed hundreds of thousands of citizens or anything else about which people should care. No! It was none of these things that led to his election loss. It was simply because the economy sucked, and during COVID, it really did suck. And I will even concede traitor trump could not have prevented a faltering economy due to the pandemic, so he’s not entirely to blame. However, some of his specific actions tanked the stock market, like when he, off the cuff, suggested the borders would be closed to trade effectively immediately during a prime-time White House address to the nation as he tried to comfort citizens about COVID. What a disaster! That was a perfect demonstration of the chaos that people desire to have back. Whatever! I give up with this stupid country.

Now history is about to repeat itself, a la Obama. It never seems to fail. It’s like clockwork. Obama spent eight years improving the economy after the Great Recession. Then voters predictably and right on cue punished Democrats by electing traitor trump, the “businessman,” who promptly cut taxes for the wealthy and raised taxes for the lower and middle classes while increasing the national debt by 25 percent because the tax legislation he passed failed to pay for itself as they had advertised. Imagine that! Everyone, except RepubliKKKlans, had foreseen this. Go figure. That was his only legislative “accomplishment.” (Oh, do people remember he tried — and very nearly succeeded — to kill the ACA? That will be gone if re-elected for sure.) Voters are about to do it again; they’re again to bring back the clown. Biden has improved the economy by passing legislation to bring manufacturing jobs back to America, fix our infrastructure, tackle climate change, and much more. How will voters punish Democrats for their efforts? By re-electing traitor trump because reflexively and without actual thought voters always equate RepubliKKKlans with a better economy even though it’s not true. It is collective groupthink mixed with mass delusions and economic hysteria.

But, as usual, the economy under Democratic leadership is never good enough for voters. For the many decades I’ve been an observer of — and experienced — the duality of the economy and politics, people are always b*tching about something. It’s rarely ever good enough for voters because they’ll always find something to be upset about. If it’s not inflation, then it’s low wages. If it’s not the stock market, then it’s the high price of housing or their 401K it’s high enough. If it’s not a low unemployment rate, then it’s the lack of manufacturing jobs. If the stock market doesn’t rise fast enough, then they’re upset with Democrats. If they can’t find their dream job, then they’re upset with the Democrats. If university costs too much, then it’s the Democrats’ fault. Ectera, ectera, ectera. It’s always something with these people, and it’s always the Democrats “fault.”

Allow me to close on one final observation. Also, from the same poll, “Trump, while the clear leader for the GOP nomination, has challenges of his own. Fifty-six percent say he should face criminal charges in investigations of whether he tried illegally to overturn the results of the 2020 presidential election. About as many as 54% say he should face charges in investigations of his handling of classified documents after leaving office and his role in events leading to the storming of the U.S. Capitol in January 2021. Fewer, about four in 10 in each case, say he should not be charged.” So, let me see if I understand the abject stupidity of this “random national sample of 1,006 adult[]” f***tards, which I take at full face value. Let me see if I can apprehend the depths of America’s idiocy. More than half of those asked believe traitor trump should be indicted for his crimes, yet the same sample of f***tards prefer traitor trump over Biden to be president again. This is the entire reason for the existence of my blog because there is so much fodder, and the country proves just how f***ing retarded it is daily! Of course! I really did not expect anything less from Americans: Arrest traitor trump for his crimes, but we’ll still vote for him. I can’t anymore. I just f***ing can’t with this m*****f***ing G.D. stupid country. Not only does the stupid hurt, but it also kills.

Whatever! If people can’t apprehend that re-electing traitor trump means the end of America, then I can’t help these people, and Americans are dumb enough to do it again. Mark my words, f***tards. Welcome to stupid America. It can always get dumber! The stupidity is killing America! The nation is truly not smart enough to endure. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯