The Land of Morons: America!

From Axios, “Greeks have higher high school graduation rates. … Fifteen-year-olds in Russia, Poland, Latvia and many other countries are better at math than their American counterparts. … [O]ne-fifth of American 15-year-olds can’t read at the level expected of a 10-year-old.” And so and so forth. Look! None of these statistics is surprising because America is just plain outright stupid. Full stop! Did anyone expect anything else from a country that gave birth to thriving QAnon and trumpism? This country is too stupid to survive, and America’s democracy is dying because of a deeply, deeply moronic populous. Americans are literally dying because America is too stupid to do (or want to do) anything about guns. You get a gun! And you get a gun! And you get a gun! Because FREEDOM! Welcome to trump stupid America! The stupid is incomprehensible and deadly! I give up! Surrounded by the stupid!