
The End of Roe: American Democracy Is Collapsing

Salon said it perfectly, “It was Trump who tipped the balance of the court so that this decision was possible. It’s fitting that the three judges appointed by a man who literally led a fascist coup would be the ones who allowed this to happen. The end of Roe isn’t just a tragedy for human rights. It’s the surest sign yet that American democracy is collapsing, and Republicans are securing the ability to force the majority of Americans that keep voting against them to live under minority rule.”

Bingo! Look, people. I’ve been saying this since the site’s inception. With traitor trump and the solidification of an uber-conservative nutjob SCOTUS, conservatives have finally put into place the last piece of the puzzle to help them force their conservative minority agenda on the majority of America. Democrats and voters were (are) too stupid to have seen it coming. But it’s too late, morons. It’s too late. The SCOTUS you see now will be in place for the next generation — 20 years. Oh, well. Elections have consequences, and it looks like Democrats, Progressives, and liberals are maybe finally figuring that out. What will they do about it? Eh, not much. Conservatives have already entrenched themselves in enough states to make sure they regain and retain control come this November. How long do you think such a divided country can stand. Given the way SCOTUS keeps ruling, not for long. Besides, no matter what, people will always b*tch about and vote in reaction to inflation! F*** freedom! What about inflation? As if RepubliKKKlans have any plan to fix inflation. Whatever! Mark my words. Welcome to stupid America!