
The Intermission Ends at Noon and the Finale Begins

Allow myself to quote myself from a post I created on 21 September 2021, “Biden is not the antidote nor a reversal in the course of American politics; he is merely the intermission. Mark my words, f***tards. Mark them well. Welcome to stupid America. No one cares. Oh well! (Italics in original.)” As I’ve been saying for years now — for f***ing years! — and repeatedly Biden was always ever going to be the intermission to another Dictator Don presidency and the end of our democracy. I never once believed that f***tards of America could stop its slide into autocracy; Americans just aren’t smart enough to reverse course. And I was right! While the rest of the morons in the MSM and political punditry class were sticking a fork in The Don!, I never believed any of them. They’re all idiots of the highest f***ing order! Given the political climate and trends worldwide, I could not bring myself to accept anything other than America gleefully following in the footsteps of other nations such as Russia, Hungary, Argentina, and the like. So, here we are. Of course, American “exceptionalism” would lead us down this path. Americans failed to listen! They failed to see the signs and heed the warnings. So, the winter of our discontent begins today. Welcome to stupid America! Too f***ing stupid to keep its democracy. I was right then, and I’m right now. I told you so! I live in stupid hell!