
The Hunter Biden Plea Deal

According to Salon, “A federal judge on Wednesday paused a proposed plea deal between Hunter Biden and the Justice Department that would have settled his tax and gun charges after confusion about the scope of the deal arose from both parties, The New York Times reports. After nearly three hours of questioning either side about every detail of the agreement, U.S. District Judge Maryellen Noreika sent them back to the drawing board to address her concerns regarding the deal’s provision of broad immunity for Biden and requirement that she later determine whether Biden was meeting the terms related to his enrollment in a diversion program. ‘I cannot accept the plea agreement today,’ said Judge Noreika, a Trump appointee that was backed by two Democratic senators, adding that she would not be a ‘rubber stamp’ after prosecutors and Biden believed they had a deal in place.”

I have not f***ing clue why the MSM punditry of f***tards keeps blaming both sides for “not communicating” on this deal. I’m not sure there is any evidence to support that conclusion. These armchair MSM legal “experts” sure are eager to throw Biden’s defense team, in particular, and the prosecutors under the bus for not being on the same page before appearing in court. Are we really to believe that this plea agreement was made via immaculate conception, that neither side communicated in formulating the terms? Hunter Biden’s legal team even put out a press release stating the terms of the agreement for the entire world to understand, and you’re telling me the prosecutors only seem to object to Hunter Biden’s version of his understanding of the arrangement in court as if they could not pick up the phone or send an email asking, What the f***ing are you talking about? That never occurred to prosecutors beforehand? (And do not believe these federal lawyers live in a bubble; they don’t.)

So the real question is, What changed between the time both sides agreed to the terms of the plea deal and their appearance in court? I’ll tell you what it was. It was the House’s hearing with the IRS “whistleblowers.” Suddenly, the prosecutors were pressured by RepubliKKKlans to question the “sweetheart deal” previously agreed to. But, naturally, the federal lawyers couldn’t be seen as caving to RepubliKKKlans’ whims, so what did they do? Claimed ignorance and confusion over the terms that were literally in the public domain. These prosecutors changed the terms of the deal at the last moment, blindsiding Hunter Biden. Now that may beg the question: Why would Hunter agree to a modified plea deal that did not foreclose further investigation? I’ll tell you why. It was take it or leave it. The prosecutors threatened him with a no-win offer. It was either the certainty of a plea deal now for the existing offenses and hope for the best for the rest of the investigation or walk away, and then Lord knows what will happen next — no deal ever!

This brings me to the traitor trump judge who ultimately squashed the deal for obvious reasons. It’s no coincidence that a traitor trump judge would question — indeed reject — an agreement between the parties. She clearly has it out for the Biden family. When the prosecution (aka the government) and defendant come to an agreement, then the judge is — and should be — a rubber stamp. But not in this case. With Biden as the defendant’s last name, then, of course, everything has to be suspect because the judge is a traitor trump lover, yet the MSM lawyers think this judge did the right thing? I think not! This only goes to show the MSM has an obsession with this Biden saga because you know: They must be “fair and balanced” with traitor trump’s legal problems as if this variation of both-sidesism is remotely comparable. Hint to f***tards: It’s not. Welcome to stupid America!