The January 6 Committee and AG Garland Are a F***ing Joke

Reporting from CNN, “Members of the House select committee investigating January 6 are losing patience with the pace of talks with former White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, and some are considering whether more aggressive steps are needed to force his compliance in the sweeping probe, multiple sources tell CNN. Meadows was first subpoenaed more than a month ago, and since then the committee has indicated he’s been ‘engaging’ in negotiations over the terms of his turning over documents and appearing for a deposition. But weeks after the committee granted Meadows a ‘short’ but indefinite postponement of the initial subpoena deadline, members are growing increasingly frustrated and contemplating when and how to ramp up the pressure.” As if no one saw this coming? Oh, yeah. Only dumbass Democrats didn’t see this coming. Of course, Meadows was never going to cooperate. His “engaging” is a stall tactic that idiot Democrats fell for just like Lucy with the football — again and always. It never f***ing fails! Democrats are weak, stupid, and incompetent. I have no faith they will get to the bottom of the domestic terrorist attack on the Capitol. These traitor trump enablers will stonewall, ignore, and flout the investigation, and Garland will do nothing. It’s been a week since the Bannon contempt charge was referred to the DOJ, and what’s happened? Nothing. The contempt case is pretty straightforward, so I have no idea why there is a delay to put the matter before a grand jury unless, of course, the Biden administration doesn’t care to enforce the law against a world-be traitor just because he’s a RepubliKKKlan. Meadows is looking at the Bannon situation and has concluded there are no consequences for ignoring a Congressional subpoena, and he would be absolutely right. This is the same playbook traitor trump has been using his entire life — delay, evade, and counter sue. Look where that got him: The presidency and still a free man walking! Because traitor trump knows that eventually the other side will give up and back down. So, whatever! I give up, too! What else is new? RepubliKKKlans get away with everything. Yeah, America is on borrowed time because dumbass Democrats are in power and will do nothing to protect the nation from domestic terrorists and RepubliKKKlans. Welcome to stupid America! We get the government we deserve.