
The Idiot Endorses ‘Eric’

According to the Insider, “Former President Donald Trump issued an ambiguous statement backing ‘Eric’ in the Missouri GOP Senate, an endorsement that capitalized on a coincidence to encompass both Eric Greitens and Eric Schmitt. The borderline-comical decision was a deliberate way to get out of choosing, Politico reported in the wake of the endorsement. … The ambiguity caused chaos, with both candidates seizing on the statement to claim they had Trump’s favor. According to Politico’s sources, the ambiguity was not an error, but down to Trump’s inability to make up his mind between Greitens and Schmitt in time for a deadline he set himself.”

Of course! Traitor trump — the “leader” — doesn’t know how to lead. But this is par for the course for a party of f***tards who are elected to power by a country of morons. Traitor trump loves the show. He loves the ambiguity. He loves the attention. He loves the idea of “two men enter; one man leaves” drama. Moreover, it protects his king-maker record. No matter who wins, he’ll calm a perfect record for choosing the winner. He’ll claim no one can win without his endorsement. He’ll claim his importance to the party is undiminished. It’s just more of the same unserious buffoonery that his voters love. It never gets old for these morons. It’s the same schtick he’s been using his entire life: Look at me! I’m the winner, and I pick winners! I can’t go wrong! Yet, his MAGA moron followers eat it up because they’re too stupid. And he is the f***tard that poll after poll indicates voters want back in the White House. Whatever! I give up. Welcome to stupid America. “I’m Eric!”