The Georgia Voter Suppression Model: Death of America’s Democracy and People Don’t Care

From CNN, “Former President Donald Trump’s campaign of lies about a stolen election just delivered a huge victory with a new Georgia law that could suppress the votes of many of the citizens who helped eject him from the White House.” This opening line of the CNN article says it all, and make no mistake: The RepubliKKKlan Party is still firmly in the grip of traitor trump. Arizona will follow suit as will other red states in an effort to maintain their grip on minority power, and, of course, no one cares. Mark my words, morons. These new efforts to further suppress a free and fair democracy are falling on deaf ears. While the MSM may be highlighting red states’ efforts to eliminate democracy, most people are too stupid to understand or care that America’s democracy is dying. If I’ve said it once, then I’ve said it a thousand times. Traitor trump’s win was the beginning of the end because a truly, truly stupid citizenry looked at that f***tard and said I want him to be leader of America and the free world. Then in 2020, 10 million more people voted yes for traitor trump, the failed dictator wannabe, after living through the previous four years of disaster. I mean how can a country with this level of stupidity survive? It can’t! So, why should any of us be surprised by and expect anything less from the RepubliKKKlan Party, which feels emboldened to limit voting rights? Not only emboldened but also successful. If traitor trump’s presidency has proved anything, it is that people really don’t want a well-functioning democracy. Voting for Democrats only to fix the country after RepubliKKKlans have f***ed everything up (e.g., the recession caused by Bush I followed by Clinton, the Great Recession caused by Bush II followed by Obama, and America’s completely botched pandemic response thanks to idiot traitor trump and MAGA morons followed by Biden) is not a well-functioning Democracy! It’s already too late, f***tards. Not sure why I even bother with these posts.

Normally, I would say despite whatever obstacles RepubliKKKlans devise to suppress minority votes dumbass Democrats need to work doubly hard to overcome them, however unfair they may seem. Voter ID requirements? Fine. Then Democrats mobilize statewide efforts to get every Democratic voter the right IDs. Closed polling places in minority neighborhoods? Fine. Motivate and prepare Democratic voters to wait for hours, if need be. Bring food and water because apparently with the new law if it’s not your own then someone is breaking the law. (OMG. I can’t anymore with the stupid! I just can’t! It hurts!) Restricted voting hours, early voting, and voting access? Fine. Get the Democratic Party to go out into the affected neighborhoods and get voters to develop a plan to vote. If that requires voting on a day off work or requesting time off or calling in sick, then so be it! All these things can be worked around or through. But! But the true death null of democracy in Georgia’s voter suppression law is the prerogative of the RepubliKKKlan-led legislature to “allow the State Election Board to take over county election boards that it deems need intervention. Skeptics say that will allow Republican officials to decide which ballots count in majority Democratic areas, such as Fulton County,” according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution. In short, this new law allows the state to determine (overturn) local election results. The end! It’s the end of democracy as RepibliKKKlans will surely impose their will in Democratic districts. Too many Democrats won in that county? No, no! Something must be wrong in that county. There must be fraud. So, the RepubliKKKlan-controlled legislature will be able to step in by installing their own minions to “fix” things ala traitor trump’s original request to find more votes. Georgia will never be blue-ish again. This is how dictatorships slowly acquire and secure power. And no one cares! All the other provisions of the law are a pain in the a** or just a demonstration of RepubliKKKlan cruelty, but the alibility of the legislature to step into local elections and overrule voters’ choices is the real threat.

And make no mistake about it. These Georgia provisions are likely SCOTUS proof, especially given the current composition of Supreme Court Justices. The conservative supermajority — I blame dumbass Democrats completely for this! — has already signaled that states are allowed to conduct elections as they see fit. The Court ended preclearance required by the Voting Rights Act of 1965, with Chief Justice Roberts claiming the South has “changed dramatically” — apparently for the worse, but he’s OK with that — so federal oversight of states that have a history of suppressing voter rights was no longer needed. Again, another reason why traitor trump’s SCOTUS picks were catastrophic for America, but, of course, no one cares, let alone understands what SCOTUS actually is or why it’s so important! Yup! America’s democracy is f***ed and no one cares because U.S. Senators would rather kill federal voter protection legislation to preserve the filibuster. Mark my words, f***tards. I have said that I support killing the filibuster only if Democrats had the drive and ruthlessness to hold power, which would mean passing H.R. 1 legislation, but they can’t (won’t) because they are feckless and keep expecting RepubliKKKlans to want to cooperate and do the right thing, but that is never going to happen. Whatever! I give up! Red states are in overdrive to suppress voters. And dumbass Democrats and voters, alike, will allow them to do so without very much of a fuss; it will be a lot of sound and fury. How can I be so sure? Dumbass Democrats failed to step up at every point to protect voters’ rights as America’s democracy slides further and further into authoritarian rule. For years, RepubliKKKlans have been rolling back voters’ rights and accessibility by means of “a thousand cuts” and Democrats do nothing but be “concerned” and feign outrage, while actually doing nothing substantive or at the very least failing to meet RepubliKKKlan cut-throat tactics with equal Democratic cut-throat measures. They just can’t seem to get motivated, organized, and agitated enough to win at state and local levels where the ability to protect voters’ rights really matters. Guess what dumbass Democrats? Voting every four years does not cut it. Democracy does not survive on mercurial participation. Welcome to stupid America. We get the government we deserve and apparently we like a government where the minority political party holds more power than the majority — always!

Eh, whatever! No one cares. America is too stupid to care! No worries, morons. Go back to your inconsequential social media fixations, and don’t be surprised when traitor trump wins in 2024. (Traitor trump is never going to jail nor will he ever be convicted of anything that prohibits his re-election prospects.) Mark my words, f***tards. RepubliKKKlans are fixing all the mistakes that lead to traitor trump losing the last election, and just to be clear: The margin of votes Biden won in three key swing states (WI, GA, and AZ) that determined Biden’s win in the Electoral College was less than the margin of votes that traitor trump won in three key swing states (PA, WI, MI) to defeat Hillary in the Electoral College — 43 thousand versus 70 thousand. Moreover, the popular vote margin for Biden was greater than the margin for Hillary against traitor trump. So, the popular vote was a greater blowout for Biden, but the votes in those key swing states were closer. Think about that for a second! That! My friends is the real sickness and disfunction of American democracy! As I said, it was a f***ing G.D. miracle that Biden won, because if Biden had lost PA, WI, AZ, then the Electoral College count would have been tied and the U.S. House would have re-elected traitor trump because they vote by state delegation (not by headcount), and once again I have to keep saying it until I’m blue in the face: There are more red states than blue states by tortured RepubliKKKlan design, but no one cares because no one is paying attention until it’s too late. See, RepubliKKKlans think about all these political minutiae because they are ruthless and calculating, and trust me when I say that RepubliKKKlans won’t make the same mistakes twice. Dumbass Democrats, on the other hand, just go with the flow. Right down the political tubes. Bidens prevaricating on killing the filibuster is example A of a weak Democratic Party! Whatever! It’s only American democracy on the line. Welcome to stupid America!