The Idiot President Knows Nothing (at All)

CNN reports, “Under pressure from retailers to prevent a move that would likely have caused prices of popular consumer goods to spike, the President’s team came to him during a meeting last week with a warning. Applying new tariffs on all Chinese imports, they cautioned, could effectively ‘ruin Christmas,’ according to people familiar with the matter.” Traitor trump’s reversal is, of course, a huge implicit admission that he comprehends nothing about trade, tariffs, and negotiating, yet RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons in all their glorious stupidity continue to believe and trust that the Moron-in-Chief is some f***ing G.D. genius because this is a trump stupid country. The leader of MAGA morons has repeatedly told his f***tarded following that China pays for the tariffs — $63 billion worth at the time of this writing. Since most of his supporters are uneducated morons that have never taken the most rudimentary economics class (or failed to educate themselves about trade by reading any f***ing financial publication’s article on the topic — must be fake news if it disagrees with traitor trump), they readily believe whatever the head idiot says. It is the stupid leading the stupid, and we’re all paying for it — literally!

What is most frustrating is that his idiot followers fail to see inherent inconsistencies in traitor trump’s trade decisions and rationalizations. He says China (not consumers) pays for tariffs, which of course, is wrong, but by his logic the more tariffs imposed, then the more China would pay in absolute dollars, so why not increase them? It’s free money in traitor trump’s mind! So, what is the rationale for delaying more tariffs until December if not for recognizing that tariffs really do hurt the average American because U.S. consumers are the ones who pay them — and he does not want to imperil the holiday present-purchasing season. Yet, he will contend to his idiot supporters that China is still paying for tariffs because he’s a moron that knows nothing and his f***tarded followers know even less than he does. Welcome to stupid America!