This is proof that America can no longer endure as is. The experiment is over. How can a nation survive when focus groups like this evince that half the electorate still lives in an alternative universe? There is no need to rehash all their absurd beliefs, for they are the same anti-democracy, Big Lie, white nationalist, white grievance, QAnon conspiracy theory B.S. that they’ve been espousing for two years. What is alarming is that they are more dug in than ever. Therein lies the problem. We are so beyond the point of trying to reason with these people; they are beyond reasoning. We are beyond the open dialogue and trying to understand their perspective; they live within an alternative universe, and there is no ERP wormhole to bridge the cosmic divide. And we are beyond living with these people; they see us as the enemy (and we should do the same). How many times must I repeat myself? The only way is through. Civil war cannot be avoided at this point. This November is the tipping point. No matter the election results, we will not wake up on November 9 in the same country. Mark my words, f***rads! War is coming! Welcome to stupid America!