
The End of NATO and the Rise of Traitor [T]rump ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As CNN reports, “In a shocking remark at a rally in South Carolina on Saturday, Trump said he would encourage Russia to do ‘whatever the hell they want’ to any NATO member country that didn’t meet the alliance’s guidelines for defense spending. Trump’s comments reveal his view of NATO not as the main driver of peace in Europe for half a century but as a protection racket. His comments are also dangerous, since the alliance’s credibility relies on Russia believing that members would defend an ally that was attacked, in line with Article 5 commitments. Any sense this is false could lead to miscalculations in Moscow. And this is just the latest in a long list of occasions in which the ex-president has appeared to indulge Putin’s goals instead of traditional US national interests. … Trump’s comments also come as his GOP allies, especially in the House, are trying to thwart Biden’s new aid package for Ukraine, a sovereign democracy invaded by the Russian autocrat in the widest European land war since World War II. And the sympathetic interview of Putin last week by Tucker Carlson, the far-right populist broadcaster, only underscores the Trump GOP’s embrace of Putinism.”

So, how many points will traitor trump advance in the polls as he telegraphs his intentions to abandon NATO? Four? Five points? I expected nothing less from this sh*t-for-brains country. Americans, in all their ever-loving mass idocracy, are in favor of America’s total retreat from the global stage because I live in stupid f***ing hell. “America first” is in complete control of our current foreign policy because f***tard Americans decided to give RepubliKKKlans control of the House so they could stop supporting Ukraine and the rest of our allies; Americans are too f***ing G.D. stupid to apprehend just how dangerous this is to themselves and the rest of the world. And the head of this movement — America’s withdrawal from the world as the protector of democracy and freedom across the globe — is leading in all the polls. Yet, no one seems to care. We are so f***ed! Stupidity is going to win this November. I can’t. I just f***ing can’t anymore with this sh*t-for-brains country. Americans get the government they deserve and desire, and I will repeat: Americans don’t want democracy anymore because they’re morons and lazy. Sorry, f***tards, but democracy takes work, vigilance, and constant renewal and reaffirmation to maintain. Americans, apparently, are too pathetic and retarded to do any of these things. America can no longer endure, so get ready idiots! The end is coming. I’ve been forecasting this for years now, but no one seems to believe me. While the rest of American morons thought Biden’s victory over traitor trump was the end of the orange man’s reign, I knew it was merely the intermission to the finale. I knew and predicted long before anyone that traitor trump would be back with a vengeance. But whatever! I give up! Welcome to stupid America. Too stupid to endure!