The Military Loves Their Draft Dodger

From Roll Call, “President Donald Trump’s comment Wednesday that U.S. troops suffering concussion-like symptoms had ‘not very serious’ injuries clashed with a yearslong, hard-fought U.S. military campaign to spread the message that a brain injury is not something to be minimized. Trump was referring to at least 11 cases of troops in Iraq reporting symptoms that officials said may or may not turn out to be so-called traumatic brain injuries, or TBIs.” Of course, he did! Of course, traitor trump doesn’t care about the troops. Of course, RepubliKKKlans and MAGA morons don’t care that traitor trump doesn’t care. Of course, traitor trump is the leader of the party that loves to love the military. Of course, this is the same political party that successfully convinced the public that John Kerry — a real decorated war veteran Democrat — couldn’t be president because he hated the military. Of course, this is the same political party that conveniently forgets that traitor trump dodged the draft five times while Bill Clinton was crucified for the same thing by RepubliKKKlans, but at least Clinton was morally against the Vietnam war and protested whereas traitor trump is just a coward and shirker. Of course, this is the same party where the leader of the military called its top brass a “bunch of dopes and babies” — and they all still love him for it. Of course, of course, of course! As usual, it is just one long big train of RepubliKKKlan hypocrisy. Yet, the RepubliKKKlan party is the military-loving party. Yup! I hate America’s stupidity! I’m over it! The daily stupidity is mind-numbing and exhausting! Honestly, morons should be lined up and shot — by the military! Welcome to trump stupid America!