The Filibuster

Usually, I would say good riddance to the filibuster, but while I have read several liberal articles and heard liberal commentators claim that McConnell, the human turtle, must be scared Democrats will actually kill the filibuster, as evinced by his Senate floor speech warning of the disaster to come if Democrats succeed, I take McConnell’s threats seriously, and dumbass Democrats should too! Here’s why: Democrats are too f***ing weak! Plain and simple. Weak! Weak! Weak! Always f***ing weak. As usual, Democrats clamor about killing the filibuster without thinking through the consequences, except for those resisting the change, apparently (aka Senator Manchin). Just to be clear about my opinion, I want the filibuster killed, but — but — only if I thought dumbass Democrats knew how to wield power once it is gone. And, of course, they don’t! Once the filibuster is removed, then dumbass Democrats will fight among themselves and be unable to close ranks to muster the 50 votes required to pass even the most important and consequential legislation, e.g., voting rights (For the People Act of 2021) and extending the due date of the ERA, so it actually becomes an amendment to the Constitution. Because that’s what dumbass Democrats do — never miss a chance to f*** things up. If they want to kill the filibuster, then they must be prepared to go the whole nine yards to secure holding at least one chamber of Congress, and that starts with protecting voters’ rights at the federal and state levels. Killing the filibuster is not a one-and-done achievement! Democrats need to hold on to power, but they’re not even close to accomplishing that. Has anyone realized the only time Democrats win is when there is a disastrous RepubliKKKlan administration they need to clean up after? By their very commitment to improving the country and by their successes in doing so, they seem to get themselves voted out of office. That needs to change! People really do get sick of winning, I guess. Welcome to stupid America!

On the other hand, when RepubliKKKlans reclaim all branches of government, which is only a matter of time given America’s love of winning, then they will push through all those legislative goals McConnell warned about. In fact, he already laid out the conservative wish list during his Senate floor speech, and he will not hesitate to check off the items one by one with a grimace. One may rightly ask why didn’t McConnell kill the filibuster when traitor trump was in office and RepubliKKKlans controlled Congress? Easy answer: He didn’t (and still doesn’t) trust traitor trump not to f*** things up. Moreover, I think McConnell is laying the predicate to kill the filibuster in the future. If Democrats don’t kill it now, then when RepubliKKKlans reclaim the reigns of government McConnell will look back to the Democrats’ threat to rid the filibuster as an excuse to do so, claiming that RepubliKKKlans must kill the practice to accord “the will of the people” their legislative prerogatives, which, of course, is just the opposite of what the majority of people want, but that has never stopped RepubliKKKlans from being the tyranny of the minority ruling over the majority because of stupid America! To be sure, when it comes to conservative goals that aim to move the country backward, RepubliKKKlans vote in lockstep. And let’s be clear about something else: There are more red states than blue states, which means that the chances of the Senate being in RepubliKKKlan control is always higher. This current 50/50 split is the high watermark for Democrats in the Senate in this relentless era of RepubliKKKlan obstructionism, especially given RepubliKKKlans’ ability to fight at the state level, everywhere. They have long understood the real power is in the states, and that is where they succeed, while Democrats are still trying to figure out where the party headquarters are in a given state. It’s the blind leading the blind! Welcome to stupid America!