The Incompetence of the Idiot-in-Chief Strikes Again and MAGA Morons Love Him for It

From CNN, “President Donald Trump is leaning toward approving a new Pentagon plan to keep a small contingent of American troops in eastern Syria, perhaps 200 special operations forces, a senior administration official told The New York Times on Sunday. If approved, the plan would walk back Trump’s order to the Pentagon earlier this month to withdraw nearly all of the 1,000 US troops from northern Syria.” So, let me see if I understand the actions of a moron correctly: traitor trump withdraws — without warning — troops from Syria to fulfill a campaign promise and thereby empowering Turkey, Russia, and Iran. It is one more “promises kept” “example” that his idiot followers unquestionably believe to be true because the f***tard said it at a rally, namely he’s bringing the troops home. Of course, the truth is that these troops are really just being redeployed to Iraq. In other words, they are not coming home! In fact, traitor trump is breaking a campaign promise by increasing troop levels in the Middle East. Again, he lies to MAGA morons, who really should have been suffocated as babies for their stupidity, and they believe him. But wait! There is more! Because his “get the troops out of Syria” order created chaos and destabilized the region now he wants to actually keep troops in parts of Syria. In short, he wants to keep fewer troops in a more dangerous Syria because he completely f***ed up the decision to withdraw in the first place. And that is supposed to be making our troops safer. This is what a m*****f***ing G.D. stupid and incompetent president elected by an even dumber electorate looks like. Welcome to trump stupid America. All dumb all the time! I can’t anymore. I just can’t f***ing take the level of stupid that is everywhere in this country. We’re f***ed because people are f***ing idiots in America!