The F***tard-in-Chief and Leader of Stupid America!

RNC 2020 Day 4: Trump accepts nomination from White House - ABC News
Source: ABC News (Brendan Smialowski/AFP via Getty Images)

This is what a stupid America looks like! All stupid, all the f***ing time! It’s the mirror, stupid! So! What are the chances this traitor trump show worked? 100 percent! Mark my words, idiots. A country of idiots see the new shiny object and approves. Unlike Biden, traitor trump will get an RNC bump in the polls because I live in stupid hell. The pageantry works! The pandering works! The fear-mongering works — the best! So much so I wish dumbass Democrats would go full bat-Scheiße crazy fear-mongering. F***! Democrats should lie if that’s what is required to penetrate the masses of moronity. Tell the public that traitor trump will institute martial law for the next four years; he will create executive orders which would allow husbands to rule over and legally beat their wives; he will institute “Sharia law” for Christianity; he will eat your babies; he will create death squads to kill black and brown people for being on the same sidewalk as white people; he will enforce public beheadings of drug users! F***! Just make it up. The bigger the lie the better and apparently the more believable because Lord knows it has worked for traitor trump over these last five years. Lie big and lie often!

If dumbass Democrats can’t figure out how to play hardball, then we’re f***ed! Oh, who am I kidding? We’re already f***ed! Dumbass democrats are incapable of playing hardball. It is the weak party. We are so f***ing beyond appealing to voters’ rationality. America abandoned such notions the second the idiots elected traitor trump. Yet, dumbass Democrats still think that appealing to the intellect could be a useful playbook. God f***ing no! Hey, Democrats! You need to go full stupid in response! Eh, whatever! Brace yourselves for four more years! Only in m*****f***ing G.D. trump stupid America wherein the president has been impeached and consistently has had the lowest job approval ratings of any predecessor throughout his entire first term can he get re-elected! Allow me to repeat myself: Most people have never approved — have! never! approved! — of the job traitor trump has been doing for the last four years, but he is about to get re-elected. Only! In! Stupid! America! I can’t wait! ¯\_(ツ)_/¯