The End of America Is Nigh

From The Hill, “Eight in 10 Republicans in a new poll report thinking the recent federal indictment of former President Trump on 37 counts related to his handling of classified documents after leaving the White House is politically motivated.” America is irreparably divided. If 80 percent of half the nation is unable and unwilling to apprehend facts, then America can no longer endure. I’ve been saying it for years, and this latest traitor trump indictment only evinces that half the country wants a democracy and the other half wants a dictatorship. Sorry, but a nation cannot survive under these conditions; one side will win out, and I’m not so sure it is the side that wants to preserve democracy that will come out on top, for maintaining a liberal democracy takes work, and most Americans are politically lazy or stupid or both. Ginning up ire and stoking that anger over an extended period is easy and effective; traitor trump has been doing it for six years, and it’s only worsening.

At some point, the dam will break. You essentially have 50 percent of the country aggrieved, angry, and out for revenge, and you have the other 50 percent that just wants to be left alone, move on, and return to normal — whatever that means nowadays. So, you tell me: What emotion wins out? The perpetually disgruntled or the pusillanimous? Hint: Name a time when the weak and timid ever achieved domination. There is a reason why fascism prays on the weak. And there is a reason why authoritarianism — in whatever form or function — is the “preferred” government worldwide. How many times must I say it? How many times? Democracies are waning, and authoritarianism is ascending on the planet. Not even America is immune. Welcome to stupid America!