
The End Is Here, F***tards!

According to The Hill, “A new poll from The New York Times and Siena College shows Trump beating Biden in five out of the six battleground states that were polled, including Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada and Pennsylvania by margins of 3 to 10 percentage points among registered voters. … The findings follow a series of recent polls that show Biden either locked in a tight race with Trump or trailing him. Biden’s campaign has reiterated the election is still more than a year away and that the president is working to mobilize voters to support his reelection bid.”

How many times must I repeat myself before f***tards of America believe me? Must I speak slower for the retards out there? Perpahs the words I’m using are too big. Should I resort to monosyllabic words? I’ve been screaming the same warnings ever since Biden won. I have not vacillated; I have not changed my mind; I’m right about this. So, once again, allow me to repeat myself: Americans don’t want democracy! Full stop! It’s not that complicated. Democracy is too hard for lazy, stupid Americans. They have to vote. They have to pay attention and be informed. Idiot Americans just want to live on autopilot, unbothered by the nitty-gritty of life and politics. F***tards of America love their strongman and don’t mind an autocrat telling them what to do and how to live. A life of mindlessness is their preferred method of existence. Make my words, you shit-for-brains!

I have said from the beginning of Biden’s term that it is merely the intermission to the end of America’s democracy. And, again, I will remind the idiots of America that traitor trump was well on his way to re-election until COVID, and it was not his handling of the pandemic that doomed him. No, it was the tanking economy as a result of COVID that killed his chances. If the disease had killed just as many people — nay, even twice or thrice as many — without impacting the economy, then traitor trump would have easily won re-election because people simply do not care. Given everything traitor trump did in his four years, people were more than willing to live it all over again. Perhaps idiots have forgotten that traitor trump got 10 million more voters in 2020 than in 2016. Ten million more people witnessed traitor trump’s actions as president and concluded, yes, please. We want more of that! Un-f***ing-beleiveable! All idiot Americans care about is their wallet and nothing else. It’s always been the economy, stupid. Nothing has changed throughout the history of humanity. And that is the primary reason Biden is losing in the polls. This is what a dying country looks like.

Indeed, Americans can’t even get their understanding of the economy correct because the economy is actually quite robust — high GDP growth, low unemployment, still more job openings than can be filled. Yet, idiot Americans are stupid — and certainly, they don’t understand economics or how the economy works. Inflation is at 3.70 percent — a whopping 1.70 bps higher than the average inflation rate for the 21st century. Oh, my God! It’s the end of the f***ing world, so much so that people are clamoring to re-instate traitor trump because morons of America have faint notions of a better life under the autocrat-in-training. You know what? The economy never works for everyone. In fact, dare I say, it has rarely worked perfectly for the middle class. Voters are always b*tching about the economy. Americans will always find something wrong, and this time, their grievances will usher in the death of democracy. Again, must I remind idiot voters that capitalism does not work in a dying democracy, which will undoubtedly be the case when traitor trump gets back in office. Autocrat traitor trump will make the economy work for him and his cronies only at the expense of the middle class. But no one cares!

Then I come to the idiot talking heads on MSM that immediately compare these poll results to those of Obama this far out in his re-election bid against Romney. The universal sentiment is that these polls are too far out to be predictive and meaningful. To that, I say bullsh*t! This latest poll is the death null for Biden, for the results only show and re-enforce what many other polls have been saying for well over a year now: Americans want a dictator to be president. Americans want democracy to die! There is no other interpretation. And may I add that Romney was well on his way to winning until what moment? Does anyone remember what singular event doomed his candidacy? I do. As a reminder, The Guardian reported contemporaneously, “Mitt Romney’s campaign came close to hitting the self-destruct button when he stood by a secret video recording suggesting that 47% of Americans are government-dependent ‘victims’ who do not pay taxes. … He was speaking after a secret video recording was posted on a website in which he was caught denigrating people who receive benefits from the government.” The release of the secret recording killed Romney’s chances. But for that incident, Obama would have lost. So, to compare Biden’s poll numbers today to Obama’s favorability in 2011 is foolishness. Traitor trump has had secret tape bombs — so to speak — being released regularly before, during, and after his presidency. What has been the impact? Nothing! Not a single f***ing thing has impacted his standing. Why? Because people don’t f***ing care. They just don’t. Americans want a crook in the White House. They want someone who leaks national secrets. They want someone stupid. They want a dictator. They don’t care. Americans will put the worst possible person in the White House who will sacrifice our democracy so long as they can get a few more pennies in their purse. Mark my words, f***tards! Mark them well! We’re at the end of America’s democracy. Idiots just have not realized it yet. Welcome to stupid America!